Sunday, October 9, 2016

The Choice : A Corrupt Pay-for-Play Politician or a Sometimes Vulgar Man Who Loves America

Let's get our priorities straight. This US presidential election is about the future of America. It may well be the last chance for at least a generation to repair the damage done by the Progressive agenda of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and protect America from a Supreme Court named by Hillary that would carry forward Obama's 'legacy' -- a purge of the officer corps; cuts our nuclear arsenal; directing the military to focus on diversity appointments and transgender training; stripping veterans benefits while ignoring shockingly bad care in VA hospitals, but providing funds for transgender surgery for the troops, and generous benefits to illegal aliens and unvetted Syrian immigrants; and destroying the Middle East while allowing Russia to take over Syria, the Ukraine and Crimea, and sitting back while China seizes the South China Sea. ~~~~~~ What counts?? Dr. Ben Carson put it perfectly on Saturday. He told Newsmax : "The political class and the media has to make this about Donald Trump. They cannot make this about the issues. It’s about the elites and the status quo being desperate to maintain their position and this direction vs. a change in direction that’s desperately needed....They’re getting desperate because they’re seeing the crowds that Trump is attracting. They see the enthusiasm gap between the candidates and they know how that’s going to translate on Election Day. Their goal now is to dribble out all of these things like this tape....This won’t be the last thing by the way." ~~~~~~ What counts?? Here are the big items : (1) Military/National Security -- In the 1991 Gulf War, we deployed 500,000 troops to Kuwait to defeat Saddam Hussein. We flew hundreds of air strikes every day in the run-up bombing campaign. Today, the entire US military numbers less than 500,000 and more reductions are coming. Our air readiness is dangerously compromised by a lack of spare parts and service capability, down to a level not seen since the late 1970s during the Carter administration, when many of our aircraft were called “Hanger Queens” because of their inability to fly. Trump is right when he says we need to rebuild the US military capability to make it so predominant that it will seriously deter agression everywhere in the world. (2) The Economy and Jobs -- Consider your own job and your confidence in being able to provide for your family. Think about your children’s current job prospects as they enter the adult workforce. Companies either have enough confidence about the business climate to expand, or start a business, or they feel uncertain about the future and become cautious, limiting their hiring and expansion. Most Americans want the business and jobs sector to run in a competitive open-market where both companies and employees succeed or fail based on ability. They reject the Obama/Clinton tightly controlled environment where many people are trapped in government-provided safety nets with little potential for success or flexibility to find jobs and change career direction. Trump is right when he says jobs depend on lower business and personal taxes and a real cutting back of regulations -- balanced against environmental risks -- that stifle business through burdensome, often spiteful, regulation -- whether Obamacare or the opening up of energy production or federal grabs of issues better regulated at the state and local levels -- all of which uses up business profit that would otherwise be spent on building US business competitiveness and creating jobs. (3) Rule of Law -- Has President Obama carried out his constitutional obligation to see that the law is applied equally in all situations, or do some situations seem to get special attention (good or bad) over others? Equality before the law should mean that race or so-called “political correctness,” or inconsistencies based on political power regarding where, when and how the President chooses to intercede should not exist under the US Constitution, which tasks the President with applying the law equally in all instances, to rich and poor, to the ‘connected’ and ordinary alike, regardless of circumstance. Trump is right when he says that he will re-establish law and order. Confidence in our justice system is absolutely central to the smooth functioning of our society, and the President sets the standard. ~~~~~~ Now, compare these vitally important elements that must be championed by the next President to the sex tape conveniently released by "X' -- and we all know who "X" is -- just before a key second debate and the release of WikiLeaks documents revealing Hillary Clinton's private, highly paid, speeches and discussions with Wall Street and international bankers and investment firms who are either contributing to her campaign or pouring money into the Clinton Foundation. Dr. Carson said he believes the tape’s release may have been timed to head off damaging revelations about Clinton in emails and other files obtained by the hacker group Wikileaks. He said he wasn’t surprised that the sex tape completely overshadowed the release of files Friday night that contained details from Clinton’s secret speeches to Wall Street bankers and investment firms. Among the revelations : Clinton said she wanted to create a nation of "open trade and open borders.” In one speech, Clinton told Wall Street investment firms she had one thing in common with them -- she said she was part of the top 1 percent and “far removed” from her middle-class upbringing : “And now, obviously, I’m kind of far removed because the life I’ve lived and the economic, you know, fortunes that my husband and I now enjoy, but I haven’t forgotten it,” she said in a February 4, 2014, speech to Goldman Sachs and Black Rock. She told the National Multi-Housing Council in April 2013 that negotiations on politically sensitive issues sometimes require politicians to have “both a public and private positions.” Hillary Clinton also made it clear she is a free-trader, telling a Brazilian bank in 2103 : “We have to resist protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade." According