Thursday, August 9, 2018

Only One Illinois Democrat Wants Trump to Help Chicago, and the Feinstein-Chinese-Spy Case Raises No Alarm Bells in the Media, the FBI, or the Senate Intelligence Committee

THE REAL NEWS TODAY IS ABOUT CHICAGO AND A PROGDEM SENATOR. And it's all bad news for the Democrat Party. • • • CHICAGO NEEDS TRUMP'S HELP. That's what Democrat state legislator La Shawn Ford is telling the media. Daily Signal, an online publication of the Heritage Foundation, reported on Tuesday that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is showing the wrong kind of leadership by continuing to declare the city a “Trump-Free Zone,” according to state representative La Shawn Ford, who told Fox News : “The mayor, he must take away the thought that Chicago is a Trump-Free Zone, because taxpayers deserve to have the President come in and bring resources to the community.” The city is now “worse than the days of Al Capone” and “the bloodiest city in America,” Ford told Laura Ingraham on the Monday night edition of her Fox News show, “The Ingraham Angle.” Ford’s call to action came after 66 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, including 30 over three hours early Sunday, leaving 12 dead. Police reported no arrests. Even before the weekend bloodbath, last Thursday Ford had told Fox News : “If [Trump] is serious about helping the people of Chicago, especially on the West Side of Chicago, then I accept his help.” With the weekend carnage, the number of shooting victims this year in Chicago escalated to 1,783, including 318 deaths. • But, Robert Woodson, founder and president of the Woodson Center and a community activist in Washington, told the Daily Signal that Ford’s plea for Trump’s help isn’t the answer to violent crime in Chicago : “The answer won’t be found in the White House or City Hall. It can be found where the problem exists, and city leaders don’t know where to look.” Woodson’s organization, formerly the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, describes its mission as helping residents of low-income neighborhoods solve problems such as crime, violence, and drugs. For Chicago, he prescribes what he calls the “community antibodies” approach that he has used elsewhere : “The answer is that there are indigenous leaders in the community who are part of the problem and can play a role in the solution. Like [treating] a snake bite, you would take part of the venom and make an antibody.” • Emanuel, a Democrat who previously was President Obama’s chief of staff, is running for election next year to a third four-year term. The mayor officially designated Chicago as a “Trump-Free Zone” last September, after the President moved to end Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, which shields certain illegal immigrants from deportation. Emanuel then welcomed to Chicago "Dreamers" -- those who were brought illegally to America as children -- and promised them protection from deportation regardless of legal status. BUT, since Emanuel assumed office in 2011, the city has seen an increase in homicides and other gun violence. So far, 2016 holds the record in Chicago for the highest number of shooting victims in 19 years, with 4,331 shooting victims, including 771 homicides. • La Shawn Ford, a real estate broker and member of the Illinois House of Representatives since 2007, has said he believes the rise in gun violence stems in part from the mayor’s inflammatory rhetoric about Trump, as well as some residents’ distrust of Chicago’s police force. Fors told Fox News : “It is clear that the Chicago Police Department is not trusted with the mass genocide that’s happening on the streets of Chicago. You can’t get the cooperation with the citizens in the community to help solve the crimes. Chicago right now has more unsolved crimes than they do solved crimes. And so what we have to do is make sure that there is some trust between the Chicago police and the community, and that’s not happening.” • Amy Swearer, legal policy analyst in The Heritage Foundation’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, said Chicago’s gun control law, enacted in 1982, is part of the problem. Swearer says : “Chicago continues to be an example of how strict gun laws fail law-abiding citizens, and do not curtail criminal actions by those who weren’t willing to follow the law in the first place. These deaths are all tragic, and unfortunately appear to continue the trend of gun violence disparately impacting minority and lower socioeconomic-status communities. Since Chicago law enforcement cannot adequately protect Chicago residents from violent crime -- despite admirable efforts of hard-working officers to do so -- the city should ensure that law-abiding citizens are able to protect themselves with the same weapons that are ultimately being used against them on a regular basis by violent criminals: firearms." • Waht and the Federal government do?? Swearer said she agrees with Woodson that