Friday, October 23, 2015

Hillary Clinton Appeared but Did She Testify?

Hillary Clinton testified under oath on Thursday before the House Special Committee on Benghazi. Her goal was obvious -- defend her actions as Secretary of State during and after the terrorist attack on the US diplomatic compound in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. ~~~~~ The Democratic minority members of the Committee acted as her palace guard, taking every possible chance to paint conditons in 2012 in Benghazi, Cairo, Tunis and elsewhere around North Africa as dangerously volatile -- and to show that Secretary Clinton's actions were proper, professional and even heroic. ~~~~~ The Committee's Republican majority led by South Carolina Representative Trey Gowdy tried to find out why the US Benghazi diplomatic compound was so under-secured that Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans serving in Benghazi were assassinated and the compound razed, followed by an attack and the razing of an adjunct CIA building. ~~~~~ Republican Chairman Gowdy and GOP Representatives Lynn Westmoreland (Georgia), Mike Pompeo (Kansas), Jim Jordan (Ohio), Peter Roskam (Illinois), Susan Brooks (Indiana), and Martha Roby (Alabama) did yeoman work, trying to establish Hillary Clinton's pivotal role as Secretary of State when Benghazi went up in murderous flames, asking : (1) what she did and did not do that led to refusals to add security to the Benghazi compound and for Ambassador Stevens -- (2) what she did not do to stop the attack and save American lives once informed that an attack was occurring -- (3) what she did not do to stop the State Department, Defense Department, Obama White House and US Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice from continuing for one week to blame the attack on a demonstration in reaction to a video film when she knew within an hour that there was no demonstration and that the attack was a pre-planned terrorist attack -- (4) what she did not do to make State Department documents and senior personnel available to earlier Democrat and Republican House and Senate investigations -- (5) what she did to hide taking Libya advice from Sidney Blumenthal, a Bill Clinton White House advisor and Clinton Foundation advisor with business interests in Libya, who was blackballed by President Obama when she asked to hire him at State -- (6) what she did to hide her official correspondence relating to all her tenure as Secretary from both Congress and the State Department -- (7) and what all the above had to do with the 2012 re-election of President Obama only 55 days after the Benghazi attack, especially because one pillar of Obama's re-election campaign was his boast that al-Qaida and related terrorism was defeated. The Benghazi Special Committee report will answer these questions. ~~~~~ Dear readers, Representative Susan Brooks asked Hillary Clinton if she ever personally called Chris Stevens from May 2012 when she swore him in as Libyan Ambassador until he was assassinated in September. Brooks noted that the Committee has found not even one such official call log. Mrs. Clinton answered : "I don't remember." That is the summation of Hillary Clinton and her testimony. She had total recall of State Department procedures and State's relationship with the Defense Department and CIA. She had total recall of her phone call to the president of Tunisia. But Hillary Clinton cannot remember calling her "dear friend" Ambassador Stevens even once to ask if he was safe -- presumably because she didn't care. And just as President Obama left the Situation Room on September 11, 2012, to leave Benghazi to his staff, Secretary Clinton went home, leaving Benghazi to her staff. She didn't speak to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta or Joint Chiefs Chairman General Dempsey or CIA Director Petraeus until the next day, September 12th. She spoke to none of the Benghazi survivors for weeks or months. When it comes to the avoidable Benghazi tragedy, Hillary Clinton, like Barack Obama, was Absent Without Leave...AWOL.


  1. An innocent idealist sets out to change the world and in the process becomes what he hates most. “He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster,” Friedrich Nietzsche

    In the final hours of questions and answers at the Benghazi hearing with Hellary(no that is not a misprint or typo) Clinton if asked I would advise the Committee to not become what they are questioning or purveyors of political hatred towards the queen of political hate.

    With Hellary’s continual lying and evasion of answering the questions yesterday, and the democratic members of the Committee duty bound to prop up this dying elephant of self-serving power politics, it is essential the investigating committee keeps in mind why they are there …TO FIND THE TRUTH. They are not to find fault or blame. But instead search out and pronounce the truth whomever it points to or falls on.

    The Salem Witch Trials are long over. Our Rule of Law is not based on ‘guilty as charged’, but rather ‘you have been found guilty’.

  2. Which came first the ‘Crime or the perpetrator’ of the crime?’
    The recent history of Congressional Investigative Committees and Special Prosecutors investigations they all seem to lose their way in the pursuit of the “truth” they set out or were charged with finding.
    Is the bright lights of TV cameras that mesmerizing that well educated, well intended public officials lose their way in the pursuit ‘truth’ vs garnishing evening news face time to use on their next re-election campaign?

    For the most part I think that the Special Committee on Benghazi under the leadership of rep. Goudy has done a very good job. But yesterday it seemed to all of a sudden become a political side show in who could ask the longest question that was really a statement and not a question. If they have a question for Hillary – just ask the question, politely , but firmly and straightforward.

  3. Except for a very few questions was Hillary yesterday ever really asked to "testify" or was she given the opportunity to reinforce her lies about Benghazi?

  4. It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and a third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition." — Thomas Jefferson
