Monday, February 17, 2014

Obama's Early Political Errors Have Made America Reject His Presidency

This might have been a day of celebration for President Obama - not just the nondescript US Presidents Day that tries to make Americans forget that Lincoln was born on February 12 and Washington on 22 February, by creating an extra Monday holiday for federal employees - no, Obama might be celebrating the fifth anniversary of the $700 billion stimulus bill that he signed on February 17, 2009. The bill contained an array of spending cuts, tax breaks and welfare provisions and plenty of long-sought Democratic policy prescriptions. Even today, the President’s senior economic adviser insisted that the stimulus helped the US avoid a “second Great Depression” and will pay dividends for years to come. But the economic recovery has been very uneven and unusually weak since the end of the recession in mid-2009. Liberals such as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued then and now that the stimulus was too small to give the economy the jump-start it needed. They believe a bigger Keynesian-style stimulus, worth well over a trillion dollars, would have led to a stronger recovery. Conservatives dismiss this, saying most of the stimulus package was wasteful and misdirected, adding substantially to the US national debt without any long-term benefit. They say the government should have cut taxes, scaled back regulations and kept spending in check. The debate on the stimulus is likely to go on for years, perhaps with no resolution, because only Obama's approach was tried. Yes, as a forewarning of things to come, the stimulus bill passed with hardly any Republican support and became a political football for several years until superseded by an even more profound fight over Obamacare, passed with no Republican votes. And that's the second reason why President Obama is not celebrating today. He has been dealt a stunning new blow by Obamacare because even though there was a December-January upward tick in sign-up numbers, reports show that only half the people "enrolled" at Obamacare exchanges in various states have actually paid their premiums. With the March 31 deadline for enrollment just seven weeks away, the number of sign-ups in federal and state marketplaces has slowed down alarmingly since the sudden surge in the latter part of December and early January. But the bigger problem for the Obama administration is that roughly 50% of those who had supposedly enrolled for Obama's healthcare reform have missed their payment deadline for January 1, according to Investor's Business Daily's website. Examples show how bad it is -- *in Washington state, the goal was to sign up 340,000 participants by the end of March, but only 170,000, have filled out the Obamacare forms and only 88,071 of those had paid their premium as of Febeuary 1 - a little more than half the sign-ups and 25% of the number that Washington had hoped to enlist by March 31 with their premiums paid up. *in Wisconsin, half of the 40,752 state residents that signed up for health insurance through Obamacare by December 31 have paid their premiums and are currently receiving coverage. *in Nevada, they had targeted 115,000 sign-ups for Obamacare by the March 31 deadline, but just 14,999 paid their premiums by February 1, or 66% of those who enrolled and 12% of the target figure. *in Minnesota, 27,775 households had received private coverage as of January 18, but only half (14,500) have paid or have payments pending, out of the 67,000 targeted sign-ups by March 31, and there has been a slow-down in Obamacare ebrollments, from 4,000 a week for five weeks over December and early January, to just 700 a week now, which is about the same as the abyssmal October-November figures. says that the January data from New York, Colorado, Maryland and Kentucky also show that the Obamacare sign-ups have slowed significantly in the second half of the month. According to the report, the "spotty" payment rate may indicate that the demographics of paid enrollees "may be older and possibly sicker than even the national sign-up data have signaled." Obamacare needs young and healthy customers to sign up with state and federal healthcare exchanges to keep the cost down for older and less healthy consumers. ~~~~~ Dear readers, neither the stimulus nor Obamacare can give Barack Obama any reason to celebrate today. His lack of understanding of how to enact programs by enlisting Republican support, combined with his 2009-2010 Democrat majority in both the House and Senate, made Obama push through both the stimulus and Obamacare with only Democrat votes. Those early power plays left the GOP angry and frustrated that their advice - advice that represented half of America - was ignored and belittled. And President Obama has paid the price for those early strategic errors ever since. There is no way now to repair the damage, either with the Republicans in Congress or with America.


  1. It's funny how political strategy can make or break a Presidency...

  2. On January 20, 2009 when Obama was sworn in as president he thought he had the majority in both houses for his 8 years as president. He never believed that his "masked" programs would be rejected and his popularity woul be in the high 30 percentile. After all he was as the press painted him the Messiah here to save us all from the likes of G. W. Bush.

    Obama's master plan was to indebted the government to an unbelievable point. He accomplished that. Secondly he always planned in ObamaCare becoming nit a health care plan but rather a 'Single Payer Plan" for health care thereby giving his administration control over 1/6th of the entire GDP.

    Reforming, re-building, strengthening ,or even streamline our economic system was never in the card. Nor was the modernization and heath care for all citizens

    We were played. You see where Obama came from using the race card is fair play. The Constitution has been badly bruised. Maybe we woke up a bit late (because of sense if fair play). But we are awake now and Obama has 300 million plus citizens ready for the fight.