the federal government cannot do much on its own -- short of the “extreme measure” of declaring martial law -- to help mitigate gun violence in Chicago. She offered ideas for what the federal officials could do to work with city officials : “The federal government can and should continue to enforce violations of federal law, including investigating and prosecuting cases of the illegal possession or transfer of firearms. It should continue to cut business-killing regulations and promote tax cuts that will leave Chicago residents with more viable options for economic success, which is associated with decreases in violent crime. And it can coordinate with local police to help them investigate cross-jurisdictional crimes in a more effective manner." • That is all well and good. BUT, Chicago is swimming in blood right now and waiting for longer-term cures to kick in will only leave many more Chicagoans dead in the streets. The city of Chicago has a big problem that is almost entirely the result of actions taken by the city itself -- the federal government cannot restore trust between the people of Chicago and its police force; the federal government cannot remove citywide regulations that increase housing costs, decrease economic opportunities, and ultimately lead to increased violent crime; the federal government cannot stop Chicago from enacting local gun laws that hamper the ability of law-abiding citizens to feel secure in their persons and their homes. The city of Chicago must do those things, on its own. BUT, Chicago can invite President Trump and his senior law enforcement and job creation experts to sit down with them and community leaders to begin to put the problem on the table and into perspective. That is the only way forward, and if Trump's record tells us anything, it tells us that he can get community job and business results very quickly. President Trump asked black Americans during his presidential campaign to vote for him -- what do you have to lose? he said. The same question is now facing Chicago and a failed Emanuel mayoralty -- invite President Trump to help, what do you have to lose??? • • • SENATOR FEINSTEIN AND THE CHINESE SPY. That's not the name of a new LaCarre novel. It is the reality that Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein finds herself in. The story was buried by the ProgDem media for a long time, but it has finally surfaced. • WND reported last Friday that : "While serving as chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senqtor Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., had a driver who was investigated for spying for the communist Chinese government. Politico Magazine reported that the staffer with Feinstein’s San Francisco office was suspected of providing political intelligence to his handlers, though none of the information was classified. A former intelligence official told author Zach Dorfman that the suspected informant was 'run' by officials based at the local Chinese Consulate, Politico said. A source familiar with the incident confirmed to San Francisco Chronicle columnists Phillip Matier and Andrew Ross that the FBI alerted Feinstein about five years ago that her driver was being investigated for possible Chinese spying. Along with driving duties, the staffer was a gofer and a liaison to the Asian American community. He even attended Chinese Consulate functions for the Senator. The Chronicle’s source said that during a trip to Asia to visit relatives, the staffer was connected to someone with the People’s Republic of China’s Ministry of State Security. The contact stayed in touch on subsequent visits. The Feinstein staffer 'didn’t even know what was happening -- that he was being recruited.He just thought it was some friend.' The FBI interviewed the driver and concluded he had released nothing of substance. Feinstein then forced him to retire, 'and that was the end of it,' the source said. 'None of her staff ever knew what was going on. They just kept it quiet.' ” • Fox News made a very important point about the Feinstein Chinese spy episode on Wednesday : "The FBI told Senator Dianne Feinstein that a member of her staff was under investigation for allegations that he was providing intelligence to the Chinese government, but did not notify then-candidate Donald Trump, right, that members of his campaign were under investigation." • These severe anti-Trump biases in the FBI just keep cropping up, don't they?? Fox News stated : "Revelations that Senator Feinstein's former driver and aide was probed by the FBI for allegedly acting as a Chinese spy have spurred claims of a double standard concerning how the bureau handled suspicions of Russian coordination with the Trump campaign. The California Democrat, in a statement last week, said the FBI informed her of its concerns regarding the staffer in her San Francisco office five years ago. Feinstein said she then ousted the staffer 'immediately.' But this has renewed questions