Friday, August 3, 2018

Senator Hirono, Like Many ProgDems, Doesn't Think for Herself, She Just Follows the Party Line

TODAY'S NEWS IS SO DISTRESSING that we may wonder how and why anybody like this could become a US Senator. • • • OF COURSE, IT'S SENATOR MAZIE HIRONO. Of Hawaii. On Tuesday, Senator Hirono, a Democrat, first tried to explain to ICE Executive Director Matthew Albence that the "illegal" entry status of immigrants was President Trump's fault. When Director very politely stuck with the truth and explained to the Senator that "illegal entry" is defined in a US statute, the good Senator finally admitted she was confused as to who created the law criminalizing illegal immigration. The exchange took place in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Here is the transcript provided by Breitbart : "HIRONO: Mr. Albence, would you send your children to FRCs [Family Residential Centers]? ALBENCE: Again, I think we’re missing the point. These individuals are there because they have broken a law. There has to be a process -- HIRONO: They have broken a law but only as deemed so by the President with his -- ALBENCE: No ma’am. They are there for violation of Title 8 of the US Nationality Act -- Okay? -- USC 1325. That’s illegal entry is both a criminal and civil violation. They are in those FRCs pending the outcome of that civil immigration process. They have broken the law. HIRONO: Well, these are mainly -- my understanding is that under zero-tolerance, these are no longer civil proceedings, but in fact were criminal proceedings. ALBENCE: They were criminal proceedings when the Border Patrol prosecuted them. But at the conclusion of that process, once the individual came into ICE custody, they would go through administrative proceedings. HIRONO: I’m confused. ALBENCE: The criminal proceeding is the individual being prosecuted for the criminal violation of improper entry. Section 8 USC 1325(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, which makes illegal entry a criminal violation, was codified in its current form in 1991. • American Thinker's Monica Showalter asked in an artilce on Wednesday : "What part of 'illegal' does Sen. Mazie Hirono not understand?" As Showalter points out : "No, really. Apparently, Democrats have skidded so far downhill that they don't even understand that illegals are here illegally. As the word says. Yesterday's lovely exchange between a lawyerly Immigration and Customs Enforcement official and Hirono was the proof of it. After the ICE official had to take the time to school her in basic immigration law, all she could respond with was, 'I'm confused.' " • We all know what Hirono was trying to do, as Showalter notes : "Hirono was busy trying to make political hay for Democrats out of the issue of family separations of illegal border-crossers as somehow being especially inhuman. Never mind that family separations occur pretty much any time anyone is hauled in by the law, whether for bank robberies, muggings, drunk driving, or another crime. Getting hauled in is precisely why people with kids shouldn't want to break the law at all, but we know that some still do. She rapidly got off track by her presumption that border enforcement is a matter of President Trump's whims, rather than Trump's mere allowance of border enforcement agents to enforce the actual laws on the books, which is their job. That's where she ran into her 'I'm confused' trouble. Apparently, she decided that President Obama's capricious approach to enforcing only the laws he liked was actually how the law is supposed to be done. This shows she's got the blinders on and can no longer distinguish solid law from Obama's world of decrees, which in fact excused and encouraged a lot of illegality in the name of political advantage." • This may seem funny -- it may even feel like it is a point being scored for Republicans -- but it isn't. This woman has been a US Senator since 2013. She sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee. That presumably means that she has some connection with or interest in the US juciciary system -- which is based on upholding and interpreting US laws. We can perhaps give Senator Hirono a bit of wiggle room because she was born in Japan and is the only US Senator who is herself an immigrant. Yet, we might be excused for thinking that this would make her even more interested in immigration law and its details. And, she went to Georgetown Law School, for Heaven's sake !! • Showalter calls it "weird stuff, and it highlights the Democrats' sharp swing to the left and its lunatic visions of laws not being laws, or laws being only what Obama says they are. It's an unusually sorry thing to see in an actual lawmaker." • Senator Hirono -- any Senator for that matter -- cannot help anyone or support any cause unless they UNDERSTAND the details of the issue. Yet there was Senator Hirono, trying to score points for her Democrat Party, and because of her total lack of preparation and understanding of the illegal immigrant issue, she simply made herself and the Democrat rants about President Trump and his administration's herculean efforts to enforce US immigration laws look exactly like whatthey are -- rants. No understanding. No effort to solve the real problem. No desire to learn from an ICE expert there to help the Senate Jusiciary Committee do its job. No nothing but anti-Trump rants. • • • DEAR READERS, Monica Showlater called Senator Hirono "a political hack, in perfect line with the Democratic Party priorities...she's a hack who's been at it so long she can no longer distinguish fantasy from reality. Among Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, apparently, isn't the only one with this problem." • Among Democrats, Hirono and Pelosi -- and a lot of other Democrat members of Congress -- may be living in the fantasy world created by Barack Obama. But, it is not just a Democrat problem. It is an American problem -- a crisis. How can the Republic continue to function if its legislators are ill-informed party hacks who do not, or cannot, separate political stump speeches from the reality of governing. • Want some proof?? A brand new Rasmussen poll indirectly explains the crisis. The survey found that 54% of Democrats and 53% of self identified liberals support giving illegal aliens the right to vote. Democrats know they can’t win elections with the composition of America’s current electorate so they want to create a new one by packing it full of new Democrat voters. AND, it is the uninformed Senators like Mazie Hirono who will see the idea as simply giving the illegal immigrants they see as "legal" another American right. San Francisco has already decided to allow illegal aliens to vote in school board elections. Prince George’s County, Maryland also allows illegal aliens to vote in local elections. Chicago, Illinois, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, also permit illegal aliens to vote in their regional elections. Once the franchise is extended to illegal aliens in local elections, it is not hard to imagine ProgDems agitating that they stop being treated like second class voters and be granted the right to vote in federal elections. THAT way leads to America's suicide. Red states like Texas and Florida would finally become permanent blue states and lock in Democratic congressional majorities and Presidential administrations for generations. Democrats know their policies are unpopular with huge sections of the American electorate, so the solution is to rig elections by creating a new electorate that will vote for them. The Rasmussen poll result is seen by many commentators as proof that Obama’s push for amnesty was just the beginning of the Progressive campaign to flood America with illegal aliens. First, the ProgDems created so much crisis that congressional Republicans considred accepting amnesty -- some still do. Now the ProgDems have moved on to phase two of their plan – using liberal enclaves across America as a staging ground to build the case for giving illegal aliens voting rights. Soon, we can expect to see blue states racheting up illegal aliens who vote in local elections to permitting them to vote in gubernatorial and other statewide office elections. The final goal is a federal law to allow illegal aliens to vote in presidential and congressional elections. • In 2012, Obama created the DACA amnesty edict for so-called “DREAMers” in order to drive up his Hispanic vote totals in his re-election bid. It was decisive in states like Colorado, Florida, Nevada and Virginia, where Obama beat Republican challenger Mitt Romney. Then in 2013, the signature domestic policy priority was the Gang of Eight amnesty bill, led by Chuck Schumer and John McCain, who rammed the legislation through the Senate. Fortunately, it died in the House when the Republican majority refused to take it up. Finally, after the 2014 midterm election wipeout for Democrats, Obama illegally granted executive amnesty to millions more illegal aliens through fiat. Conservatives wondered why the Obama administration was so committed to open borders and amnesty policies that would only increase the incentives for a greater influx of illegal aliens to invade America. NOW we know why. • Conservative author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza says there is a “gangster-ization” of the Democratic party, meaning that the Democrats are acting like gangsters by exerting the power of government when punishing their political rivals. D’Souza says the gangster attitude is creating a great deal of tension and in fact is a huge contributor to the country being so divided these days : “I attribute this mainly to the gangster-ization of the Democratic Party. If I can cite my own case as an example. I was charged by the Obama administration for exceeding campaign finance laws. They threw the weight of the federal government against me...But under Obama and under Hillary, you had this turn in which the weapons of the state are used against political opponents. There’s no way to compromise with that. It’s not like we can have a middle position on that. We actually have to just stop it....The Democrats identify an ethnic group and they say, ‘We’re not going to campaign for your votes as individuals. We want your votes collectively, and we’re going to create an institutional dependency and inter-generational dependency on the Democratic Party. You’ll never get out of poverty, but we’ll take care of you forever and in exchange, you’ll agree to vote for us.' ” • We can add "and if you are in America illegally, don't worry, we can fix it so you'll be able ot vote for us Democrats who are your 'protectors.' " • And, Senator Mazie Hirono and others like her will be front and center ready to do whatever the ProgDem elite bosses demand. BECAUSE they do not, and possibly cannot, think for themselves.


