Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hillary Clinton Forever Tied to Benghazi

Republican Senators charged Thursday that National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s public account of the Benghazi terrorist attack has now “absolutely collapsed,” citing inaccuracies in her statements not only on the origin of the attack but the level of security at the US compound. Senators Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte told reporters : "She's frustrated this won't go away. She's frustrated that she appeared on national television and told a story about Benghazi that has absolutely collapsed." The lawmakers' comments came a day after Rice appeared to ridicule a question about whether a congressional select committee probe would reveal new evidence. “Danged if I know,” Rice answered. Rice has long been accused of wrongly linking an anti-Islam video to the Benghazi attack - when U.S. personnel were reporting a direct assault by Ansar al-Sharia within the first 24 hours after it occurred. Now, Rice's statements about US consulate security are also under scrutiny. On three network Sunday shows five days after the Benghazi attack in September 2012, Rice said security was "strong or "significant" at the consulate on the day of the attack. Her statement was incorrect. "Should US security have been tighter at that consulate given the history of terror activity in Benghazi?" Fox News Sunday’s Chris Wallace asked Rice in September 2012. "Well, we obviously did have a strong security presence. And, unfortunately, two of the four Americans who died in Benghazi were there to provide security," Rice responded, incorrectly linking the presence of former Navy Seals Ty Woods and Glen Doherty to consulate security. Both men were killed in a mortar attack on the CIA annex, eight hours after the consulate was overrun. Graham and Ayotte said the Obama administration - either the White House or State Department - should explain who briefed Rice on the consulate's security status, and that individual or individuals should be fired. And if nobody briefed her on security, Graham said she should resign. "They're completely incompetent, or they were misleading her about the level of security because we were six weeks before an election, or she made it up on her own. And if she just made this up and talked about the level of security without any information and just wanted to portray strong security, then she should resign," Graham added. A letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday, signed by 37 Republican senators, also requested the formation of a Senate select committee ito work with the new House Select Committee in probing allegations that the administration has withheld documents. Repesentative Trey Gowdy, who chairs the House Select Committee on Benghazi, has said he wants to know why the US State Department remained in Benghazi when most other international entities had already left the dangerous city. Gowdy wants to bore in on why the United States was "the last flag flying" in the militant-infested Libyan city may reveal what the CIA was doing there and focus on Hillary Clinton's role in the lax security at the US facility where four Americans died. Ayotte and Graham said the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Democrat-led committees as yet have not issued findings from their Benghazi investigations. Ayotte also said presidential advisor Ben Rhodes should testify, after a September 14, 2012 email from him was released to Judicial Watch in April as the result of a federal lawsuit. Critics charge that Rhodes gave 'talking point' to Rice that advised linking Benghazi to spontaneous protests that were the result of an anti-Islam video and that the advice was given by Rhodes for political purposes. On a political affairs TV show last Sunday, Senator Ayotte asked : "Where did Ben Rhodes get these? Ben's not the intel officer, right?…One of the important reasons he needs to testify is [to explain] what's the source of all these talking points, what happened at that Saturday meeting and who came up with this?" said Ayotte, referencing a White House meeting where the talking points were finalized. Rice told NBC News in 2012 that she appeared on the Sunday talk shows because then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "had had an incredibly grueling week dealing with the protests around the Middle East and North Africa." The Senators want to know if that was really true, and if it is, what it says about Clinton's fitness to be President : "So the reason, according to Susan Rice, that Secretary Clinton was not on television was because she had a grueling week. That to me is incredibly important and must be answered," Graham said. A press release on September 11, 2012, at 10:07 pm from Clinton - after foreign service officer Sean Smith's death at the consulate was confirmed - is believed to be the first public reference by the Obama administration linking Benghazi to the anti-Islam video. Ayotte and Graham are also asking whether the former secretary of state issued the release on her own or consulted with the President first, and what intelligence it was based on. ~~~~~ While the new House Select Committee on Benghazi is gearing up to begin its investigation, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has issued a new subpoena demanding that Secretary of State John Kerry testify on the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attacks before his committee this month. Issa accused the State Department of “backtrack[ing]” on agreements that Kerry would appear for questioning and said “slippery tactics” will not dampen the committee’s investigation into the State Department’s role in responding to the attacks : “Absent an assertion of executive privilege, the State Department has a legal obligation to fully and completely comply,” Issa said in a prepared statement. Issa's previously issued Kerry subpoena for Kerry testimony was May 21, a day the secretary planned to be in Mexico. The new subpoena compels Kerry to testify on May 29. “I lifted the subpoena requiring Secretary Kerry to testify on May 21 because the State Department made reasonable arguments for an accommodation....[b]ut soon after I lifted the subpoena, the State Department backtracked - stating publicly that we should accept ‘a more appropriate witness’ and refusing to commit to making Secretary Kerry available,” Issa said. Kerry was not confirmed as secretary until after the September 11, 2012 attacks. Hillary Clinton was serving as the State Department Secretary at the time. The State Department called Issa’s subpoena timing inappropriate because Kerry is currently traveling in London and was not given advanced warning. ~~~~~ Dear readers, we must now wait for the new House Select Committee on Benghazi to undertake its interviews, data collection and testimony. The probe is just as important for Hillary Clinton as it is for Barack Obama. While Mrs. Clinton has called the Select Committee "an unnecessary use of time and resources," it is clear that her presidential ambitions will rise or fall, based on what the Committee finds. Her husband rushed to her defense Wednesday : “In my opinion, Hillary did what she should have done” in response to the Benghazi assault, Bill Clinton said. The Benghazi issue has simmered for nearly two years, and Hillary Clinton's role is at the heart of it. And another ghost from Mrs. Clinton’s past at the State Department has emerged in the past few days - Mrs. Clinton declined to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group during her time at the State Department. The organization has sparked worldwide outrage by kidnapping hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls and bragging about plans to sell them into slavery. Hillary Clnton likes to talk about her 25 years of public service, although eight of those years as First Lady are not relevant because she had no direct political position. But since becoming a Senator in January 2001, Hillary Clinton has a record that she will have to defend. That record? -- no major initiatives as Senator, the failed Benghazi security actions that contributed to the death of Ambassador Stevens, the Benghazi cover-up, the failure to declare Boko Haram a terrorist organization, and negative health issues related to her cranial injury and to excuses made by Susan Rice about Clinton's excessive fatigue after one week of heavy activity related to Benghazi - which, in light of her age (she would be 70 if elected president in 2016), are serious matters. Benghazi - Clinton. Clinton - Benghazi. "What difference does it make?" A lot.