among President Trump's allies about the bureau's approach in 2016 to suspicions regarding his campaign aides' potential Russian ties. In one case, the FBI briefed Feinstein; in the other, the bureau proceeded to use an informant and surveillance warrants to get information on Trump campaign figures." • House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a staunch Trump defender throughout the federal probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with his campaign, complained to Fox News that Feinstein and Trump were handled differently : “Providing a defensive briefing, like the one given to Senator Feinstein, is a typical response to these kinds of situations. The refusal to give the Trump campaign a defensive briefing, and instead opening a sprawling counter-intelligence investigation of American citizens, is one of many alarming ways that intelligence leaders drastically diverged from normal procedures in their Trump campaign investigation.” • Feinstein dug a hole for herself in defending both the FBI and her own actions : “Five years ago the FBI informed me it had concerns that an administrative member of my California staff was potentially being sought out by the Chinese government to provide information. He was not a mole or a spy, but someone who a foreign intelligence service thought it could recruit.” Feinstein said the FBI “reviewed the matter” and “shared its concerns” with her. The staffer was removed. Feinstein then defended herself : “He never had access to classified or sensitive information or legislative matters. The FBI never informed me of any compromise of national security information.” • Over the weekend, Trump blasted Feinstein for having a “Chinese spy” in her office for “20 years" : “The leader of the Russia investigation, Dianne Feinstein, had a Chinese spy as her driver for 20 years," Trump said at a rally in Ohio, “And she’s leading the Russian witch hunt. Isn’t that something? And then she says to me, ‘What did you know about this and that?’ Give me a break.” NOTE that the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Feinstein serves as the ranking Democrat member, is running its own investigation into Russian collusion. The President also blasted Feinstein on Twitter last week, questioning whether the senator would “investigate herself.” • Feinstein was too anxious to attack Trump to consider her words before tweeting them. Here is her retort to the President : “The FBI told me 5 years ago it had concerns that China was seeking to recruit an administrative member of my Calif staff (despite no access to sensitive information). I took those concerns seriously, learned the facts and made sure the employee left my office immediately....Compare that to your actions : attacking the FBI and refusing the advice of your national security team. SAD! I appreciated then and now the diligent work of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies and acted in the best interests of the country. Give it a try!” • WHOA!!! President Trump NEVER had the opportunity to take the "advice of his national security team" because the FBI never briefed him on the possibility of a Russian mole in his campaign. Feinstein had the benefit of FBI briefings. Trump DID NOT. • The Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote this week that the issue is “what the FBI told Mrs. Feinstein but didn’t tell Mr. Trump.” The WSJ editorial said : “The question Mr. Trump should ask is why the bureau didn’t treat him as a potential President with the same customary courtesy. The FBI claims it had concerns beginning in spring 2016 that low-level Trump campaign staffers Carter Page and George Papadopoulos were colluding with Russians. Yet rather than give the Trump campaign the usual 'defensive briefing,' the FBI launched an unprecedented counterintelligence investigation into a president’s campaign, running informants against it and obtaining surveillance warrants.” • ARE WE SURPRISED that the FBI has declined to comment on why Trump was not given the same kind of briefing as Feinstein when the investigation began and when Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrants were obtained against Page. BUT, retired FBI special agent and former national spokesman John Iannarelli, who worked at the FBI at the time of the investigation into the Feinstein staffer but not specifically on the case, suggested the FBI trusted Feinstein with the information : “When you’re conducting a public corruption investigation, if you’re looking at someone who's working for the official but have nothing to indicate that the official is involved, you may notify the official to prevent the investigation from being compromised,” Iannarelli said. • That says it all, doesn't it. The Deep State anti-Trump FBI 'trusted' ProgDem Senator Feinstein was not involved in the Chinese employee spying for China while working for her, BUT the same anti'Trump Deep State FBI did not 'trust' that candidate and