Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Basic Problem in the Budget/Debt Ceiling Crisis - America Spends Too Much and Obama Leads the Shopping Spree

When the world is watching the American budget and financing crisis play out in the full view of everyone, there are the beginnings of grumblings in the international community about the stability and value of the United States world financial and economic leadership. For example, China today said that there should be an alternative - "a de-Americanized world." But, if we believe the financial media and worldwide financial businesses, the world's financial markets are set to fall into disarray and lose about 40% of their value. Now, those are two diametrically opposed positions. China wants to replace the US with "X", while the rest of the world is poised on the brink of financial collapse. Perhaps the only worrisome beginnings of a shift in the international financial system - and it has almost nothing to do with the current American budget and debt crisis - relates to the position of the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. The US Fedderal Reserve has been inflating the Dollar massively, reducing its purchasing power in relation to commodities, causing many of the world’s great trading nations to use other currencies occasionally for bilateral deals. It has been rumored, for example, that DuPont settles many of its international accounts in Chinese yuan and European euros. In spite of this, the dollar retains its reserve currency status because other currencies have been inflated, too. For example, Japan has inflated the yen to a greater extent than the Dollar in an attempt to revive its stagnant economy by cheapening its currency. So the monetary destruction disease is not limited to the US alone. The Dollar will be very susceptible to losing its reserve currency position only when the first major trading country stops inflating its currency. There is evidence that China understands what is at stake; it has increased its gold holdings and has instituted controls to prevent gold from leaving China. Should the world’s second largest economy and one of the world’s greatest trading nations tie its currency to gold, demand for the yuan would increase and demand for the Dollar would decrease. In practical terms this means that the world’s great trading nations would reduce their holdings of Dollars, and the one-half of all issued Dollars held overseas would flow back into the US economy, causing prices to increase. President Obama’s imminent appointment of career bureaucrat Janet Yellen as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board is evidence that the US policy of continuing to cheapen the Dollar via Quantitative Easing will continue. Her appointment increases the likelihood that demand for Dollars will decline even further raising the likelihood of much higher prices in America as trading nations holding other currencies as reserves for trade settlement increases. Perhaps this key pressure from a sovereign country like China will wake up the Federal Reserve to the consequences of its actions and force it to end its Quantitative Easing policy. But, that will have to await the new US President elected in 2016 because Obama will not do it. But if China wants to replace the US, with the reserve currency and as world leader, it will have to step up to several important decisions it has to date been unwilling to take. (1). In fiscal year 2011, the US government allocated the following amounts for aid: Total economic assistance : $31.7 billion, of which, USAID assistance: $14.1 billion. France, Germany, the UK and Japan combined gave $41 billion in economic assistance in 2011. China's foreign economic aid is fundamentally different. It is not in the form of grants but given as technical cooperation agreements and private-government direct investment in Africa, South America and Asia. China establishes lines of credit backed by the recipient country's natural resources or undertakes projects to develop natural resources and takes back a percentage of the output. So Chinese "aid" is really in large part a way of ensuring its future raw materials and food needs. (2). The US gives $8 billion each year to the UN operating budget, including the peacebuilding budget. The US payment represents 23% of the UN total budget, far outstripping any other country, including China. (3). IMF Member Quota in Special Drawing Rights, which equate to the financial aid available from each member to be used by the IMF : USA 42,122.4 SDR (18% of total contributions); Japan 15,628.5 SDR (6.6%); Germany 14,565.5 SDR (6%); France 10,738.5 SDR (4.5%); UK 10,738.5 SDR (4.5%); China 9,525.9 SDR (4%). ~~~~~ Dear readers, as the iconic American humorist and writer, Mark Twain, said when he read his own obituary in a newspaper : "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated." America needs to get its government working again -- stop devaluing its Dollar, gradually pay down its national debt instead of always increasing it, create a balanced budget every year, and send home those Congress members and Presidents who oppose these clearly necessary actions. Obamacare is not the basic problem - it is the symptom of a Democrat congressional majority and President who have taxed-and-spent America to the brink of disaster. They are the basic problem. Send them home. Mr. Obama - do the honorable thing. Resign.


  1. We'll vote the bums out get economic stability. There's a fairy tale!

  2. We will get economic stability again in the USA when we realize that we can't spend more than the tax base allows us to spend. No more ever, but less as often as possible.

    As an analogy ... The USA is trying to compete at the Westminster Dog Show with a with a Gold fish. In economic terms our tax code is out dated and inefficient. We over tax , we have far to many legal loopholes, our bankruptcy laws are loopholes to excuse overspending for the most part.

    Our federal government has no way of being financed other than through taxes. But the taxes have to be both relevant.

    We need a version of a flat tax, a national sales tax, a usage tax. But the tax percentage for any of these needs to be fixed for "X" amount if years at a time to prevent escalating percentages and to act as a deterrent to politicians to not increase the tax percentage at their whim -they must live within their budget as all of us do in our private lives.

  3. Here we are on the eve of the great compromise, the great coming together for the sake of the politicians extended lives in Washington DC, the great deal that will be sold for everything that it is not.

    Here we are further out on the ledge of collapse....... And yet sometime today or tomorrow all will suddenly be OK again. Bi-partisanship will be the name of the game again and we will have only those great men in the House and Senate to thank for all this.

    Right? Really? Not at all

    The truth of the matter the deal that will be announced later today or tomorrow will be the exact deal that could have been presented 3 weeks ago. But the dramatics and name calling would have been adverted. The fear that was put into the hearts of the elderly and disabled would have had to been skipped.

    As either Barnum or Baily of the Circus fame once said ... "there's a sucker born every day".

    Well that's just what our elected officials in Washington DC thinks/thought. The misguided conclusion here is that "Sucker" is us the electorate. The same electorate that sent this rag tag bunch to Washington DC to do our wishes and deeds.

    I'm afraid that no matter what agreement is finalized in the next 24 or so hours there is going to be hell to pay for it. Our Congressmen and senators just don't seem to understand that the majority of us don't want Obamacare as the source of our healthcare. we don't want for tax and spend mentality. we don't want an annual crisis over the debt ceiling.

    What we do want is stability in our economic system, our bills paid on time, our deficit spending eliminated, the greatest medical delivery system in the world returned to us.

    What we want is to be AMERICA again. Not what this man Obama (that rode out of no one knows for sure where) and his band of merry doers and destroyers of our country perceive to be our destiny.

    We have but one way to right our ship of hope, to return to the glory days of the USA, to do what we were put here to do as God's great nation... Keep the very few good elected officials that we have and elected more in the image.

  4. This shutdown should show us that the federal government already has too much damn power. You know, it's one thing to go out and inflict damage on your political opponents, but to go out and inflict pain purposely on the American people, regardless of their party affiliation? Not everybody wanting to go to the Grand Canyon is a Republican, for example, and not everybody wanting to go is a Democrat.

  5. Social Security is not an "entitlement" program. I "invested" under penalty of law in the SS Trust Fund for over 40 years. I want the monies I put in back now that I need them. And by golly I want them back with interest compounded annually, just like I would have gained had the program been based on common banking principles. Or a loan from a foreign country like China.

    We do not have a Social Security funding problem. We have a repayment problem. Over the years Congress has used the SS Trust Fund as a cash cow. Time now to pay (repay) the Piper. They last used MY invested SS funds to "borrow" $678 million in 2008 to pay for middle east war costs, among other things. And by God I want those "borrowed" funds back and I want them back TODAY.

    One and one half increase in SS checks in January 2014. Congress borrowed now Congress must repay the "loan". It's time for citizens to call this loan in!

    Find a way congress NOW!