to Politico, other Hillary private comments include : a hacked audio of a conversation between Hillary Clinton and donors during a February fundraising event showing her describing Bernie Sanders supporters as "children of the Great Recession" who are "living in their parents’ basement;" and, a comment by Hillary at a Virginia fundraiser hosted by former US ambassador Beatrice Welters, where Hillary says in a clip released by the Free Beacon that many of Bernie Sander's supporters sought things like “free college, free health care,” saying that she preferred to occupy the space "from the center-left to the center-right" on the political spectrum. We need not go into Hillary's criminal or quasi-criminal acts. But, consider General Mike Flynn's description of Hillary's acts in Libya and their catastrophic results : "While no saint, Qaddafi was key to our counterterrorism efforts in the area. Ignoring the advice of the Secretary of Defense and lawyers in her own department, Secretary Clinton allowed 18 shipments of arms from Qatar to Libyan jihadis who were on the State Department’s own list of foreign terrorists, in apparent violation of federal law (28 US Code 2339A and 2339B)." Flynn says the arms shipments were funneled through a Qatar cleric “who brokered their [the jihadis] release from prison” after Clinton persuaded the President to grant the terrorists full diplomatic recognition. If that wasn’t bad enough, Flynn underscored the connection to the Clinton Foundation in her otherwise puzzling conduct : Qatar has donated anywhere from $1 to $5 million to the Clinton Foundation, and emails reveal members of the Qatari royal family were privileged with back channel meetings with Secretary Clinton at the State Department. While whipping up support for the Libya military campaign, Clinton told Arab leaders, “it’s important to me personally,” the Washington Post reported. ~~~~~~ And how do back-home Americans feel about the Trump tape vs Hillary's acts and character?? Read their online comments. ~~ "How convenient that a tape of Donald Trump being crude, no question about that, gets pulled off the shelves after 11 years just as the Hillary campaign NEEDS to have cover for the releases of some very damaging information from speeches she made. This is typical of this campaign season...anytime Hillary needs cover there seems to be a release of some decade or older things that put Trump in a bad light. Let's see, a guy talking about women in a really bad way 11 years ago vs a woman talking out both sides of her mouth within the last couple of years. Let's see, a guy admitting "I said it and apologize" vs a woman who claims to voters she is "for them" while telling special interests (buying access through speaking fees) just the opposite! I'm sticking to Trump." ~~ "This proves what I have been saying for years . Our country is not as pure and PC as people think. In many cases what Trump stated in private 11 years ago is normal street talk today. In many cases just turn on your TV and it gets worse. When you have 8 year old children telling you to go "F" yourself because you are making them move out of the way so you can drive by is normal. and many of the parents see nothing wrong with it . 'My son was just exercising his first amendment rights.' The Democrats released this video with the hope it would start a forest fire. The flame was barely high enough to light a candle. They needed a diversion to mask over the emails Wikileaks put out two days before the debate. This changed no one's mind on how they will vote this election. Trump may not be perfect but Hillary the criminal is 10 times worse. The fact - 73% of the people believe this county is moving in the wrong direction and Hillary's running on staying the course and protecting Obama's legacy. ~~ "Except for the Republican grass root base, it is amazing how the establishment Republicans, the never-Trumpers, the eGOP, the Rinos, the MSM, and the Democrats are all professing rightous moral indignation over Trump. Like they really have a lock on moral authority. Bundle up all of the Republicans above together and they turned a blind eye to Count Chockula's dismantling of the Constitution and actually enabling him to carry out the New World Order agenda: heck, they won't even campaign for him, unlike the Dems who get anyone who held a Democrat office to stump for Cankles. The fourth estate has become the propaganda arm of the Democraps, having zero interest in the code of ethics established in 1947 to "Seek Truth and Report It". And the Democraps turned a blind eye to Sleezemeister Bill and his sordid affairs, pushing illegals just to get their vote and not caring if they put American citizens in harm's way. They don't care if the Clinton Crime Machine is selling out America for personal gain, using the Clinton Foundation to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries for "pay for play" while using only 6% of the money for actual charitable work. WTF." ~~ "Daddy" could not contain himself on Mitt Romney’s claim that the tape corrupted “America’s face to the world” : "Correct. It must make Putin and his mistress awful upset, and France's Hollande and his current mistress awful upset, and Italy's Berlusconi and all his former babes terribly upset, and Prince Charlie’s (“I want to be your tampon Camilla") awful upset, and Mexico's president and his second Soap Opera Babe awful upset, and Canada's Trudeau (first or second doesn't matter even if she's banging Mick Jagger) and their babes on the side awful upset, and the head of the UN Climate Council, Pachori, who had to resign for banging underage whatevers awful upset, and whoever Hu in China was banging before he started banging his current TV show squeeze awful upset, and all the Middle Eastern potentates with multiple wives and dozens of concubines awful upset, and ISIS and their Yazidi Christian women sex slaves awful upset, and Kim Jung crazy Norkorea who puts his used chicks naked into cages to be devoured by ravenous dogs, it must make him awful upset too." ~~ And, Americans have long political memories. James d wrote : "The premier arts center in the nation's capital is