Friday, February 3, 2017

Saturday Politics : His Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety Proves How Masterful Donald Trump Is, Even in Washington

Saturday Politics is sometimes about trying to find common threads in the seeming political and social chaos that we see around us every day. A careful consideration of President Trump's acts since January 20 provides several threads -- keeping Americans safe. • • • HAS THE VOTER FRAUD SCANDAL DISAPPEARED? While there are other, more 'sexy' issues confronting President Trump, one of the fundamental reforms needed now is in voter registration and cleaning up voter rolls all over America. Without it, non-citizen fraudulent voters will eventually control who is elected in the United States -- and that would be a complete repudiation of the Constitution. • The Washington Times published an article on January 27 showing how Hillary Clinton may have received more than 800,000 votes from non-citizens on November 8, but the mainstream media is silent on this. The Washington Times reports that political scientist Jesse Richman of Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, has worked with colleagues to produce innnovative research on noncitizen voting and posted a blog in response to President Trump’s assertion that up to 5 million fraudulent votes may have been cast against him. Richman used national polling by a consortium of universities -- the Cooperative Congressional Election Survey -- to show that 6.4% of the 20 million adult noncitizens in the US, the number reported by the US Census Bureau in 2012, voted in November. Richman then extrapolated that 6.4% to indicate that it would have added 834,381 net votes for Hillary Clinton, who received about 2.8 million more votes than Trump -- because Richman calculated that Clinton would have received 81% of noncitizen votes : “Is it plausible that non-citizen votes added to Clinton’s margin? Yes. Is it plausible that non-citizen votes account for the entire nation-wide popular vote margin held by Clinton? Not at all.” • But, the Washington Times says the finding is significant because it means "non-citizens may have helped Mrs. Clinton carry a state or finish better than she otherwise would have." • The non-citien vote is not the end of the story, however, and Trump was obviously referring to all types of fraud, such as the “dead” voting or multiple votes from the same person. The MSM reacted to Trump’s assertion with derision. Liberal pundits said there is no evidence of fraud. CNN’s Jake Tapper called it “a stunning allegation for which the White House is providing no evidence. And there is a reason they are providing no evidence -- there is no evidence. It is not true.” But, conservative activists say the MSM is ignoring the evidence. They say the Justice Department in the Obama administration was more concerned with preventing states from cleansing rosters of dead and inactive voters than in mounting any investigation into fraud. Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch, which has pursued Hillary Clinton in federal courts for her acts while Secretary of State, says : “Most voters are never asked for voter ID, so it is dishonest to suggest that with the tens of millions of illegal and legal aliens here, there is no voter fraud. If the key Old Dominion study results on the 2008 election are applied to 2016 -- 1.41 million aliens may have voted illegally, with 1.13 million voting for Democrats. A federal voter fraud investigation is long overdue. It would be a simple matter of analyzing voter registration databases against federal databases of aliens and deceased individuals. Why is the left afraid to even ask the questions? The jig is up.” • Despite these warning signals, few states have been willing to seriously review and correct voter rolls. There is no effort to verify citizenship, and some states, no ID is required to register and vote -- often thanks to Progressive federal district court judges. In the absence of state-led analysis, the only scientific way to make an estimate is by post-vote polling. • Richman used the Cooperative Congressional Election Survey, a one-of-a-kind survey made very two years by a consortium of 28 universities that produces a detailed report on voters and their views based on polling by YouGov. Their questionnaire asks about citizenship status : A significant number of respondents anonymously acknowledged they were not citizens when they voted. The three Old Dominion University -- Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha and David C. Earnest -- took these answers, did further research and extrapolated that of a 19.4 million estimate of adult noncitizens, about 620,000 were illegally registered to vote in the 2008 presidential election. Using other measuring tools, they said, the actual number of non-citizen voters could be as low as 38,000 and as high as 2.8 million. • Conservatives have long suspected that Democrats are tacitly encouraging illegal immigrants to vote. Progressive Democrat leaders have created “sanctuary cities” across the nation that refuse to work with federal immigration enforcement authorities. President Obama was asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had anything to fear from federal authorities if they voted in the presidential race, he gave a shocking answer : “Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting. ‘So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?’ Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself. And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.” It is hard not to interpret Obama's answer as a signal to non-citizens to violate US law and vote. • Where is the MSM outrage at a sitting President urging non-citizens to break the law relating to a fundamental principle of the US Constitution?? There was no outrage because the MSM agrees with Obama -- and with John Podesta, Hillary's campaign manager, who was revealed by the Wikileaks release of his emails to have told the campaign to direct immigrants to vote, saying immigrants should obtain driver’s licenses and then attest at a polling place that they are US citizens. Podesta patron George Soros must be very proud of his protégé. • • • THE EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD. Jake Tapper -- Wrong yet again. There is abundant evidence of voter fraud. It is simply not reported by your MSM. • American Thinker on January 26 published a damning article detailing evidence of voter fraud : (1) Fox News reported that in California last November Jerry Mosna was gardening outside his San Pedro home when he noticed something odd -- two stacks of 2016 ballots on his mailbox. The 83 ballots, each unused, were addressed to different people, all supposedly living in his elderly neighbor's two-bedroom apartment. (2) The Daily Caller reported that as many as 2.8 million non-citizens voted in the 2008 elections, according to a study published in Electoral Studies journal in 2014....participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes... (3) American Thinker reported that ACORN and its affiliate Project Vote generated 1.1 million voter registration packages across America in 2008, BUT election officials invalidated 400,000 -- 36% -- of the registrations filed. (4) Townhall reported that 14% of non-citizens reported that they were registered to vote. (5) The Wall Street Journal reported that one district-court administrator estimated in 2005 that up to 3% of the 30,000 people called for jury duty from voter-registration rolls over a two-year period were not US citizens. [Note : 3% of the accepted figure of 150 million registered voters equals 4.5 million illegals registered to vote.] (6) In 2013, pollster McLaughlin & Associates conducted an extensive survey of Hispanics...its voter-profile tabulation showed that 13% of non-citizens said they were registered to vote. (7) The National Review reported that Kim Strach, the director of North Carolina's Board of Elections...found 35,750 voters in her state whose first and last names and full date of birth match with someone in another state who also voted in the 2012 election. (8) The New York Post reported that Green Party nominee Jill Stein's presidential vote recount in Michigan...turned up massive voter irregularities....The Detroit News found voting scanning machines at 248 of the city's 662 precincts -- 37% -- tabulated more ballots than the number of actual voters counted in the poll books. (9) IBD reported that guerrilla filmmaker James O'Keefe filmed himself getting 20 ballots in North Carolina without proper ID or evidence of registration. (10) Again, National Review reported that DOI undercover agents showed up at 63 polling places last fall and pretended to be voters who should have been turned away by election officials; the agents assumed the names of individuals who had died or moved out of town, or who were sitting in jail....97% of the time, the testers were allowed to vote....Brooklyn Democrat district attorney Elizabeth Holtzman released a state grand-jury report on a successful 14-year conspiracy that cast thousands of fraudulent votes in local, state, and congressional elections. Just like the DOI undercover operatives, the conspirators cast votes at precincts in the names of dead, moved, and bogus voters. The grand jury recommended voter ID, a basic election-integrity measure that New York has steadfastly refused to implement. (11) Realclearpolitics reported the account of voter fraud in the book written by a Justice Department attorney, who detailed voter frauds known to the Justice Department, but ignored by Attorney General Holder. One of these frauds involved sending out absentee ballots to people who had never asked for them. Then a political operator would show up -- uninvited -- the day the ballots arrived and "help" the voter to fill them out. Sometimes the intruders simply took the ballots, filled them out and forged the signatures of the voters. (12) US News reported the allegations of Wall Street Journal reporter John Fund, who says : "Coercion and chicanery are made much easier by the excessive use of absentee ballots. Most of the elections thrown out by courts -- Miami, Florida's mayoral election in 1998, the East Chicago, Indiana's mayor's race in 2005 -- involved fraudulent absentee votes." Fund notes that efforts to create same-day registration only make it easier for political hacks to game the system. (13) The Federalist reported that a Pew Charitable Trust report from February, 2012, found that one in eight voter registrations are "significantly inaccurate or no longer valid." The Pew Center also stated in another study that about 2.8 million people are registered in more than one state, and 1.8 million registered voters are dead. • The American Thinker article concludes that the majority of voting fraud is exactly in the places Hillary Clinton "racked up her popular wins. We have Democrat governors in New York, Virginia, and California openly promoting voting by felons and illegals. The states that gave Hillary her beloved talking point of winning the popular vote are precisely the states that encourage both illegal immigration and voter fraud. The obvious step is to reform the Cloward-Piven 1993 Voter Registration Act. According to John Fund of the WSJ, the VRA orders states not to ask for