Saturday, February 22, 2014

Americans Are not Fooled by Obama's Minimum Wage Bribe

Today is George Washington's birthday. Here is one of his observations that sounds as if it might have been spoken yesterday : "Few people have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder." George Washington would have added an 'Amen" if he were following the girations now going in Washington about raising the minimum wage. President Obama, in an apparent effort to bolster Democrats in this fall's midterm elections, announced in his State of the Union Address in January that he wanted Congress to raise the federal minimum wage from $7.75 to $10.10, a 40% increase. Obama also announced that beginning in 2015, he was by Executive Order raising the minimum wage for federal contractor emloyees to $10.10, to be paid for by US taxpayers one way or another at a time when the size of the budget deficit and the rapidly rising national debt are a major concern for everyone, except, it seems, Barack Obama. Add to this the recent calculation by the independent Congressional Budget Office, which concluded that if the minimum wage is raised to that level over the next three years for 16.5 million Americans, it could result in the loss of around 500,000 jobs - and possibly as many as a million - with major employers cutting back on staff to afford the wage hikes. Of course, Obama knew that if a minimum wage hike were to be enacted, it would require the support of his nemesis, House Speaker John Boehner, who in 1996 declared that he would rather kill himself than vote for a "clean" minimum wage bill. President Obama surely knows what Speaker Boehner's position on a high minimum wage is, and with the CBO's report that an increase could cost up to 1 million jobs, it's highly unlikely John Boehner will change his mind soon. Former Ohio Representative Steve LaTourette, a Republican who is close to Boehner, said the Speaker has "always believed that it's a job killer" and the CBO report has just fueled his fears. So, as far as Boehner is concerned, nothing is going to change when wage legislation comes up in the House in the next few weeks. Former Representative Pete Hoekstra, a Michigan Republican, said, "John and House Republicans right now see Obamacare and the economy as being the No. 1 issues. I think it would be very, very difficult, if not impossible, for John to schedule a clean up-or-down vote on a minimum wage bill. "There's no hiding it, John just believes it's bad economic policy. [Boehner] is a guy that is very fond about talking about growing up in a bar and starting work at a young age." ~~~~~ Dear readers, we may conclude that President Obama, knowing full well that Speaker Boehner would never support his minimum wage hike, asked for it to create an embarassment for Republicans during the Fall congressional elections. He calculated that the GOP, opposing the wage hike, would be seen as being "against the middle class...the little guy." Nothing could be farther from the truth. Look at Obama's handiwork -- a lingering unemploynent rate at around 7%, if we accept Obama administration questionable figures, that Obama makes worse by : refusing to sign the Canadian-US pipeline bill, by refusing to agree to tax code changes that would allow business to create more jobs, by piling on regulations that cost business more and more of their profits that could better be spent on expansions that create jobs, by allowing illegal immigrants to fit into the American workforce and by encouraging the acceptance of 11 million illegals into favored employment positions as citizens, by forcing through Obamacare that will cost Americans millions of jobs and reduce fulltime employees to part-timers as employers attempt to avoid Obamacare's crushing costs and taxes for noncompliance. And now Obama wants an employment-destroying high minimum wage. All of tbese job destroyers are opposed by the GOP, which has for five years asked the President to approve the pipeline, reform the tax code, reduce the burden of wasteful and unneeded regulations on business, enter into reasonable immigration reform negotiations and repeal Obamacare. Where is the job killer? He is sitting in the White House, hoping that George Washington was right : "Few people have the virtue to withstand the highest bidder." Obama is betting that the false allure of a higher minimum wage will save the Democrats from becoming the minority party in the Senate, as they are now in the House. Let us prove that Americans are above taking such cheap bribes.


  1. 64% Earning At/Below Minimum Wage Are Under 30; 63% Work in Restaurants, Bars, Retail. And these jobs carry with them tips or tip sharing.

    The increase in the minimum wage that Obama is proposing would cost the economy over 5 million jobs and countless disposable spending in the marketplace.

