Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Democrat Debate - Leftist Lemmings Following Bernie into the Socialist Sea

Dear readers, the first Democratic presidential debate just ended. To generalize -- **Senator Bernie Sanders is tough, consistent...and wrong. **Former Governor Martin O'Malley is a lot like Ohio GOP Governor Kasich, he has done everything so just accept that he's the best Democrat for the job. **Lincoln Chaffee should go home and figure out who he is. **Former Senator Jim Webb is obviously ill at ease speaking but his policies are the best of the five debaters, and he is so much more moderate than the others that he would probably be more at ease as a Republican. **Hillary Clinton was at her "Well...let me tell you" best, followed by not answering but changing the topic, and she was very hawkish on foreign policy but very progressive on social issues. But, perhaps the besy thing about the debate was CNN moderator Anderson Cooper, who was well-prepared and asked tough pointed questions. Unfortunately, most of his questions were ignored. ~~~~~ At the end of the debate, we can say that it's still Bernie and Hillary...or Bert and Ernie...who cares? Here are some of their comments : HILLARY -- "I will do all I can to heal the divide in America.....I have a range of views...but yes, I'm a progressive....Every so often in America we have to rein in the excesses of capitalism, but we shouldn't turn our back on it....Senator Sanders position on gun control does not go far enough....We got a lot of business done with Russia when Medvedev was president. Then Putin was re-elected....We need to make it clear that we oppose Russia being in Syria. We need to be stronger....ISIS poses a threat to the Middle East and beyond. We need a strong coalition....A no-fly zone in Syria would be useful to get Russia to the negotiating table....The Benghazi Committee is an arm of the Republican National Committee....We need a new New Deal for black Americans....I would not be a third term of President Obama because I'm a woman." BERNIE : "A socialist wants...what Denmark, Sweden and Norway have done for their people....Republicans win when there is a low turnout....Gun control - I am for strong common sense gun control, against assault weapons and the gunshow loophole and I am for instant background checks and for better mental health services....We should not get into the quagmire that is Syria....We need coalitions...I am against America acting alone....Mr. Putin is going to regret what he has done in Syria....America is sick and tired of hearing about Hillary's emails....The greed and recklessness of Wall Street in the 1990s under Clinton destroyed the lives of middle class Americans....We need a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants." ~~~~~ To sum it up, the five Democrats all agree that for whatever big-government program they propose, they say "the wealthy will pay for it." And whatever the economic problem is, they say "it is Wall Street's fault." And for each of them, Republicans are the big bad wolves at the door who don't care about issues or Americans or America. So, what else is new? The Democrats never change. They want to spend, tax and keep their constituency dependent on them for everything. In case you didn't subject yourself to the Democrat debate, you'll be happy to know that they are still leftists who have now decided to be Leftist Lemmings marching behind Bernie Sanders into the Socialist Sea.


  1. Leftist Lemmings is exactly right as Casey Pops describes them. There was nothing new learned last evening because there is nothing new from the Progressive Socialists Left. They will tell you how they will spend your money on ideas that you totally disagree with in all honesty.

    Hillary’s personal war on women not addressed. They want to zap the 1% but have all refused to voluntarily pay more in taxes. All complain about economy - which their party has been in charge of for seven years. Laughable hypocrisy all around. What’s new? Nothing.

  2. We were witnessed to the Democrat Party's contempt for capitalism and free markets last tonight. All their presidential candidates love to wield the heavy hand of big government, and are fully committed to punishing jobs with higher taxes and burdensome regulations. Only one of the Democrat candidates is an admitted socialist, but tonight they were all competing to destroy the U.S. economy by making socialist policies the platform for their.