identification, allows mail-in registration, and actually prevents states from removing the dead, the criminal, and those who have moved from voter rolls. Fixing this mess shouldn't be too hard for Congress, but because of intimidation by cries of racism, our elected officials have never even thought of reform." • President Trump's decision to confront the media and shine a light on voter fraud is the first step toward guaranteeing the sanctity of the vote. One more reason to be happy that he won. • • • FOR PROG-DEMS, TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT FROM HELL. On Inauguration Day, Trump gave an inaugural speech that nailed "a small group in our nation's capital" who have prospered at the expense of heartland America. He called his election a movement, and "at the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens....From this day forward, it's going to be America first, America first." • The Prog-Dem political elite was traumatized by love of America, calls for unity, respect for the military and police, hope for a brighter day, faith in God, and belief in what ordinary Americans can achieve if given the chance. That's why America's political elite -- the small group of ideologically marxist, well-connected, well-educated insiders who control much of government, higher education, and the media -- have no intention of giving either Donald Trump or America a chance. Their response to Trump shows how much they despise ordinary Americans living and working in smaller cities and towns and in rural America. The Prog-Dem disgust with Trump's victory makes them determined to destroy him and his presidency. • The American Thinker asked : "Just what is so offensive about Donald Trump? It's clear that he despises most of what the insiders believe, from political correctness to Obama's "shame on America" foreign relations. Trump knows that the economy is rigged in their favor, and he's not afraid to say it or to do something about it. He's tweeted around the media, and in the process revealed just how irrelevant and dishonest the media are. Most of all, he listens to ordinary Americans and declares that this is their country. This "new vision," which he confirmed in his inaugural address, amounts to a declaration of war against the political elite. Equally offensive to the elite, Trump mentioned God half a dozen times, a violation of their tacit ban on religion in the public arena. Trump has promised, with the help of all Americans, to make America strong, wealthy, proud, safe, and great. That promise goes to the heart of the matter. The political elite who have governed for the past 28 years do not seem to care about the prosperity, safety, or happiness of the average citizen. Tens of thousands are murdered each year; tens of millions live in poverty; one hundred million have seen no real improvement in living standards for decades; and, now that they have a chance, the political elite sneer at the idea of making their lives better." • • • THE PROG-DEMS AND VOTER FRAUD. What does all this have to do with voter fraud?? Everything. Donald Trump declared in his inaugural address that "whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska ... they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator." That, dear readers, could have been said by Abraham Lincoln. It rings with the American belief in God as the Protector of the nation and all who are its citizens. It is a belief as old as the Republic. President Trump knows that at the Republic's core is the sacred duty of citizens to vote and the govenrment's duty -- at every level -- to protect and guarantee that duty. And, Trump's comprehension of this basic fact informs no only his attack on voter fraud but on other related systemic malfunctioning in the Republic. • • • THE TRUMP EO ON ENHANCING PUBLIC SAFETY. President Trump has already promulgated an Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States. The EO establishes the Trump administration as true to its word to protect Americans and the Constitution with Trump's incisive hallmark simplicity. If you haven't heard or read about it, that's because the MSM attacks what it does without talking about its existence. The EO signed on January 25 requires, among other things, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security to publish a weekly list of crimes committed by undocumented aliens. The Trump administration believes that many in the media actively conceal news about crimes committed by undocumented aliens, or conceal the status of the perpetrators. Now, in order to reveal to a public, not well-informed by the MSM, the government will weekly generate and publish information and statistics supporting the administration's immigration policies. Some in the media surely will refuse to publish the information, but there is little doubt that the information will reach the public through the internet and by Trump tweets. • The wisdom and power of this strategy is so menacing to Prog-Dem elites that their foot soldiers, as well as anarchists and paid protesters, are encouraged to hit the streets and cause as much trouble as possible for President Trump and his policies that protect and serve ordinary Americans. But, the EO shows that the Trump team is willing to change the narrative, with the long-term objective of supporting lasting change. And, the changes are all related ot protecting Americans. • The EO states that the policy of the executive branch is to : "(a) Ensure the faithful execution of the immigration laws of the United States, including the INA, against all removable aliens, consistent with Article II, Section 3 of the United States Constitution and section 3331 of title 5, United States Code; (b) Make use of all available systems and resources to ensure the efficient and faithful execution of the immigration laws of the United States; (c) Ensure that jurisdictions that fail to comply with applicable Federal law do not receive Federal funds, except as mandated by law; (d) Ensure that aliens ordered removed from the United States are promptly removed; and (e) Support victims, and the families of victims, of crimes committed by removable aliens." • The EO states its Enforcement Priorities : "...the Secretary of Homeland Security (Secretary) shall prioritize for removal those aliens described by the Congress...