then President Trump was not in cahoots with the Russian spies allegedly in his midst. We remind ourselves that there is to this day NO EVIDENCE that President Trump ever colluded or knew anything about any alleged Russian plot to mess with the 2016 election. There is No Evidence and what we are learning is that the FBI and DOJ were in reality out to destroy Trump by whatever means possible -- FAKE DOSSIERS and Imaginary Plots included. • American Thinker's Daniel John Sobieski made naother interesting point about the Feinstein Chinese spy scandal on Wednesday : "Paul Manafort stands trial in Special Counsel Robert Mueller's dock for a tax evasion case that the Department of Justice in 2005 decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute for no other reason than he later worked for Donald Trump. Perhaps now he wishes he had been the office manager for California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who hired a Chinese spy to be her driver and office manager, for there seems to be a double standard here when it comes to working with agents for a foreign power. There is no evidence or even a suggestion that Feinstein was colluding with the Chinese, just as there is no evidence that President Trump or Paul Manafort, during his short stint as Trump's campaign manager, colluded with Russia. Yet Manafort is being, prosecuted for a minor crime while the Chinese spy, Russell Lowe, was allowed to pack his box and leave. No criminal prosecution and no special counsel to see where this thread might unravel. Again, the difference is that Manafort worked for Trump, and Lowe worked for Feinstein -- ironically, one of the leaders in the Russian collusion witch hunt." Sobieski asks us to imagine : "If this were Donald Trump's personal driver being groomed by Beijing's security service to spy on his boss and pass information to the local Chinese consulate and handlers when traveling abroad. Faster than you can say "Carter Page," a special counsel would be appointed to nail the President for treasonous collusion." • Sobieski quoted the Wall Street Journal editorial : "Foreign countries are always trying to steal US secrets, and they sometimes succeed. In this case Mrs. Feinstein tweeted over the weekend that the FBI approached her five years ago with concerns about an 'administrative' staffer in her San Francisco office with 'no access to sensitive information.' She said she 'learned the facts and made sure the employee left my office immediately.' This is what the FBI should do, and the question Mr. Trump should ask is why the bureau didn't treat him as a potential President with the same customary courtesy....rather than give the Trump campaign the usual defensive briefing, the FBI launched an unprecedented counterintelligence investigation into a presidential campaign, running informants against it and obtaining surveillance warrants. The country is still enduring the polarizing fallout from that decision through special counsel Robert Mueller's probe..." • And, Sobieski is directly in saying : "Mrs. Feinstein is also doing nobody a favor by downplaying this breach. She claims the driver never had access to 'sensitive' information, but the infiltration of the staff of a Senator who serves on the Senate Intelligence Committee is no small matter. Who knows what the spying staffer was able to hear and report to China over the years? The FBI of Andrew McCabe, James Comey, and Peter Strzok did not extend the Trump campaign the same courtesy because its leaders wanted to unseat a President they despised and had no such animus against a liberal Democratic Senator." • Sobieski raises another vitally important point that the ProgDem media has never discussed, even before the Chinese spy scandal : "Manafort's financial dealings with Ukraine are the centerpiece of a criminal trial, but no one seems curious about the remarkable financial success Feinstein and her third husband, Richard Blum, had in dealings with China with a Chinese spy on her payroll who arrived on the scene in 1993, one year after Feinstein was elected to the Senate. As the Los Angeles Times has reported : "On Capitol Hill, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has emerged as one of the staunchest proponents of closer US relations with China, fighting for permanent most-favored-nation trading status for Beijing. At the same time, far from the spotlight, Feinstein's husband, Richard C. Blum, has expanded his private business interests in China -- to the point that his firm is now a prominent investor inside the communist nation....In 1992, when Feinstein entered the Senate, Blum's interests in China amounted to one project worth less than $500,000, according to her financial disclosure reports. But since then, his financial activities in the country have increased. In the last year, a Blum investment firm paid $23 million for a stake in a Chinese government-owned steel enterprise and acquired sizable interests in the