Sunday, October 11, 2015

Columbus Day Thoughts 2015

It was 524 years ago that Christopher Columbus discovered America - as we put it popularly. Columbus said of his voyage : "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World." ~~~~~ America was for many years simply called the New World. It was settled by Spaniards to the south and west and by English to the north and east. The Spanish brought Catholic Christianity, baroque European architecture and a class-ordered society to the New World. The English brought religious tolerance, local self-government and a commitment to education. And, the English turned those ideals into the greatest governing document ever created by man -- the United States Constitution. It has been copied by more governments - both scoundrels and democrats - than any governing document in history. And it has guided the United States through 227 tumultuous years. ~~~~~ Today, America is, in the view of many experts and also most American citizens, at a critical crossroads. Fundamental decisions demand to be made and Americans are divided into two broad camps as never before. One camp wants to make America a non-religious, neo-European socialist country where the individual is sacrificed for the State. This requires treating the Constitution and its foundation of personal liberties and religious morality as an historical artifact no longer useful in today's America. The other camp wants give new life to an America based on religious principles, personal liberties and a market economy where the individual controls the State. This requires treating the Constitution as the living, breathing soul of today's America. ~~~~~ Dear readers, you know that I stand with the latter camp. But, the battle between the two views is far from over. Those who prefer constitutional government with limits on state power must find ways to take the Constitution's message to every American. The stakes are as high as they were in 1776 or 1789 or 1861. The same determination and courage are essential. The sun still lights the way to that shining city on the hill that is the home of Americans, not Europeans. The beginning is today. As Christopher Columbus said : "You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."


  1. “…the Constitution of the United States is the best arrangement yet devised for empowering government to fulfill its proper role, while restraining it from the concentration and abuse of power; ~~ That the genius of the Constitution - the division of powers - is summed up in the clause that reserves primacy to the several states, or to the people, in those spheres not specifically delegated to the Federal government; … That the forces of international Communism are, at present, the greatest single threat to these liberties ; ~~ That the United States should stress victory over, rather than coexistence with, this menace; and That American foreign policy must be judged by this criterion: does it serve the just interests of the United States?" - M. Stanton Evans

    The sheer brilliance of the “Sharon Statement” written as a matter of fact on 9-11-1960 is beyond belief. As definitive as Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address or Washington’s Farwell Address to the nation he help build.

    And the man who set everything in motion was an explorer who followed the sun 524 years ago.

  2. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”

    Alexis de Tocqueville

  3. We have had so much prosperity and so much ease of living, that we have lost our belief in personal responsibility. With it we have grown to believe in the ability of the government to take care of us, and we have lost our individualism and more importantly, our Faith in God. Instead of considering the good of the country as a whole, candidates promise the people to take care of their every need, including their medical care. And the people, relying on their promises of milk and honey, and equality for everyone, vote for those candidates. They have forgotten about the long term good of the country, the rights and responsibilities of individuals to run their own lives, and are fast making our country a socialized welfare state.

    We elect people who want to take away our right to bear arms. This will make it more difficult to ever overthrow our yoke of oppression. This is a necessity to socialist and communist countries.

    We elect people that teach us that perversion is commendable, and who want to remove our rights to say otherwise, or to write otherwise. They want to remove the right of those who disagree with them to be on radio or television.

    They have no real respect for human life, and particularly the lives of the unborn.

    These are the great principles of the Democratic Party of today.

    Today, all of the leading Democratic candidates are preying on the desires of the people for healthcare and other benefits. Apparently the Democratic candidates of today think that the person who can get elected is the person who can promise the most government benefits to the people. This is the exact thing that our Founders feared. It leads to a socialized welfare state, the loss of individual freedom and of individual initiative. It will lead to the demise of America as the great bastion of freedom, and to the end of its status as a world power. It will eventually destroy our form of government, as it has in all past democratic experiments.