[and other] removable aliens who: (a) Have been convicted of any criminal offense; (b) Have been charged with any criminal offense, where such charge has not been resolved; (c) Have committed acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense; (d) Have engaged in fraud or willful misrepresentation in connection with any official matter or application before a governmental agency; (e) Have abused any program related to receipt of public benefits; (f) Are subject to a final order of removal, but who have not complied with their legal obligation to depart the United States; or (g) In the judgment of an immigration officer, otherwise pose a risk to public safety or national security." • The EO provides for "Civil Fines and Penalties" : "...the Secretary [of DHS] shall issue guidance and promulgate regulations, where required by law, to ensure the assessment and collection of all fines and penalties that the Secretary is authorized under the law to assess and collect from aliens unlawfully present in the United States and from those who facilitate their presence in the United States." • The EO also provides for "Additional Enforcement and Removal Officers" -- 10,000 additional immigration officers. • The EO organizes federal-sate cooperation in matters related to immigration : "...the Secretary [of DHS] shall immediately take appropriate action to engage with the Governors of the States, as well as local officials, for the purpose of preparing to enter into agreements....or otherwise, to authorize State and local law enforcement perform the functions of immigration officers in relation to the investigation, apprehension, or detention of aliens in the United States under the direction and the supervision of the Secretary. Such authorization shall be in addition to, rather than in place of, Federal performance of these duties." • The EO rejects Sanctuary Jurisdictions : "...the Attorney General and the Secretary [of DHS], in their discretion and to the extent consistent with law, shall ensure that jurisdictions that willfully refuse to comply with 8 U.S.C. 1373 (sanctuary jurisdictions) are not eligible to receive Federal grants, except as deemed necessary for law enforcement purposes by the Attorney General or the Secretary. The Secretary has the authority to designate, in his discretion and to the extent consistent with law, a jurisdiction as a sanctuary jurisdiction. The Attorney General shall take appropriate enforcement action against any entity that violates 8 U.S.C. 1373, or which has in effect a statute, policy, or practice that prevents or hinders the enforcement of Federal law. • And then, the Prog-Dem killer section of the EO : "To better inform the public regarding the public safety threats associated with sanctuary jurisdictions, the Secretary shall utilize the Declined Detainer Outcome Report or its equivalent and, on a weekly basis, make public a comprehensive list of criminal actions committed by aliens and any jurisdiction that ignored or otherwise failed to honor any detainers with respect to such aliens. The Director of the Office of Management and Budget is directed to obtain and provide relevant and responsive information on all Federal grant money that currently is received by any sanctuary jurisdiction." • • • DEAR READERS, one cannnot read this Trump Executive Order on Enhancing Public Safety without feeling the determination of President Trump to turn around the open-border mess created by eight years of Obama's willful refusal to control who entered the US except when it was an advantage for his political goals. The EO even pulls in foreign nations : "The Secretary of State shall, to the maximum extent permitted by law, ensure that diplomatic efforts and negotiations with foreign states include as a condition precedent the acceptance by those foreign states of their nationals who are subject to removal from the United States." • This Trump EO represents a very high level of understanding of the concept of governance for and in the name of citizens. It oozes understanding of the power available to a US President, an understanding at a level many thought Trump incapable of attaining. It is proof of just how badly Progressives, Democrats, the MSM and anti-Trump conservative elites have underestimated Trump and his advisors. It sends a lightning bolt through the collectivity of Trump opponents. With its appearance, there acan be no lingering sense that time and a determined attack played out in front of TV cameras can stop the "movement" that Trump represents. Trump is showing that he is neither befuddled by Washington nor politically naïve. He has put his detractors and the world on notice that he is dangerous for their globalist intentions that include flooding the US with fraudulent voters. Yes -- Trump is the reform candidate he promised to be. It is now clear that his administration is capable of changing the way politics and governance are conducted, and his work could last long after his presidency is over.