named for a man who would have sex with anything that had breasts and a pulse, including a mobster's daughter and an East German spy, whose brother probably had Marilyn Monroe murdered, and whose other brother got an employee drunk, drove her into a river and left her to drown. The former "conscience of the Senate" was a former klansman, and pretty much every public building in his state is named for him. The husband of the current Democrat candidate for President (and a former President himself) settled a lawsuit for sexual harassment against a former employee, sodomized an intern in the Oval Office, and had about a million other sordid affairs, while his wife the current candidate used her taxpayer-paid staff to shred the reputations of her husband's victims. All of those things happened while the criminals in question actually held high office. How about you criticize THAT before going on about something Trump said during a private conversation a decade ago while he was a private citizen, you sanctimonious loser jackass." ~~~~~~ I could not make these comments up, and they are not isolated. The Internet is full of them. Will minds be changed by this tape? Who can say. The undecideds probably have guessed by now that this is Trump being Trump. He isn't going to change, but he is going to do what he says : Make America Great Again. That's why he was nominated -- after years of the Republican leadership in Washington flimm-flamming and cozying up to those who are systematically destroying America's capacity and desire to be Great. I'm a lifelong Republican -- I lived through the unholy destruction of President Nixon and so nothing shocks me -- unlike Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, John McCain, most of the GOP Senate team and many others who instantly re-formed their hyena pack and went after Donald Trump as if he were Satan Incarnate come to wreak Armageddon on the world. What they were signaling, in effect, is that they have never supported Trump and have jumped on the latest revelation to once more announce that they are voting for Hillary Clinton. And how did Hillary respond?? She tweeted : "This is horrific. We cannot allow this man to become president." What Hillary probably meant to say was, "We cannot allow a man like this to become president AGAIN." ~~~~~~ What I can tell you is that the rank and file of the Republican Party is still supporting Donald Trump. The Politico/Morning Consult poll conducted early Saturday -- after the tape was released that had the GOP nominee crudely bragging about groping women and trying to lure a married woman into an affair -- shows that nearly three-quarters of Republican voters, 74%, surveyed on Saturday said party officials should continue to support the nominee. Only 13% think the party should not back him. While 70% of Democrats say Trump should end his campaign, just 12% of Republicans -- and 13% of female Republicans -- agree. The poll has a margin of error of 2%. ~~~~~~ Dear readers, both Dr. Carson and Rudy Giuliani stood firm, agreeing that Trump will not drop out of the race, as so many elites are demanding. Trump himself told the Washington Post : “I’d never withdraw. I’ve never withdrawn in my life....No, I’m not quitting this race. I have tremendous support.” The Republican National Committee has so far batted away speculation that it would consider cutting Trump loose. VP candidate and Governor Mike Pence said he looks forward to Trump taking the opportunity at Sunday night’s debate to “show what is in his heart." Asked whether Ryan was swayed by Trump’s apology, a source familiar with the Wisconsin Republican’s thinking responded : “That’s for the voters to decide. Mr. Trump said he plans to talk about this at the debate and so we'll see what more he has to say." What Trump will say will be a variation of what he has already said : “I never said I’m a perfect person nor pretended to be someone I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret and the words released today on this more than decade-old video are one of them. These words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong and I apologize.” And then, at Sunday night's debate, Donald Trump should move on. There are actually dangerous things going on in the world --things the foaming-mouthed Trump haters are ignoring completely. For instance, Estonian reports say that the Russian military is sending Iskander-M missiles to Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea on a civilian freighter. It was expected to dock in Kaliningrad Sunday with its alarming cargo. The Iskander-M system, called SS-26 by NATO...has a range of 300 miles and can carry either a conventional or a nuclear warhead. An Iskander-M based in Kaliningrad can strike targets deep in Poland and across the whole Baltic region. Make no mistake, say analysts, this is primarily an offensive weapons system. There was a real quid pro quo in the Kremlin's promise not ship this missile system to Kaliningrad back in 2009, in exchange for President Obama’s halting the missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic. Activating an Iskander-M unit in Kaliningrad, west of the Baltic republics, is correctly seen as seriously destabilizing by NATO’s whole eastern European flank which, despite security promises by the White House, remains vulnerable to Russian attack. For Warsaw and several other NATO capitals, this move resembles a Baltic version of the Cuban Missile Crisis, constituting a direct challenge to Washington by Moscow -- and by Vladimir Putin to Barack Obama, personally. Reckless actions have worked well for the Russians so far, given Obama’s preference to avert his eyes and hope for the best whenever Moscow flexes its muscles. BUT, Barack and Hillary don't have time for such critically important world crises. They have more important things to do -- like beating up on Donald Trump. I do not believe that Americans are so stupid as to pick an incompetent, thoroughly corrupt globalist over a sometimes vulgar man who loves his country and has accomplished a great deal. I think this tape leak came so early in October because Clinton and her allies fear this to be the truth.