leading producers of soybean milk and candy in China. Blum's firm, Newbridge Capital Ltd., received an important boost from a $10-million investment by the International Finance Corp., an arm of the World Bank. Experts said that IFC backing typically confers legitimacy and can help attract other investors." Conflict of interest??? Hard not se suspect it. And, Sobieski goes on : " 'Here's a more recent connection between Senator Feinstein and China the press has ignored. ZTE, the heavily sanctioned Chinese telecom company that paid a $1bn fine to the US, hired its first in-house lobbyist in 2011 -- none other than a former Feinstein aide,' noted Benjamin Weingarten, a contributor for the Federalist, in a tweet. As the Washington Post reported in 2012, Feinstein has a connection to the notorious Chinese communications firm ZTE : ZTE, which is also based in Shenzhen, spent $80,000 on US lobbying in the first six months of this year, down from $100,000 for the same period a year earlier, Senate records show. In October 2011, the company registered its first in-house lobbyist, PETER RUFFO, a FORMER AIDE to Senator Dianne Feinstein.' " • American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson takes it farther : "Imagine for a minute if Representative Devin Nunes or Trey Gowdy or Matt Gaetz had employed a Russian spy for two decades. Imagine further that this Republican solon were married to a spouse who had made a fortune investing in Russia. Do you think such news would receive less than wall-to-wall coverage on CNN, MSNBC, or any of the other television news operations? Yet, with very little media attention, the story has emerged that Senator Dianne Feinstein -- of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, with access to the highest-level secrets -- employed for two decades a spy who reported to China's Ministry of State Security (MSS). When the news was first made public, buried paragraphs deep into a Politico story, hardly anyone noticed....Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller writes that the person who fits the profile of the purported spy is longtime Feinstein staffer Russell Lowe : 'Lowe worked for 20 years in Feinstein's San Francisco office, where he was a staff liaison to the Asian-American community before leaving approximately five years ago. All those details match up with the descriptions of the Chinese spy Feinstein reportedly employed.' If Lowe is the spy, then a scandal was completely covered up for five years. Let's see : who was in charge of the FBI then, allowing a Democrat senator to fire a spy who had spied for twenty years? That's right : JAMES COMEY. The rot is far deeper than we suspected." • • • DEAR READERS, Where is the mainstream media outrage?? Where is the FBI probe?? Where is the special counsel going wherever the facts lead??? Clearly, there is more here than just the simplistic story of a Chinese driver being "groomed" to spy on Feinstein, and through her into US intelligence coming to her as the chairman and then ranking meember of the Senate Intelligence Committee. That is horrific in itself. But, what are the implications for Senate security? For vetting Senate employees? For the lack of general awareness by those on the Senate Intelligence Committee -- who are supposed to be protecting America from infiltrators like Chinese spies -- about what and who is surrounding them, silent but ever-present?? • GOP Senator Burr is Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. In May, his Intelligence Ccommittee backed US intelligence agencies and their findings that Russia interfered with the 2016 US presidential election in an effort to elect then-candidate Donald Trump : "Committee staff have spent 14 months reviewing the sources, tradecraft, and analytic work, and we see no reason to dispute the conclusions" Burr said. Seantro Burr was breaking with the House Intelligence Committee report released in April and prepared by Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee under Chairman Devin Nunes -- the House report found "no evidence" of Trump campaign collusion. That report maintained that Russia's aim wasn't to boost Trump's chances of winning, but rather to undermine free elections and spread discord in the US. So, it seems that Senator Burr is more disposedot agree with anti-Trump perjurors James Clapper and John Brennan than with his own Republican House Intelligence Committee. TROUBLING to say the least. ADD to it the fact that either Burr as Senate Intellignence Committee Chairman was in the dark about the Feinstein Chinese spy scandal or he decided to remain silent. • Either way, both Senator Burr and senator Feinstein have some explaining to do. Will anyone at the Jeff Session Justice Department ask them the hard questions??? Sessions is a former Senator, so we may ask , will they defend the interests of America or protect each other as birds of a feather who stick together, in this case for all the wrong reasons.