  1. Read letters of correspondence that our Founding Fathers had with each other, our Civil War era politicians thoughts exchanged with friend & foe over slavery and secession - beliefs and positions made very clear in written words for all the ages to understand.

    Today we have politicians and legislative leaders that make a mockery of self expression. They have multiple positions on every subject to be used to certain groups and news outlets. Their positions are determined not by their 'beliefs' but rather by the audience. Diametrically opposed thoughts as ever produced.

    One one hand the speak of their political opponents in the most disparaging tone and words, and at the next photo op its "my good friend, etc". They are so full of self-importance that they have no honesty or heart felt positions left. It's all about image and lies.

    America is more divided now than at any time in her short, magnificent history.

    This diversion from truth and honest thought stated prior to WW II, and has been gaining stream until the likes of Bill & Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama stepped onto center stage.

    Most leadership today (excluding the likes of Mitch McConnell) suffer from server Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). Nothing is true unless they say it and nothing is true that they ever say.


  2. If the citizens of the United States, or for that matter the democratic free world nations can not or will not come to agreement over the broad range of influence that immigration has on their lives and well being, then we are at a game/set/match point in our game if life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    This idea that if a citizen in 3rd world nation called 'XYZ' screams FREEDOM and illegally enters another nation brining with them all the so called life baggage they posses to dump on the door step of a new found address they (and they alone) wish and belief deserving to be part if; there is zero obligation of the country of the new address to entertain their stay.

    A country with no protected borders is no country at all. It is nearly land with a rest stop along its highways where for the most part free loading people stop at to take "advantage of the 'goodies' this unprotected land offers them for nothing in return of any value.

    Being part of a free and democratic nation requires a new immigrated individual many things. Willingness to add something very tangible to their new host nation - not just increase the burden of assistance from the new host. They must be able to fill some voids in needed Jo's, slots of technical development, etc. more than cutting grass.

    There was a time in the United States when cutting grass, delivering the daily newspaper, working part time at fast food restaurants was the jobs allotted to our young citizens. They did these jobs to learn work ethics, handling an income, paying their own way of sorts. Today theses jobs (less the newspapers) are sucked up by uneducated, no talent, minute use of the local language ADULTS who also takes full advantage of all the government entitlement programs they can - having never paying tax dollar one into the treasury coffers.

    And yet after years of this abyss there are still citizens who believe that it's the right thing to do to accept these law breakers (by illegally entering a country in the first place) and expecting nothing in return to stay and become an illegal burden on 'We The People'.

    Who is the stupid quotient in this formula???
