Monday, April 21, 2014

A Devil's Compact Sponsored by George Soros to Destroy the Constitutional Election of Presidents

A plan, now speedily sneaking through state legislatures would eliminate the Electoral College and award the presidency to the winner of the national popular vote. The plan involves an National Popular Vote Interstate Compact under which states would commit to select electors pledged to vote for the national popular vote winner regardless of how their own state voted. When sufficient states cast votes in the Electoral College to meet the required majority 270 votes, it will take effect. The Electoral College will be cast aside. So far, nine states and the District of Columbia - that together cast 136 Electoral College votes - have joined. That's half the 270 votes needed to put the Compact into effect. The ratifying states are Maryland, New Jersey, Illinois, Hawaii, Washington, Massachusetts, DC, Vermont, California, and Rhode Island. Both houses in New York have passed the Compact and it is on Governor Cuomo’s desk. In addition, the Compact has already passed one house in the following states : Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Oregon. These states, plus New York, represent 107 votes. Combined with the others, they represent 242 votes of the needed 270. Who is behind this? All the state legislatures ratifying the Compact voted for Obama, as did 8 of the 10 one-house states. The movement is funded, in part, by the Center for Voting and Democracy, a George Soros-funded election group. Essentially, the idea of an Interstate Compact is an end run around the regular constitutional amendment process. Rather than get a two-thirds majority of each house of Congress and three-quarters of the states, this proposal would take effect when a simple majority of states approves it, without any congressional action. Why are Democrats pushing this plan? Political analyst Dick Morris says Democrats usually see a smaller percentage of their people go to the polls than Republicans. For example, under the Electoral College system for President, they have little incentive to work for a high turnout in New York City, knowing that the state will go Democrat anyway. But, if it were the popular vote that decided, the big city machines would work hard with devastating impact, including double voting, fraudulent voting, and all the other tricks of the trade at which Democrats are past masters in the biggest cities most firmly in Democratic control (Washington DC, New York, Detroit, Chicago San Francisco). And these cities are all in solidly Democrat states. But, according to Morris, if the popular vote were to determine the next President, the Democrat city machines would be out in force lining up voters, real and fake, to pad their vote position. ~~~~~ Morris says some Republicans in non-swing states are inclined to back the proposal simply so that they get their fair share of attention, because they are tired of delegating to Ohio, Florida, Nevada, Virginia, et al, the power to choose the President. But, Morris says Republicans need to kill this proposal and they better get busy doing it. Republicans must stand firm and not yield to the temptation to back the Compact. How can the GOP stop the Democrats from ravaging our political system? Key battles are coming up in Arkansas and North Carolina. In both states, one house has passed the Compact. Republicans need to block the Compact from taking effect. And Republicans in Minnesota and Wisconsin, both Democrat states, need to stop ratification in their states. Republicans should focus on stopping the second house from ratification in those states where only one house has acted. Our democracy depends on it, says Dick Morris. ~~~~~ And in a rare sign of unanimity, conservatives and leading liberals slammed the campaign to effectively end the Electoral College's role in presidential elections, saying that the National Popular Vote Compact Law circumvents the Constitution, comparing it to President Barack Obama's abuse of the law through his extensive use of executive orders. "It is pretty startling," Bill Kristol, founder and editor of The Weekly Standard, told Newsmax TV this week : "If they want to make the case for the popular election of President and a constitutional amendment, they should make the case. But the Left these days doesn't