  3. Isn’t it time that we take off the kid gloves when discussing president Obama and all the Whys and Wherefores.

    Granted he is an African-American who has the best that this country has to offer anyone from its most loyal servant to its most dishonest resident.

    I love my country. I willingly put my life on the line for many long years in her defense and for the defense of its citizens. I believe in the United States of American and all her documents of government, freedom, all her many stance (at exorbitant cost in dollars and lives) throughout her 238 years of existence.

    But Obama came to us as an individual of questionable background, offered no information as to who he really is or where he is from. Disgraced the Lincoln Bible he took his Oath of Office on, lied about his political aims for us, concealed his friendships with enemies of our country, and never disclosed his spiritual bend.

    Our problem with Obama is that we unthinkingly re-elected this unknown individual based mostly on the fact that he is of African-American heritage, and we did not want to appear to be racially prejudiced toward those African-Americans who are part of our great society.

    Obama is all we suspect him to be and all we wish he wasn’t. The medicine has become the poison

  4. With hind sight always being 120% - we got in the election of Obama as president just what we should have expected. And his re-election was certainly predictable in content. We seem to be unable to see past the color of his skin in judging the value of his content.

    Perhaps the one most important thing that Obama could have done as president would have been the betterment of race relations in the US. And today (according to a recent Pew poll report) he has made race relations worse that they were in the 1960’s by an overwhelming 73% of the poll respondents.

  5. Obama has made America distrust & reject him and his ideas via his lies and attempts at moving this country to a socialist position. That is not who we are or where we want to be. He has approached his presidency as “my way of the highway”. He doesn’t have one compromising bone in his body.

    He’s a compulsive liar, an ambitious, single-minded individual, and a man with NO experience or grasp to be president.

    In business when you make a mistake ‘you cut your losses and get out”. Why didn’t we in 2012 elections.

  6. America is unraveling at a stunning speed and to a staggering degree. This decline is breathtaking, and the prognosis is dim.

    For starters, Obama now rules by decree. Reportedly for the 27th time, he has changed the rules of Obamacare singlehandedly, with neither congressional approval nor even ceremonial resolutions to limit his actions. Obama needs no such frivolities.

    By decree last week Obama decided unilaterally to soften political-asylum rules. Refugees and other immigrants who provide terrorists “limited material support” now can come to America. So what if someone merely clothed and fed Mohamed Atta or Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? After all, garments and meals don’t blow up. Welcome to America, Mustafa! Meanwhile, the Justice Department is working hard to revoke the asylum of and deport the Romeikes family. This evangelical-Christian family was granted refuge in America to escape prosecution for homeschooling their children, which German law forbids.

    Embattled Syrians flee the city of Homs while they and their United Nations protectors dodge incoming mortar shells. This sorry spectacle has exposed Obama’s Syrian policy as a miserable flop. So does the fact that Syrian president Bashar Assad has handed over only 4 percent of the chemical weapons that his deal last September with Obama and Vladimir Putin was supposed to neutralize. According to GOP senators John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Secretary of State John Kerry privately conceded to them that Obama’s approach in Syria has failed.

    The American people have been betrayed — both by Obama and the Democrats, whose lust for control intensifies daily, and by Republican leaders in Washington, whose cowardice and defeatism have turned their guts and spines into tapioca.

    America, as Paul Simon sings, is slip-slidin’ away. And the worst part hasn’t happened yet.

  7. “That’s the good thing about being president,” Obama joked on February 10. “I can do whatever I want.” In an especially bitter irony, Obama uttered these despicable words while guiding French president François Hollande through Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson — a key architect of America’s foundation of limited government.

    The transparent electoral motive that fuels so many of Obama’s executive orders seems unprecedented. The tone is also brand new. Obama’s predecessors have signed executive orders and, more or less, left it at that. But Obama pounds his chest as he does so. As he told Congress at last month’s State of the Union address: “America does not stand still — and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do.” While appalled Republicans sat on their hands, Democrats stood up and shouted like equatorial, rubber-stamp parliamentarians: “Hooray! We are irrelevant!” Chilling isn’t it?

    Clearly unafraid of Obama, foreign (Iranian) warships for the first time are steaming toward America’s Atlantic maritime borders. America liberated Afghanistan from a regime that hosted al-Qaeda, banned kites and recorded music, and built a bridge to the seventh century. And what thanks does the U.S. get? Over American objections, Afghan president Hamid Karzai last week released 65 Taliban warriors from Bagram prison, where they were being held on suspicion of killing American troops, murdering Afghan civilians, deploying roadside bombs, and otherwise perpetrating mayhem.

    For these and many other reasons Republicans, Democrats, Independent, Libertarians, and non-voters are fleeing Obama faster than the rats from a sinking ship.

    “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
    Abraham Lincoln