  1. De Oppressor LiberMay 18, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    Hillary Clinton has a very scandalous past to be considering a run at the presidency in 2016 and/or accepting her party's thoughtlessly gifted nomination. It takes more to be a president than a name. Mrs. Clinton has skirted the law for years.

    Her first publicly known problem was the expense reports and billing records while she was at the Rose Law Firm in Little Rock when hubby Bill was Governor.

    Then came the Whitewater problems, then her close friend Vince Foster's mysterious suicide death, then missing FBI files that went missing while in her illegal custody and found a couple months later on top if a coffee table in the presidential living quarters of the White House. Next was the so called Travel-Gate scandal in the White House Travel Office. Next under investigation was her $1000.00 investment in cattle that netted her some millions in profit. This was all before she was ever elected to a public office.

    While as an elected Senator she opted to hide in the shadows, to do nothing adventurous, to attack NO problem face on. She was a carpetbagger in New York to be a senator, to enhance her resume to be in position to run for the Presidency in 2008. But another do nothing from Chicago had another idea.

    So she becomes the Secretary of State. Again doing nothing positive, yet destroying a lot of positive foreign associations the US had. Then along comes that night of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Lybia. And because of her incompetence in her position of authority 4, much greater than she’ll ever be, men were killed.

    And then how involved has Hillary been in the cover up of all of Bill Clinton's female entanglements /rape(?) charges and pay offs to silence the prey and continue Bill’s calling.

    My point is that she sees herself as above the law ... just as hubby Bill always did and Obama & Michelle do. So with another President Clinton we would certainly know what we’d be getting, wouldn’t we.

    Is that what we want or is that what we can afford?

  2. Concerened CitizenMay 18, 2014 at 9:23 AM

    As Hillary Clinton begins her run up to the 2016 presidential election, we the American voting public would do well to stretch our brains for a moment and recall the myriad scandals that Hillary created during her years as Billy Clinton "wife".

  3. Mrs. Clinton’s agenda is about ego & money-driven ambition. She is still at heart a Progressive Socialists democrat. Her resume as an elected official is one line … US Senator from her adopted state of New York. Why New York? For the most part a New York democratic agree with her extreme leftists ideas and the simple fact that she was not going to get an opening to run for the senate in Arkansas (another adopted state).

    Hillary Clinton is an opportunist at best, and at worse she is a “conspiracy creator of her opportunities at any cost.” Vince Foster in his end knew what she was and was going to tell the world.

    An example of her regret and shame Hillary Clinton asked (rhetorically) in her Senate Benghazi kangaroo hearings, "What difference at this point does it (the deaths of the 4 men in Benghazi) make anyhow?"