  1. Last October (2015), about 6 months after the New York Times first revealed the existence of the Hillary Clinton private email server, President Obama appeared on “60 Minutes” and denied any and all knowledge of her potentially illegal technology arrangements. When asked point blank whether he knew about Hillary’s private email server, Obama responded, quite simply, “No.”

    Of course, we now know from the FBI’s investigation notes that, in fact, that was a complete lie. As we noted back in September, Huma Abedin’s interview with the FBI on April 5, 2016, revealed an email sent on June 28, 2012, from Obama, using an unknown pseudonym, to Hillary on her private email server. So, either Obama is so incompetent that he didn’t recognize that Hillary wasn’t using a “.gov” email account or he simply lied in the following interview.

    You be the judge friends?

    But now, via a report last night from the Wall Street Journal, we know that not only did the Obama administration know about Hillary’s private email server they actually conspired, along with the State Department, to cover it up. New emails, obtained by the Wall Street Journal via an FOIA request by the Republican National Committee, reveal communications between the White House and the State Department coordinating over how to minimize the potential fallout from Hillary’s email scandal so as to not impact her blossoming presidential campaign.

    But, as outrageous as this story is, we’re sure the mainstream media will simply bury it as yet another right-wing attempt to “criminalize behavior that is normal” and promptly go back to demanding Trump’s tax returns and now delve into Donald Trump’s comment about a woman some 11 years ago.

    Hillary should think twice about making Trumps rude and degrading remarks about a woman the high point of her remaining 4 weeks of campaigning. The lethal attack of her actions against ALL of her husbands Bill physical extramarital affairs and forced relationships (rapes) may rise up and bite her hard at the polls.

  2. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater is an idiomatic expression and a concept used to suggest an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad, or in other words, rejecting the essential along with the inessential.

    It is essential that Hillary Clinton does not becomes President of the United States and have the opportunity to destroy our Constitution and Rule of Law, as she will invariably do. Therefore it is essential that Donald Trump & Mike Pence are elected.

    What Donald trump “SAID”, only said does not go to the level of electing Hillary Clinton in his place.

    Donald Trump used words – only WORDS- to describe his feelings. Unlike Bill Clinton, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, F. D. Roosevelt (who married his cousin and still got elected 3 times), George H. W. Bush, and D. Eisenhower all had long extramarital affairs throughout their political public lives. And all of whom most regard as good administrators.

    Remember some men talk a good story, but never act of their spoken words of lust.

    It is important for us to remember that all problems are not nails, and therefore a hammer is not needed every time to fix non-existing problems. As vulgar as what Trump said , as upsetting as it is goes nowhere close to the heinous, lying, riding your husbands coat tails, sabotaging the security of one’s country, committing treason with highly classified secrets as Hillary Clinton has and will do again if elected president.

  3. With a total of 7,100 US nuclear warheads as of August 2016 and an estimate reported two years ago of 2,150 operationally deployed nukes, America could destroy itself four times over while Russia’s 7,300 nuclear weapons would likely carry the same tremendous overkill power. When we’re all dead, it hardly matters who has what? As the Benghazi ringleader (Hillary Clinton) who gave the stand down order that sealed the fate of four murdered Americans would say, “What difference does it make?” The sheer madness in control of our planet right now actually believes the elite can simply hunker down in their underground luxury bunkers, take a long nuclear winter’s nap and a few years later emerge like Rip Van Winkle unscathed in their grandiose fairy tale. Talk about madness!

