Saturday, April 12, 2014

Ted Cruz Offers Another "The Truth Is So Simple" Moment

Senator Ted Cruz recently spoke with Sean Hannity on his radio show. The message Cruz delivered was very clear and to the point. He said Congress should impeach Attorney General Eric Holder if he does not seek indictments for people, such as former senior IRS official Lois Lerner, for their roles in the agency's negative targeting scandal that disadvantaged conservative groups seeking tax exempt status, beginning in 2010 and giving President Obama an unfair advantage in the 2012 presidential election. Some critics have said the IRS targeting may have cost Mitt Romney the election. In his appearance Thursday, the Texas Republican and possible 2016 presidential contender, said Holder should be impeached for "defying Congress and the rule of law." Cruz said Holder's actions were not in keeping with the policies of the Justice Department, which has "a bipartisan tradition of resisting partisan pressure and upholding the rule of law." He cited examples of previous attorneys general, such as Janet Reno and Elliot Richardson, as models for how the department should be run. Cruz described Holder as "the most partisan attorney general the country has ever had." Cruz also said he was "very pleased" that Lerner was held in contempt by the House Oversight Committee, but criticized the Obama administration for not moving to indict even one person eight months after the inspector general concluded that the IRS had wrongfully targeted conservative groups for heightened scrutiny. Cruz also took aim at President Barack Obama for appointing a Democrat, who was a fundraiser for his presidential campaign, to lead the IRS investigation, saying it would be akin to Richard Nixon's Attorney General John Mitchell investigating Richard Nixon. Cruz added that Obama had a "pattern of lawlessness" that "is breathtaking" and "dangerous" for liberty. "We have never seen a president who consistently ignores the law and brazenly defies the law," Cruz said, mentioning immigration, marriage, drug, and welfare laws. The president's unilateral changes to the Affordable Care Act also defy his authority in the Constitution, Cruz said. ~~~~~ Dear readers, Ted Cruz is right. But he should have added President Obama to the list of administration officials who deserve to be impeached over the IRS scandal. After all, as Harry Truman said, "The buck stops here." ~~~~~ Some things are so simple.


  1. Concerened CitizenApril 12, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
    ― Theodore Roosevelt

  2. Truth in the strict sense of the term is supposed to be a thing that cannot be either modified or denied. Ever since Watergate became the shorthand for a government run amok, the political cliché of our time has been about the political lesson of that era: That the cover-up can be worse than the crime.

    Apply that cliché to Benghazi -- and questions about the motive for removing the terror link from talking points about the Libyan attack in the heat of an election. Maybe there's a corollary question that we ought to be asking: In politics, when did spin trump everything, even the truth? We're in dangerous territory right now, although the president himself seems to be having none of it, calling any investigation into his activities a "political circus."

    Truth in Washington DC is something that needs to be explained over and over until it’s sold as fact. Truth in Washington DC needs to be first agreed upon by several departments and/or committees before the ‘correct” explanation of the truth can be put forward. Does Truth in it’s plain, undistorted truth ever come out of Washington DC?

    Are our elected officials (like those poor souls in the concentration camps of Hitler, before they entered the gas chambers) stripped naked of all the truth they know and will ever know or their ability to tell the truth upon entering the hallways of government? Is there a language known only to them called “governmentese” – maybe something J.R.R. Tolkien invented for them only?

    Ted Cruz offers up the truth is such simple doses. Maybe that’s a problem he has … simplistic explanations are meant for everyone to understand and just not those elites we mistakenly sent to Washington DC.

    1. Ted Cruz is honest, consistent, a principled. So while you may disagree with him on one or another issue, at least you know where he stands.

      The current culture in DC is one of dishonesty, shifting sands, and unprincipled behavior. Ted Cruz doesn't fit into the DC culture!

    2. Where does Obama stand oin any issue ... really stand?

  3. But Washington never sees anything simple...

    1. De Oppressor LiberApril 14, 2014 at 7:41 AM

      That is the problem with government today. "We The People" have allowed OUR representative to make the rules, decide what is discussed and in what context. the people that we elected and work for us have slowly slipped into being their own boss, and answerable only to themselves.

      "The tail is wagging the dog these days in Washington DC" The dogs have lost control. And very authoritatively we need to take control back.

    2. Ted Cruz has something most Republicans are bankrupt in: Fire in the belly and the righteous indignation to expose their hypocrisy. Cruz abandoned the 'go along to get along' orthodoxy of the Republican Party and makes no bones or apologies about rattling the cages of both Political Parties. It's about time we've discovered what it means to have uncompromising principles despite those who propagate the Laissez Faire doctrine of 'leave it alone'. That doctrine has nearly destroyed our Country and it's refreshing to see Cruz disown himself from that philosophy.

  4. The obvious, the understandable simple truth is always right in front of us. The problem with our lawmakers & various unelected department heads in Washington, DC is that they can say NOTHING in plain, simple and understandable English. They have developed this complicated “double talk” language that beats all around the truth and yet never really touches it. In fact what they say is not intended to be truthful or particularly understandable except to them and them alone.

    If you are in your Attorney’s office he/she speaks in as much street language as possible, your Doctor is the same. But, our legislatures pride themselves in talking above and around us on every subject. The more confusing their announcements, the less they can be called upon when in error.

    Their circumvention of the simple truth is not accidental, but planned for 2 reasons: Firstly so they can have wiggle room to exit their position in order to seem to be on the right side later. Secondly they wish to sound important, knowledgeable, and above all scholarly and so much smarter than we.

    If I have 2 weeks to live tell me that Doctor, if we are going to war for the sake of war tell me that, if our federal government is insolvent tell me that. If we all are working from the real truth, solutions are easy, if perception is scattered there’s a problem.

    Ted Cruz is accepted as a great trial attorney, a man very knowledgeable of the Constitution. He is a realist. He deals in realism. He tells it as he sees it and gives us his solutions to problems up front. Ted Cruz is a very smart man, smarter than I for one. But he isn’t driven to tell me that with every word that comes from his mouth. I am “comfortable” with Ted Cruz. I understand where he stands on topics and comprehend his solutions. Ted Cruz understands the problems that “We The People” face today and is willing to help solve those difficulties.

    Ted Cruz understands and recognizes the difficulties of this country and therefore understands the solutions to them. Whereas most elected officials have NO conception of the true nature of our problems, how they came about … so they have no idea about a workable solution.