    If one is over 25 years old today and still working for minimum wage you have a bigger problem than getting the government to increase your income. Firstly when the increase is signed into law you'll have no job or much less hours. And secondly get some drive, get an education, get up and go do something on your own. be proactive.

  2. Employees that earn the minimum wage tend to be young, and work in businesses that keep a few cents of each sales dollar after expenses. When the minimum wage goes up, these employers are forced to either pass costs on to consumers in the form of higher prices, or cut costs elsewhere–leading to less full-service and more customer self-service. As a result, fewer hours and jobs are available for less-skilled and less-experienced employees.

    Minimum wage increases do not help reduce poverty. Award winning research looked at states that raised their minimum wage between 2003 and 2007 and found no evidence to suggest these higher minimum wages reduced poverty rates. While the few employees who earn a wage increase might benefit from a wage hike, those that lose their job are noticeably worse off.

    Employees who start at the minimum wage aren’t stuck there. Research found that the majority of employees who start at the minimum wage, move to a higher wage in their first year on the job.

    A summary of the last two decades of research from economists at the University of California-Irvine and the Federal Reserve Board found that 85 percent of the most credible studies on the minimum wage point to job loss for less-skilled employees

    So what we have here is another attempt by Obama to fool the American public into thinking that much like his signature program (ObamaCare) raising the minimum wage will be their life’s “golden ring” and he is giving it to them for a small favor … their unquestioning vote in 2014 & 2016. A small, very expensive price to pay for possibly less working hours (therefore less money than what one make presently) or most likely the loss of a minimum level job.

    “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is” even if it comes from the slickest snake oil salesmen that the presidency has ever seen.

  3. If I hear Obama say "It's the right thing to do" and then enter upon a lambasting of a specific republican (like Gov. Christie) or just republicans in general, I am going to scream.

    He repeats this phase with such loftiness and self-righteousness like he is the only person on earth that has the ‘right” answers to all the ills of humanity. Everything that comes from his mouth is hogwash. And yet the uninformed and entitlement dependent people in this country just keep sucking up his lies and self-serving rhetoric.

    The people of Germany created Hitler, the people of Italy Mussolini, etc. And we have created our own monster, all by ourselves.

  4. This entire Minimum Wage discussion serves two purposes:

    1. To increase the size of the followers of Obama. He has made a history of going out and recruiting the UNIFORMED citizens to be the flag wavers for his. His SOP as president has been no different than that of being a Community Organizer in Chicago. The only difference is the size of the community he is organizing.

    2. Raising the minimum wage is just a ploy to get other more injurious scandals off the front pages and off the evening news. Obama’s method of leadership is … Promise Everything, Deliver Nothing, Blame Someone Else.

    Obama does not have the slightest concern if the minimum wage is significantly increased or even decreased for that matter. He cares that his followers see that he has proposed it for the good of the poor, the poor that will be poorer if such an increase takes place because the loss of jobs and working hours it generates will be at the minimum wage level.

    Wake up America … the Snake Oil salesman cometh.

  5. A move like this Minimum Wage venture is all direct at the UNDER INFORMED section of society. Those people that are happy today that the Olympics are over (so am I, but because the Games were very bad) and they can get back to their TV programs that are at best (except for a very few programs) direct at people that form up the bottom half of the "awareness group" as to what is occurring in the real world, what their government are doing against them, and where their praised democratic office holders & candidates really stand on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

    Wake up and smell the roses. If something sounds too good to be true - folks it is. The kid taking your order at McDonald's (and getting it wrong) is not worth a $3.00 an hour raise. Or be prepared to pay much more for your Chicken Nuggets and no Ranch Dressing on the side. Plus the order take will loose 50% of their working hours ... so they'll be making less money.

    In Economics there has to be a "cause & effect" value to the potential income/job and how that job benefits society needs. If an order taker at McDonald's is worth $120.25/hour ... then your children teachers are worth much more than they make today because their VALUE to society
    is greater.

    1. $10,25/hour not $120.25 per hour SORRY