  4. Good last couple of lines...

  5. From January 2000 until January 2009 when Hillary Clinton sat in the “belly of the Senate Chamber” the sum and total of her bill originating was as follows:

    1. She introduced 363 Bills for consideration
    2. 2. Of those 363 Bills 324 did not get voted out of a democratically controlled Senate and therefor all committee were controlled by democrats.
    3. Of the 39 that saw the light of day out of committee
    4. ONLY 11 of those got voted on the Senate and enacted – with NONE of the 11 being anything but “fluff” type bills and money bills for the Arts in NYC.

    If Ms. Clinton were a baseball player her batting average would have been a dismal 0.030.

    As a Lawyer if her total trial cases added to 363 and her wins were 11 – Wow! a 0.030 winning percentage in court.

    For me I would like a president to be better than 0.030 at their game.

    She is not the smartest women on earth as once claimed by her and her husband (and I use that term loosely). She is not the smartest politician – cunning and lying maybe before Obama. What she is, is a self-constructed icon.


  6. I am far from the brightest light bulb on the shelf. But what I undertake I I do the best work that I can, I research, I study, I double check, I look back in history. I do not lie, I do not fabricate stories that make my mishandling seems unpreventable. I am accountable for my work.

    Today accountability is not in the political play book. Politicians (for the most part) start off with a defense for failure; always have a fall guy (or gal) nearby. And why is that? Well it’s that way because our elected type people are never working in today’s realm. No, they are always doing things today so to get to where they see themselves next week. They don’t live in the present; they live in the future. But the future is always one step in front of them.

    This is exactly who Obama and Hillary Clinton is. And isn’t it strange that they both cut their party-political teeth in Chicago.

    Forget everything that is said of Hillary by her circle of confidants – they have their lives attached to hers. And they are only going as far as she does. And when the Hillary traing crashes and burns – so do they.

    The Benghazi story when or if it is told in all honesty with nothing to be gained by those telling the story – the story then will reverberate all through the highest offices in Washington DC. And all the King’s Horses and all the Kings men will not be immune.

  7. In his remarks on the attack, President Obama has referred to the Benghazi post as a “U.S. mission.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has similarly called the post a “mission.” The State Department website lists no consulate in Benghazi.

    A consulate typically refers to the building that officially houses a consul, who is the official representatives of the government of one state in the territory of another. The U.S. consul in Libya, Jenny Cordell, works out of the embassy in Tripoli. Consulates at times function as junior embassies, providing services related to visas, passports and citizen information. On Aug. 26, about two weeks before his was killed, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens attended a ceremony marking the opening of consular services at the Tripoli embassy.

    The U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, actually served as a meeting place to coordinate aid for the rebel-led insurgencies in the Middle East, according to Middle Eastern security officials. Among the tasks performed inside the building was collaborating with Arab countries on the recruitment of fighters – including jihadists – to target Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria.

    The distinction may help explain why there was no major public security presence at what has been described as a “consulate.” Such a presence would draw attention to the shabby, nondescript building that was allegedly used for such sensitive purposes.

    Did the President and/or Secretary of State even know this about what was going on in Benghazi? Or does it simply illustrate the disconnect of Hillary Clinton from her job as Secretary of State?

  8. You don’t survive as a society if you encourage and thrive on envy or jealousy. And for a big part that is what the Hillary Clintons (and certainly Obama) in the Democratic Party are all about.

    They flat have started to make it public in plain words that the great wealth controlled by the upper 1% of our (USA) society must be redistributed. That doesn’t just mean taking money from one bank account and putting in the hands of someone else. Social leveling is the horse that the progressive Socialists like Hillary Clinton are riding in this race.

    Remember back to Bill Clinton’s first administration? Hillary’s job with the blessing of her husband was Hillary Care nearly the same program that the Robert’s court handed to Obama as law - Wealth redistribution via health care cost and equalization of healthcare programs. The lower end of the income generators get FREE healthcare while the upper income producers pay twice as much for their new insurance (which is not equal to what they had).

    The Dodd-Frank Act has torn the real estate market all apart. It’s irrational to think there is anything positive about people being able to buy a home (that they can’t afford the payments on) with NO MONEY DOWN, and finance 120% of the property’s value – thereby putting 20% of the financed amount straight into their pockets. Where did that 20% come from – other’s people monies deposited with the lending institution or re-directed tax dollars? Any way you slice the cake its redistribution of other’s monies.

    If we learn from history anymore, then recall this - go back to 1933, with different words, this is what Hitler was saying in Germany and we all know what that lead to. I’m not talking about Hitler. I’m talking about an election in 1933 that had very horrible results.

    Learn also what exactly is behind Hillary Clinton and other Progressive Socialists/liberal politicians

    “To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” — Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

  9. When the full TRUTH about Benghazi is known we may all be amazed. But when may be when we are all gone from this life.

    But you are right Casey Pop's Benghazi is an Albatross around Hillary Clinton's neck. An anchor that will sink her ship someday
