Sunday, June 26, 2016

House Democrats Should Heed Palin : Forget Gun Control and Control Islamic Terrorism

At first glance, we might laugh at the childish Democrat "sit-in" on the House floor -- but it is really a pitiful effort to use the courage of 1960s civil rights leaders in a puny attempt to illegally bring down the Second Amendment, part of the US Constitution those leaders cherished. ~~~~~ When congressional Democrats forced a recess last week by refusing to come to order in the House, sitting on the floor trying to force a vote on a gun control bill that would prevent those on a secret federal "no fly" list from buying guns, Republicans, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, reacted by doing the adult thing. They withdrew so the Democrat tantrum, led by Representative John Lewis, could wear itself out. Presiding officer Texas Congressman Ted Poe recessed. However, Democrat members of the House, Senate, and even Washington Governor Jay Inslee, who was visiting, made appearances pledging support for the gun control plan to bar individuals on secret federal watchlists their Second Amendment rights. ~~~~~ Republicans called the “sit-in” political theater masquerading as a plea for justice. Speaker Ryan told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer : “This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. That’s point number one. Point number two is this bill was already defeated in the United States Senate. Number three, we’re not going to take away a citizen’s due process rights. We’re not going to take away a citizen’s constitutional rights without due process. That was already defeated in the Senate. And this is not the way to try and bring up legislation.” At 10 p.m., Republicans returned to the House chamber for previously scheduled votes. But, the moment Republicans entered the chamber, Democrats screamed and chanted their slogan, “No bill, no break.” After several minutes of the Democrats' antics -- helped by Democrat staffers and supporters in the visitors gallery -- Paul Ryan entered the chamber and took the gavel. Democrats then intensified their shouta and banged their fists on the clerks’ desks à la Khruschev to prevent the House's voting. After several minutes of trying to calm them, Ryan stepped away, leading to boos and chants of “shame” by House Democrats. After the Speaker left, Democrats sang “We Shall Overcome” and shouted, demanding a vote on "no fly no buy" to curb gun sales. Finally, Ryan adjourned the House until after the 4th of July. ~~~~~ The Democrats' refusal to follow House rules is more common in South American and Asian legislatures with less experience in how democracy works. But, the US Democrats were simply being used as mindless Progressive pawns. There's little support for “no fly, no buy” even among top House Democrats. A week after saying he was unsure of the legislation’s consistency with due process of law, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer told CBS that Democrats will keep pushing for the bill : “Well we are going to keep going, we think it is absolutely essential....If you’re on the no fly list, you ought not to be able to get a gun.” On the other hand, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wouldn't say how such a plan would hold up under due process of law. Other left-leaning groups oppose using the secretive federal watchlists to bar individuals from exercising constitutional rights. ~~~~~ Dear readers, although she spoke before the House Democrats' made-for-TV circus began, Sarah Palin excoriated such anti-gun bias, saying the Second Amendment has nothing to do with islamic terrorism : "Exploiting a sick, evil, ideologically-driven attack on Americans to further your twisted anti-Second Amendment mission is disgusting. Today, you're demanding an 'explanation' from law-abiding gun owners, but not demanding the same from followers of Islam, the religion behind this terror? If the demented Orlando terrorist doesn't represent all Islam followers, then why do you insinuate he represents all gun owners? And why, after any shooting, do you always want to take away firearms from the innocent people who didn't do it? Forget your asinine gun control, do your job and engage in islamic terrorist control." __Sarah Palin, 17 June 2016.

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