  1. President Trump’s approval rating is at an all time night at 54%. He’s hit the economy on fire. Tax dollars flowing into Washington DC are at an unexpected high. Every primary election to date has been won easily by the individual that has attached himself to the Trump Agenda. Foreign Policy is no longer a welfare program for dead beat countries to garnish America gifts and play us for more support.

    Donald Trump has lived up to every campaign promised, and shocked us with a few new ones.

    Let’s leave the ProgDems travel their “Road to Serfdom” in their dreams of Socialism for all and freedom for none. Never has there been attacks on a sitting Presudent for being successful as we are seeing today. Attacks fostered from lies.

    While the Dems self destruct, Donald Trump is succeeding not for Donald Trump, but for ALL Americans.

    Breath and believe in God, Support the President. And we will all be the better.

  2. Has there ever been an elected democrat in Washington DC stand up and voice their very own thoughts on any subject matter that has not been passed on to them via the Party Leadership?

    Party Leadership sounds like something out of Russia and/or China.

    The individuals that voters send to Washington DC are there to represent the consensus of the voters back home. No place does it say Party Leadership, or their own thoughts.

    It’s all about the ‘People’ as in “We The People”

    Ideally we could hope for about 175 Million people to show up in DC to vote on the Budget or Immigration, but that a ain’t going to happen. So we send these “hacks” to vote what we want done and low and behold they find independence from us and become Swamp People with allegiance to the Deep State and nit the United States of America.

  3. Democratic electoral fortunes depend on maintaining Trump’s unpopularity, much more than any rhetoric of their own. Uniform and unequivocal opposition has helped weigh Trump down in the public eye; abandoning this successful strategy for equivocation and compromise might lift him up.

    Facing a gerrymandered House and a bad Senate map, it doesn’t take much to put Democrats’ own predicted wave at risk. Already, their suggested huge polling lead is shrinking, if it was ever there at all.q

    Democrats worry that a single-minded focus on Trump will leave them without an agenda after he’s gone. But a new, conciliatory approach will mean that “after he’s gone” gets further away. The anti-Trump coalition may not last forever, but at this moment, it represents, in raw vote-getting terms, the most powerful force in American political life—the unified inverse of the nation’s reactionary minority. As Democrats’ stubborn resistance wanes, they risk eroding their unified coalition, and prolonging the crisis of the Trump presidency indefinitely.

    Trump just jerks being Trump, and the margins keep growing larger and larger.
