Friday, September 28, 2018

The Post-Kavanaugh Democrat Party Is Unfit to Lead and, Yes, Unfit Even to Follow America's Elected Leaders

DEAR READERS, I watched the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. I watched the entire Friday mroning Judiciary Committee meeting before the vote on forwarding Judge Kavanaugh's name to the full Senate for confirmation. I have read every article about the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing that the last 23 hours would allow. I have organized my thoughts. I have prayed. But, I cannot and I will not write a rational blog about an irrational martyrdom. • What we witnessed on Thursday, September 27, 2018, was just that, a martyrdom. On Thursday, Senator Lindsey Graham's righteous rebuke of the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee, of the Senate, of the Democrat Party and of the US political situation in Washington had the force of terrible truth -- "If you are looking for a fair process, you have come to the wrong town at the wrong time." It was followed by the "before God" demand of Senator Kennedy to Judge Kavanaugh to tell the truth, which the Judge did fully in three separate oaths before God of his innnocence. • Watching Dr. Ford, I knew I was seeing a psychological train wreck. Either she is in the clutch of a mental disorder or she is a liar. I will not delve into he-said-she-said here, but I wonder why nobody has raised the matter of Dr. Ford's medical records, which she and her lawyers have reportedly refused to provide to the Committee. I raise this because she has said that she suffers from claustrophobia, and it strikes me that what actually happened back on that evening in 1982 was that she was pushed -- or more likely -- accidentally entered the room after coming up what she always describes as a narrow set of stairs. It was dark. She panicked and her claustrophobia became a panic attack. She has testified to the symptoms she experienced that evening that fit a panic attack -- what she described as a locked door, inability to breathe, feeling trapped, thinking she would be killed, voices laughing at her, flailing to get away, and finally breaking out of the room. Was that what heppened? Did she then begin to see it 30 years later as a sexual assault? Was the name of Judge Kavanaugh placed in her susceptible mind by her activism for Progressive causes or by those intending to use her -- she did not mention Kavanaugh's name in her therapy sessions. Why has the Judiciary Committee not been permitted to study Dr. Ford's mental health history? It might answer many of the questions now unanswered about her motives. I feel sorry for Dr. Ford and I leave her to her personal demons. • But, Ford's patrons, Senator Feinstein and her staff and her conspirators-in-evil fellow Democrats are agents of destruction. Destruction of two human beings. Destruction of their Democrat Party. Destruction of the Constitution and its Republic's rule of law. I would, if I had the power, censure every Democrat member of the Judiciary Committee and strip them of every committee seat and official role in the US Senate. I would, if I had the power, remove them from the Senate if the chamber's rules provide for it. • For Judge Kavanaugh, there is no remedy. He will bear the wounds of the Democrat assault forever. He is, in a symbolic sense, pure innocence being held before our eyes by God, Who is showing us through Brett Kavanaugh's agony what we have become as a body politic. Is God making one last effort to show us our fallen ways so that we may correct them? It is now for us to answer that question through our actions. The Senate Judiciary Committee just voted 11-10 on strict Party lines to release Judge Kavanaugh's name to the full Senate. He will be confirmed. • But, the United States and her citizens cannot rest easy when that act has been accomplished. Public repentance and reform are our only hope of saving ourselves from the grip of evil and the clutches of national disintegration. That repentance and reform must be led by the Republican Party, if, as it seems, it has at last found its true voice. The Democrats have proven themselves unfit to lead, and unfit even to follow America's elected leaders. Of their deeply cynical strategy to destroy Judge Kavanaugh, his nominee, President Trump has declared, "It's a very dangerous game for our country." American Thinker wrote early this week : "What consequences do we impose on the Democrat Party for stooping to this level? Let’s understand that this isn’t just about Brett Kavanaugh -- though if it’s restricted to him the events of the past week are destructive and outrageous enough. Who will consent to running for office now? Who will stand for a federal appointment confirmable by the Senate? Who will be willing to crawl through the mile of rancid sewer-pipe that is the American political process just to achieve a government job? The answer is the one the Democrats want it to be. Namely, that no conservative will tolerate what Kavanaugh is fighting through. In the future, as National Review’s Andrew McCarthy said, our options will be restricted to polite progressives or the Democrats’ pet RINO’s, if not the hard-core socialists and cultural Marxists the Left would like to impose on us. There is a stark choice -- either to go gently into this good night of American dissolution, or fight. Hard. Now." Americans have always agreed with John Adams about the new nation being created : "They define a republic to be a government of laws, and not of men." __John Adams (1775). Now is the time to step up and prove it. • On January 20, 1981, when Ronald Reagan was inaugurated as President of the United States for the first time, he used his mother's Bible for the oath of office. The Bible was open to Nelle Reagan's favorite passage, 2 Chronicles 7:14 : "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Beside that passage, Nelle Reagan had handwritten many years before 1981 or 2018, "This is a good verse for the healing of nations, too."

1 comment:

  1. Some people may have caught a little of the absolutely disgusting dissecting of the honor, the professional standing, the perfect family life, the soul of a fine man via the Senate Hearings.

    You may have asked what’s that matter to me. It matters only if you want something good out of the rest of this life for you and yours. It matters not about the SCOTUS, it matters not if Britt Cavanaugh ever sits at that 9 place round table.

    What is happening in the Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee, later in the entire Senate, the hallways of the Senate office building, yes In all of Washington DC directly infringes in your expectations of Live, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    The Progressive Socialists ( also called Democrats) are destroying our lives, and our country, and thereby destroying the world. The Progressive Democrats are not primarily after Brett Cavanaugh, or interested in defending Dr. Ford, they are after your freedom and your soul.