  1. Chicago last weekend is not about jobs, it’s not about education or equal opportunities, white police in black neighborhoods; no it’s about the Black community no matter who is president, no matter what is happening positively in other communities white or black. It’s not about anything except the very nature of the soul of the Black Community.

    Under the Trump Administration the Black community has obtained the lowest unemployment rate ever. Blacks who want jobs, want security, wants respect, wants a level playing field are getting their wishes. But the hard core filled Blacks with their white hatred and their unwillingness to adopt a new approach to living in America are falling on hard times.

    Chicago is nothing that needs explaining by any ‘ologist’ of any degree. The truth is right in front of us all. What occurred in Chicago this last weekend lays at the feet of the Black Community - P E R I O D.

    Black Chicago, Black Washington DC, Black LA, Houston, St. Louis, etc, etc are powder cages that will explode mark my warning.

  2. Senator Feinstein has to be held responsible for this act of treason by a member of her staff. No ifs or buts. She is the Senator - he worked for her , under her leadership, and quiet possibly with her agreement.

    Someone has to be held accountable for this treasonous act of “pay to play.” It is not all that unreasonable to connect the dots and understand what we have here is another high ranking democrat caught up in a pay to play game. Ms. Feinstein after all is the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    Are we to believe that the Senator had no knowledge or even a slight idea that all was nit right with one of her closest staffers? Enough of a suspect that she (from her lofty position with the Intel community) could have off the record at first sought help, a look see by someone she knows in the business?

    Senator Feinstein don’t think we that stupid to buy this astonishing revelation. At best you run a very loose ship. At very worse is there some ‘collusion with foreign governments’ showing its self?

  3. President Trump must acknowledge that there is not a single Deep Stater that wants his help in any shape or form. What they do want is Trump to be gone, permanently gone from their sight, and out of the political scene.

    Trump to the Deep State is like a skin eating bacteria. No they are a skin eating bacteria that they became from living in the cesspool of deceit, lying, underhanded, and hedonistic morals.

    The enemies that face Trump today are (to put them in one category) all operatives of evil. We are knee deep in the mist prominent, public battle with evil to take place.

    We have a Democratic Party that is as near to splintering into many branches of socialism.

    We are surrounded, but determined.

    We who stand with Good have beaten back the assault of Evil oh so many times. But here we are facing a united Evil and it’s forces from Communism, Socialism, radicle Fundamentalist Islam, Deep Staters, ProgDem, Hedonism, purveyors false beliefs. And we shall be victorious once again.

  4. We Imagine a teacher administering a test covering material unassigned and untaught.  There are a couple of legitimate reasons a teacher might do that.  They might do it just to get  baseline about what the students know already in a given area.  But more interesting to me is that they might do so to test the character of their students.  Seriously, what are the students going to do when confronted with that situation?  I think there would be a variety of results.  The best students would answer, “I don’t know, but if you give me some time, I’ll find out.”  But some are going to be so afraid of failure that they will flat out cheat.  And everything in between will also be seen.  It is in these responses that you can learn a lot about the character of your students.  Further you will probably learn things about their character that you would not learn under less stressful circumstances.

    Of course it is also possible that a teacher might administer such a test because they are simply inept at their jobs.  But even if that is the case, the situation is going to tell you a lot about the character of the students in the class.  I think this sums up the Obama administration.

    Any organization focuses on what the person at top focuses on.  This is natural for an organization, but amplified in government where appointees are going to reflect the guy at top as closely as possible.  This is both by design, but also quite natural as one tends to get along better with those with similar concerns.  Obama was clearly good at politics, he got elected, but he only seemed to focus on matters of politics and identity, he sort of took it for granted that the government would just keep cranking along on other things.

    This narrow focus creates the same sort of void as the untaught test material does and the effect is amplified by the tendency of any organization to reflect the priorities of its head.  The void left many people at justice to their own character while the organizational pressures pushed them to concentrate on matters of politics and identity.  That kind of stress and pressure is going to reveal character flaws where none had previously been seen.  Comey and Strzok, et. al. are simply people that looked very good under normal circumstances but when presented with extraordinary pressures they all failed and each incident of failure drove them deeper into the desperate measures. But they were nit evil before they are certainly certifiably evil now.
