Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The Nightmare Years of Obama Progressivism Are Over

"The High-water Mark of Progressivism." That's what American Thinker calls the Obama years. Fay Voshell wrote : "President Obama seems to think he can jawbone his 'legacy' into permanency, despite the recent election. He says the Iran nuclear deal will endure. The Paris agreement will last. Regulations cannot and will not be rolled back. Obamacare will retain its chief provisions." • • • THE SEA CHANGE IN AMERICA. Barack Obama seems to be denying the political sea change that brought Donald Trump to the presidency on November 8. The fact is that the Trump election -- and more, the coalition of Middle Americans that he gave voice to -- will kill Progressivism in the United States, unless they lose heart because of the stiff battles that surely loom. Voshell calls it a revolution : "The revolution happened because Americans have seen the wrecking ball that is Progressivism in action for the last eight years (and counting). The pendulum swung because citizens have watched as the leadership of the Democratic Party was gradually taken over by a bunch of fanatical extremists whose agenda was both morally and pragmatically repellent -- completely divorced from the realities of human existence. What happened was that the once noble moral impulses undergirding the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s were gradually distorted by the radical feminist and gay rights movements, both of which hijacked civil rights terminology and both of which leveraged the momentum of the initial civil rights movement for their own increasingly fatuous, fanatical and narrow purposes; purposes which wound up badly hurting other Americans -- in fact, the American majority." • The special privileges that the Obama Progressive government has granted to their tiny constituencies that call themselves 'victims' has resulted in turning the civil rights movement upside down -- gone are its Christian underpinnings and respect for the Constitution, gone is the sense of brotherhood and common cause in righting the wrongs that swirled around race in America before Dr. King began his marches, gone is the idea that good faith and effort would make a "more perfect Union." These truly American beliefs were replaced by Obama and his Progressive allies with 'forced marches' and brainwashing reminiscent of Mao Tse Tung tactics -- all used to subdue American values and replace them with a tyranny of unacceptable and unaccepted views about the world qnd humankind's place in it. • Many of these commonly held American values center around the ideas precious to Christianity, and so, to enforce his Progressive ideas, Obama set out to build an America in which Christian values were rejected in favor of privileges for the very few who represented a denial of these values -- same-sex marriage and adoption, abortion up to the day of delivery, the blurring of sexual differences to the point of forcing them on innocent and vulnerable children -- all accomplished by forcing Christians to accept and support these Progressive goals or risk the fury of an ever-more powerful federal government. Not only did the Obama Progressives espouse these radical policies, they co-opted the Democrat Party, making its members join their blitzkreig on America, helping to create an America in which the totality of western civilization's values and norms were replaced by a new world in which Progressivism's destruction of western civilization reigned. We may call the Obama years an effort to sovietize America, to eradicate constitutional majority rule of law, to install socialism, to destroy Christianity, to elevate Islam, to sweep away the vision of America as the democratic glue that holds the world together; but whatever we call it... • • • AMERICA SAID 'NO.' Americans finally and loudly said 'No' on November 8, rejecting both the Progressive agenda and those who favored it, beginning with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. That 'No' was possible because the Constitution remained intact, despite all the Progressive efforts to ignore and distort it. It was finally the uprising of millions of Americans around their founding document that abolished Obama's fantasy-based vision of the world and America. To those who say that the Constitution is outmoded or needs revision by a Supreme Court that casts it into whatever social and political form current winds dictate -- just say "November 8." • • • OBAMA'S EFFECT ON THE DEMOCRAT PARTY. We may wonder how American Democrats were so bamboozled. Perhaps it was the 'sheep' effect, or perhaps it was the feeling that an African-American President could not be wrong about how to lead America. But, reality should have warned Democrats long before 2016 that something was very wrong. It started in 2010 with the Tea Party and ontinued up to November's sea change election, when the Democrat Party hit a new low in state legislative seats, suffering yet another string of losses that highlighted the devastation caused by Obama up and down the party across the nation. • Republicans will control 4,170 state legislative seats after the election, while Democrats will control 3,129 seats in the nation’s 98 partisan legislative chambers. Republicans picked up a net gain of 46 seats, while Democrats lost 46 seats, according to the Associated Press. Independents and members of minor parties will hold 71 seats, including the entire Nebraska Senate, which is nonpartisan. The results cap a real political legacy of Republican gains in state legislatures during President Obama’s tenure. Republicans gained more than 700 seats in the 2010 midterm elections and nearly 300 in the 2014 midterms as Obama’s approval ratings suffered. Democrats clawed back more than 100 seats in 2012, when Obama won reelection. But, in total, Republicans control nearly 1,000 more legislative seats than they did when Obama took office. The Republican share of state legislative seats has grown from just under 44% in 2009 to 56%. After their latest losses, Democrats will hold just 42% of legislative seats nationwide. In 2017, Republicans will control 67 of the 98 partisan legislative chambers, after winning new majorities in the Kentucky House, and the Iowa and Minnesota Senates. Since Obama took office, Republicans have captured control of 27 state legislative chambers that Democrats held after the 2008 elections. The GOP now controls the most legislative seats it has held since the founding of the party in 1856. • However, simply controlling more seats in a legislative chamber does not necessarily guarantee a majority. A coalition of Democrats, independents and a few Republicans will give Democrats control of the Alaska state House. Although they are in the minority in both states, Republican-led coalitions control the Washington and New York Senates. Democrats will have to make serious gains in many deep red states before being able to compete for majorities across the country once again. Democrats hold fewer than 