make the case, and they don't go the normal route of changing the law if they don't like the law....They think of gimmicks and evasions and ways to get around the normal popular debate. This is all happening kind of quietly. I'm really struck by the way they’re doing it." Dick Morris told Newsmax that the effort is ripe for voter fraud and would guarantee that from now on, Democrats will win the White House every four years. Other conservatives agreed with Morris, saying that "the stealth way - going through the states - was doing an end-run around the Constitution. "It's a serious discussion. It's a debate worth having," former Michigan Representative Pete Hoekstra told Newsmax : "If we're going to change it [the Constitution], let's do it the appropriate way: get the super-majority votes in Congress, have the states ratify it, have a national debate. This is again, by the Left, an effort to circumvent the current electoral process, and through a stealth campaign, ensure their electoral dominance moving into the future." Kevin Jackson, a radio talk-show host and author who was a panelist with Hoekstra, said the Electoral College effort comes as "we're dangerously close to the Left having control of the Supreme Court" with the possible retirement of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 81, and three others in their 70s. They are Antonin Scalia, 78, and Anthony Kennedy, 77, who were appointed by President Ronald Reagan; and Stephen Breyer, 75, who - along with Ginsberg - were appointed by President Clinton. "It's definitely trying to get around the system," Jackson said of the Compact. Even such liberals as Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf blasted the campaign. "It's nuts," Sheinkopf told Newsmax : "Here's a case of where they're trying to go around the Constitution, around the law, to do something that's patently illegal and wrong. It's the same way the Obama administration issues executive orders. Our Constitution, that's worked very well for 200 years, is now being tampered with. A bad move. This system was put in place to ensure that crazy people couldn't get control of the government. And that's why it works. Don’t change something that shouldn’t be changed, for the purpose of making some people happy." Dershowitz said the Compact "certainly violates the spirit of the Constitution. Plainly, the founders of the Constitution did not intend for there to be a conspiracy among certain states to essentially abolish the Electoral College." Dershowitz, too, called for a constitutional amendment. The Electoral College was established by the Founding Fathers during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The amendment probably would not succeed today, but to use this method of circumvention, it seems to me would encourage other states to use other methods of circumventing the Constitution when it came to racial equality or other things," Dershowitz told Newsmax. "I think it is quite short-sighted," he added. "I do not support it." ~~~~~ Dear readers, the most disturbing aspect of this Compact is that it is being carried out in silence by Democrat states with Democrat-controlled legislatures. No one has had the courage to tell America what is happening. No one has explained to Americans that their constitutional process for electing their President is being destroyed without their knowledge. And, that George Soros is behind this theft of the Constitution means that the White House and President Obama are insiders. Imagine -- what if, by stealing votes and overriding the Constitution by means of the Compact, Obama were somehow re-elected to an unconstitutional third term in 2016. America would be lost forever to the fanatical goal of George Soros to destroy America as the protector of human liberty. As John LeCarre wrote : "And that's how I know he can be beaten. Because he's a fanatic. And the fanatic is always concealing a secret doubt." But, this is no time for complacency. If you are American...if you want to save the America you love from the Leftist agenda of George Soros and his public face, Barack Obama, email your state governor and your state legislator - do not be polite - tell them bluntly that their political future depends on their not agreeing to this Devil's Compact. ~~~~~ Tomorrow, we'll discuss Soros and Obama and their plans for America.


