Friday, October 30, 2015

Time to Reduce the Size of the GOP Candidate Group

Despite the National Journal's long article in favor of Senator Rubio -- " Marco Rubio Made a Big Splash at the Third GOP Debate" -- one informal on-line poll shows Donald Trump winning with 43.8% of the 5,000 voting in the pick-a-name poll. Rubio was second with 18.5%, followed by Senator Ted Cruz at 9.5%. The Newsmax on-line poll shows Trump leading with 46%, followed by Cruz at 20%, Carson at 16% and Rubio at 10%. The others were all below 2%, with Jeb Bush last at 0.31%. Given Trump's quiet performance last night - he was a bystander most of the time - it's hard to understand Trump's extremely loyal following or what, if anything, might dislodge him. ~~~~~ Last night, my reaction was that Ted Cruz won, with Rubio in second place. And, although practical political considerations would make a Cruz-Rubio ticket unlikely, last night they gave voice to the two overriding principles driving GOP politics now -- respect for and adherence to the Constitution, and creating a low-tax job-generating environment in which all Americans have a fair chance to live the American Dream. I gave Cruz the edge because he has an aura of authority and gravitas that Rubio needs time to develop. Being Vice President under a President Cruz would give him that time. ~~~~~ I would urge Governor Jindal, former governors Pataki and Huckabee and former Senator Santorum to withdraw. They bring nothing unique to the GOP campaign and are either out of step with today's GOP or throwbacks to another era. Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Lindsey Graham have important things to say and should continue. Jeb Bush must decide soon if the pull of his family's political clan will keep him in a race he clearly has no heart or talent for. ~~~~~ That said, and putting aside the media attacks -- everyone knows the mainstream media is quasi-socialist like the Democratic Party they favor, and so we also know that conservatives need tough skin and a get-over-it attitude to be in politics today -- most of the GOP candidates were in tune with the political goals of America yesterday -- small government, fair lower taxes, protection of seniors and veterans, secure borders, a strong military, and constitutional government that roots out favoritism and presidential overreaching while re-balancing the powers of the three branches of government. ~~~~~ What is at issue are tactics. For example, there is voter and media opposition to Senate filibusters used by Senators Cruz and Paul to stop financial bills that include spending and debt ceiling increases. The tactic caused a 2013 partial government shutdown that penalized the GOP in voter polls, although the 2014 congressional elections increased the GOP House majority and gave the party a Senate majority, albeit non-veto-proof. A Republican President will fix that, making it possible to fulfill the goal of all Republicans to reduce the debt, balance the budget and revitalize the middle class. ~~~~~ Dear readers, the Iowa caucuses will be here in less than 100 days. It is time to put the breezy days of summer behind us. All candidates should be held to the one imperative -- provide detailed financial, social and security/military platforms. America is electing a President. The time for personality cults, feel-gooders and re-treaded losers is over. Bring on the main course. America needs GOP meat and potatoes, not cotton candy.


  1. Small town, Big city, country farmers, John Q citizens all over the country have a real opportunity to take back their Republican Party and put the daily operation of the federal government back in the hands of honest, defenders of the Constitution, A chance to return the party and the country into the hands of true disciples of Ronald Reagan.

    Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio actually have verifiable credentials to lead this country out of the Progressive Socialist mantra that has put us into this downward spiral of financial crisis and ethical decay.

    And everyone else on that podium the other evening for the republican debate has a question mark on them as to what their performance as president would turn out to be.

    But Cruz and Rubio walk the walk and talk the talk of RESPONSIBLE CONSERVATIVE PRINCIPALS. The Constitution and the Rule of Law is their govern Bible.

  2. It was great fun to listen to all the views of of some 16 potential candidates . But now its time to settle down and get into the mood of running against Hillary Clinton and electing a real republican as the next president of the United States.

    It's beyond me still how 52% of the democratic voters in Pennsylvania can find Hillary as a viable, honest, believable, electable person. But they do. And this is the 'cross we as republican must bare, acknowledge, and come to grips with' - this is our mountain to climb in order to save this country from the creeping crawl of Progressive Socialism that is represented by Obama and Hillary Clinton arm of the democratic party.

    The democratic Party of today is not the same party that our grandparents may have been able to honestly associate with - not that mine ever would have.

  3. Are these 6 or 8 GOP deadbeats that are going no place or wannabes presidential candidates so blinded by lights in the public arena that they do not see that their chances are zero to win the GOP nomination and less than zero to stand any chance in the 2016 Presidential campaign.

    How quick would they be to drop out if their campaign monies was their own and not someone(s) else?

    Mabe self paid primaries are the way to go!

  4. If I put aside the importance of this coming Presidential election, if i allow myself to be drawn into the swamp of inside-the-beltway-politics that what we need to do is to ALL get along (Progressive Democratize for do it my way or I'll trample you). Is this really statically right for the past 6 years of non-presidential local, state, and national elections?

    No it is really not close to being right.

    Over the past 6 years all combined local, county, state, and national elections 98% of the candidates that stuck to their conservative leanings, their strong conservative ideas win over wish washy candidates that try to be all things to all people and compromise with incumbents & candidates in the lunatic idea that will get them votes.