10 seats in 15 state legislative chambers across the country, while Republicans hold fewer than 10 seats in just 6 chambers -- including the Hawaii Senate, where all 25 members are Democrats. In 2017, Republicans will control both chambers of the state legislature and governorships in 24 states. Democrats will hold total control in only 5 states -- Hawaii, California, Oregon, Connecticut and Rhode Island. • State legislatures are important not only because of the laws they pass, but because of their influence over the redistricting process every ten years. Massive Democratic losses in the 2010 midterms gave Republicans the opportunity to draw congressional district maps in many states before the 2012 elections, effectively locking in a Republican majority in the House of Representatives. • But, this avalanche of Republican victories should not lull the GOP and its base into complacency. Democrats have reason to celebrate in states where Hispanic voters play a significant role. The party picked up 11 legislative seats in Nevada, seven in New Mexico and seven in Texas. Democrats also gained control of both the state Assembly and Senate in Nevada, and the New Mexico state House. Demographics matter, and the GOP must now consolidate its gains in order to hold on to a constitutional America by taking the constitutional message of personal liberties through mutual respect and individual responsibility to all Americans. Every American wants his or her share of the American Dream. The Republican Party has always offered the best road to that goal, from Lincoln to today. • • • THE PROGRESSIVE WORLD VIEW. The New Yorker magazine has published a long essay on the twilight of Obama's presidency. On the morning after the election, Obama told the New Yorker : “This is not the apocalypse." A few days later, President Obama added : “I don’t believe in apocalyptic -- until the apocalypse comes. I think nothing is the end of the world until the end of the world.” Then, toward the end of the long interview period that stretched over many weeks, the New Yorker wrote that there is no question that Obama is now seeing his post-Presidency "in a new, if dimmer, light." Obama told the New Yorker : “I think that if Hillary Clinton had won the election then I’d just turn over the keys. We’d make sure the briefing books were in order and out we go. I think now I have some responsibility to at least offer my counsel to those who will continue to be elected officials about how the Democratic National Committee can help rebuild, how state parties and progressive organizations can work together.” • Note -- Obama said "Progressive organizations," not constitutional or democratic organizations -- and he went on to say : "What I do concern myself with, and the Democratic Party is going to have to concern itself with, is the fact that the confluence of globalization and technology is making the gap between rich and poor, the mismatch in power between capital and labor, greater all the time. And that’s true globally....we’re going to have to redesign the social compact in some fairly fundamental ways over the next twenty years." • This is the same New Yorker reporter who wrote of Donald Trump the day after his election victory : "The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency is nothing less than a tragedy for the American republic, a tragedy for the Constitution, and a triumph for the forces, at home and abroad, of nativism, authoritarianism, misogyny, and racism. Trump’s shocking victory, his ascension to the Presidency, is a sickening event in the history of the United States and liberal democracy. On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President -- a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit -- and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy. It is impossible to react to this moment with anything less than revulsion and profound anxiety." • • • Dear readers, take note that the latest polls show that 53% of Americans think President-Elect Trump is dong a good job right now in getting ready for his presidency. We have to believe that these Americans also said "Enough" -- enough of this Progressive spin that says everything Americans value is to be relabeled as a fault and spit out with vicious words onto the garbage heap of history. No, it will be Progressivism that ends on the garbage heap, thanks to the US Constitution. • And, at this moment when we are hearing transition team suggestions that Hillary Clinton may not be prosecuted for her grievous crimes against America and her sacred duty as a public servant, let us take courage frmo the reports that President-Elect Trump has chastized the mainstream media for its villanous role in trying to defeat the will of Americans at the voting booth. The New York Post reported on Tuesday that major media executives and network hosts were berated in a private, one-hour closed-door meeting with Trump on Monday. The NY Post quoted one source who said : "It was like a f—ing firing squad." The meeting took place at Trump Tower and included executives and anchors from CBS, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, Fox Business Network, ABC and NBC. The source said : "Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said 'I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed'....The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down." One of Trump's senior advisers, Kellyanne Conway, called the meeting unprecedented and "excellent," and one source told The Wrap that Trump's team and those in attendance made "real progress" with regard to transparency. This is one more sign that Donald Trump has not lost his fire and fervor and is still squarely on the side of the American majority whom he represents as a champion and as a beam of light showing that the nightmare Obama years are indeed over.


  1. The rumor is out and about that know Demicrates that are voters in the Electorial College plan on voting for Hillary no matter is she won her state or not.

    Friends this may not be over yet.


  2. The direct nightmares from Obama and Crew may be over but there is still in play so many ways the the Progressive element of the political base has of disrupting this nation.

    Firstly throwing the country into the single most dividing Constitutional question ever (ending in front of a 4-4split SCOTUS).

    Secondly driving a wedge into the fabric of this nation constructed spelt on MINORITY MEMBERSHIP - only Blacks and Hispanics allowed.

    Thirdly open street war fare with hired thugs via George Soros's money. Attacks on Infrastructures (gas, oil, water, electricity, roads/bridges, hospitals, etc) that would cripple America.

    And maybe the most insane and ludicrous idea is that Obamacare and Crew simply don't recognize the election and they stay in power, along with the old House and Senate.

    If you don't own a "hunting weapon" maybe you should go get one this weekend. And buy ammunition - lots of it. If on January 29th they just leave then you can take up Skeet Shooting- fun sport.