  1. The left loves faux reforms which leverage more power in its direction, with the National Popular Vote Initiative being a great example. The one-sentence description of this reform is this: "The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the presidential candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states (and the District of Columbia)."

    Plain and simple my friends! If I were a presidential candidate I could concentrate my dollars in NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Baltimore, Atlanta, Miami, St. Louis, Chicago, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Pittsburgh (PA) Columbus, Indianapolis, Detroit (and possibly a few other metro areas) pass out money & trinkets to the low income areas and those under informed voters and all their dead relative and walk away as President.

    Of course I may have to quadruple the size of the secret service.

    This will instantaneously make us a poster child for third world democracy.

  2. Since the founding of America, the process of electing a president has been done using the Electoral College process but if the democrats have their way, the Electoral College process will be replaced with a national popular vote.

    The Found Fathers were weary of allowing a popular vote by allowing the populous to have a direct election process to the Presidency. They feared a tyrant could manipulate public opinion and come to power as Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Paper No. 68.

    Federalist Paper No. 68, Hamilton and the other founders believed that the electors would be able to insure that only a qualified person becomes President. They believed that with the Electoral College no one would be able to manipulate the citizenry. It would act as check on an electorate that might be duped. Hamilton and the other founders did not trust the population to make the right choice. The founders also believed that the Electoral College had the advantage of being a group that met only once and thus could not be manipulated over time by foreign governments or others.

    Whether or not the George Soros groups will succeed is in question. However, as Dick Morris said, “Republicans need to kill this proposal and they better get busy doing it. Some small states are backing it because they are tired of all the attention being focused on swing states. But Republicans must stand firm and not yield to the temptation to back it.”

    This is another time for Nancy Pelosi to find a microphone and utter her famous words …”We must pass this bill to find out wants in it!” Well friends what is in it is the death of the United States of America & the never ending presidency of one lying Barrack Obama.

  3. Concerened CitizenApril 21, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    George Soros and with the report that Bill Gates is also part of the money trail in this endeavor adds up to a lot of sending money for Obama and his (and theirs) Socialists friends - money that will fund the demolishing the Constitution and therefore the United States.

    As the US electorate has been told for years by every left learning progressive Socialists democrat … “the RICH republicans.” Where are all those RICH republicans now that we need their contributions? Where are all the conservative journalists and publishers that should be telling this evil run around the Constitution?

    It’s “fish or cut bait time” people. This bill or quasi amendment to the Constitution passes and the little folks in small town USA is out of the picture. Every farm area, every sparsely populated county and/ or state is up the creek with no paddle (or political favors for their no count votes), the Mid-west will have little political impute.

    As the author of J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in the “Lord of the Rings” … “This is the age of man”. Well if this passes it will be the age of the Big Cities ruling class.

  4. De Oppressor LiberApril 22, 2014 at 6:59 AM

    Dylan Thomas, in his famous poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night,” was referring to how each individual will deal with death's onrushing approach. Each person deals with the realization that he is mortal in his own way.

    With all the recent revelations, and many not so recent, about the reality of Barack Obama’s dream to fundamentally transform America, using the death of a man and the death of a country as analogous seems apt.

    But how about collectively? How should we, as a nation of men and women, not children, respond to the threat of the death of our country; our way of life; and the values, hopes, dreams beliefs, and faith in what our Founders planned and built for us?

    Dylan Thomas provided us an answer in the last line of his poem:

    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    It is time, and past, for us to show rage at what Obama and his thugs are trying to do to us. We are not slaves. We are those who still believe in a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” We still look at America as that shining city on the hill, and we still grow misty-eyed when we hear "The Star-Spangled Banner" played (even if we admit to ourselves that it’s a really terrible piece of music).

    Think civil disobedience would be a waste of time? It could be that you’re right. Of course, there have been people here and there throughout history who would disagree on that. And what is more a civil right than those expressly guaranteed in our Constitution?

    Our own Thomas Jefferson once said: “If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Bishop Desmond Tutu went even farther when he said: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

  5. I’m here to call for a new patriotism of resistance in the sight of this Constitutional busting National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

    We need politicians and citizens who are ready to resist the media-government onslaught, people who will look inside themselves and speak honestly from their consciences, no matter the recoil and denunciations from the cascade. Be aware that there is a difference between physical and social courage; haven’t you met people who dominate their adversaries and seem more than willing to jump in and pummel others in a fist fight or verbal altercation, but who are bowed and wither in the face of a stern look from their mother or wife? If I had to choose an old-man politician partner type for a tag-team fist fight, I might choose John McCain, but I think of him as almost incapable of standing up to certain types of press criticism. We can no longer afford representatives who shrink or collapse in the face of name-calling and castigation by their political adversaries and the press. They must expect to be called racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc., but look to their consciences, their family, friends, and clergy -- not their opponents and the press -- to judge themselves. It is up to us to judge us.

    If defeating this monstrous act means we must replenish our ranks of elected officials by 50 plus percent in the coming mid-term election then that is what we must, no that is what we have to do. This is (at least today) a government as Thomas Jefferson wrote …”Of the People, and By the People”