    This week’s tempo of news breaking events exposing Hillary and the US government’s aggressive hubris is only accelerating the closer the November election looms. The globalists are well aware that growing segments amongst the global masses are on to them and their evil ways. So the elite is growing increasingly desperate trying to plug all the holes of endless false narratives exposing the rampantly corrosive corruption and in-our-face criminality of the entire Bush-Clinton-Bush-Obama-Clinton dynasty.

    Less than two months ago on national television Clinton campaign strategist Bob Beckel (a man with many, many personal problems and short comings) called for a drone assassination strike on Julian Assange to “illegally shoot the son of a bitch” due to ongoing WikiLeaks’ disclosures incriminating Hillary for her “lost” emails and DNC documents chronicling how she stole the primaries away from Bernie Sanders to cheat her way to the nomination. Earlier this week because Assange was again threatened with his life, at the last minute he called off his hyped up bombshell disappointing millions who had stayed up late in America. Julian did promise to release within a few days such damaging information on the war, arms, oil, Google, the election and mass surveillance that many hopes will finally put Hillary behind bars where she belongs once and for all.

    Despite this fact, prior to Hillary even being nominated by Obama to become his Secretary of State, she signed an ethics agreement that was a Memorandum of Understanding as a precondition to taking the job that she would not violate conflict of interest laws by allowing foreign interests undue influence. As soon as she accepted her powerful position, she began violating her White House agreement and compromising national security. In fact over half the private interests (85 out of 154) who met Hillary at her State Department made sizeable donations often into the millions totaling $156 million.

    Because of Hillary’s crimes and FBI Director James Comey’s whitewashed investigation, both the Justice Department and the FBI have been politically and irreparably compromised, causing the public to completely lose confidence in both government and law enforcement. Comey used his red herring smoke screen of “intent” to bogusly justify not pressing charges. Yet violating national security clearly, falls under US Code 793 and has nothing to do with Clinton’s intentions but everything to do with her passing at least 22 top secret emails through her unsecured private server. Clearly, she broke a federal law that’s among the most serious of all felonies. Yet despite her consistent lying, destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice, she was never even required to take a single polygraph test. Comey’s shoddy farce of a non-investigation indicates that he’d made the political decision from the get-go to not prosecute.

    The difference between what Hillary Clinton has already done and what she will do as president is comparing apples to oranges with what Donald Trump said in 2005. Don’t be suckered in to Hillary’s ill-logic logic about Donald Trump.

  4. It looks like Hillary Clinton has been planning to manipulate GOP candidates and rig the election for a long time. WikiLeaks’ emails show that back in 2015, Clinton was strategizing on ways to elevate what she calls “Pied Piper” Republicans like Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. She felt they would be so unpalatable that she would win. Once the smoke cleared and Trump was the nominee, she started gathering all kinds of crap on him from the media, which she will dribble out to smear him enough so she will win… or so she thinks. She may have severely underestimated the anger out there at politicians and the sentiment that Americans will take anyone over Hillary Clinton.

    What is clear here is that the Hillary has been plotting how to take down Republicans for some time and she considers Trump to be a dream come true. She has laughably taken the stance that she is a war hawk… hello? Benghazi?

    Hillary claims in one email that it took a decade to put together this plans to kills OBL. Well a decade before he was hunted down was the early 2002 or 2003. Hillary was no place around in a power position. Bush was president.

    On top of everything else Hillary is gravely ill suffering from a host of severe medical and mental health issues, it’s all the more reason to ensure that she does not get elected. WikiLeaks determined that in 2011 Clinton asked her State Department staff to research a commonly prescribed drug for treating Parkinson’s disease. Her poor balance, multiple episodes of falling down, coughing fits, and what appear to be seizures have created a firestorm of speculation.

    She lies about everything from Bill Clinton’s innocent with all those women, to her health.

    She can’t be trusted friends, she cannot be trusted in the least.

  5. Everyone has the freedom of who they support be eventually who they vote for. But dies the GOP have the right to abandoned ALL AMERICA?

    That us exactly what they will be doing if they don't find a way to support the Trump-Pence republican ticket. A missing of the GOP support will mist likely elect Hillary Clinton as the next president - plain and simple, PERIOD.
