Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Facts about the World's Role in the US Debt Ceiling Crisis

Sometimes the only way to understand a problem is to step back and view it from a dispassionate distance. We've heard the US media and politicians' commentary on the current partial government shutdown and impending debt ceiling impasse. We've heard from financial experts and business leaders and investors about how raising the debt ceiling is the only reasonable thing to do. We've even heard from China and Singapore about the dire consequences of a refusal to raise the US debt ceiling. Only Europe has been silent. Is this Old World politeness or something else. To answer that question, let's look at debt around the world. We can eliminate the business and financial sectors - they pay their debts or fail and are dismantled. But governments around the world have come to believe, largely after World War II, that they can spend more than they take in from taxes by simply borrowing the rest - that is, creating government debt. This has led to a sense, now being seriously challenged by American conservatives, that government debt is okay if it doesn't exceed a generally agreed upon percentage of gross national product (the total measurable productive output of a country). So, why would Asia be worried about the US national debt ceiling not being raised? Because they own the larger part of America's government debt and would not receive their interest payments because there would be no US government funds to pay them if the debt ceiling is not raised. How much US debt do Asian countries buy : In 2012 -- of the total $5.35 trillion US debt held by foreign governments, China held $1.15 trillion, oil export countries held $0.26 trillion...and so on until we reach the largest European holder of US debt - Switzerland at $0.19 trillion. The next European countries on the list of US debt holders are Belgium at $0.144 trillion and the UK at $0.141 trillion. Asian US debt holdings are large because Asian countries themselves have low levels of government debt. In 2012, China's government debt as a percentage of GDP was 32%. Hong Kong's was 30%. And there was the best European country, Switzerland, at 52%. European countries may not buy as much US government debt because they have large debt levels themselves. Germany's 2012 government debt as a percentage of GDP was 82%. France's was 90%. The UK's was 89%. Spain stands at 85%. Greece and Italy were at 161% and 126%, respectively. Just as a comparison, in 2012, the US debt was 74% of GDP. ~~~~~ So, dear readers - those countries that have money in their public coffers buy the debt of other countries whose coffers are almost empty. And in the case of an American failure to pay interest on its debt, Asian countries would feel the pinch of reduced income more than European countries that borrow less US debt. AND - and it is a big and, if America went into government debt interest payment default, the US Dollar, already low in comparison to other major currencies, would fall even farther. All US debt is held in US Dollars - so not only would Asian US debt holders not receive their interest payments, the total value of their bonds (i.e., their holdings of US debt) would fall as well. Think about that, dear readers, and, barring unexpected events, tomorrow we'll talk about what's really going on in American politics to resolve this very messy US government debt crisis.


  1. What a great explanation...thanks.

  2. We can increase the Debt Limited (as you well know) until the "Cows come home" and if there isn't a substantial corresponding cut in expenditures, if there isn't a productive job producing intuitive put in place to more people back on the tax roll, thereby generating more tax revenue for the government
    coffers, if there isn't a broad base adjustment to the reality if what we are capable I'd financially doing for a long while.

    The economic crisis has been swept under the rug lately. But we are still ( and more so maybe) on the edge of financial disaster around the world. And one slip, one country falls and a rush to failure could occurs.

    And as I sit commenting it was just announced the Ms. Yellsin (VP of the FED now) will be nominated by Obama to be head of the FED. This signals noticed from Obama that not only will things stay the same at the FED, but money policies may get much more relaxed and therefore dangerous.

    Sit down, buckle up, enjoy the ride,

  3. "Obama has been perhaps the most partisan President since Truman. He hasn't learned to be civil - note his insulting speech to Paul Ryan, who did us the courtesy of scoring a budget. The president has to talk to Republicans when it comes to the debt ceiling. He has reached the debt ceiling before anyone expected.

    Everyone believes that this is just a war of republican, democrat, conservative, liberal, libertarian views on spending, budgets, and VOTES.

    It's about so very much more. It's about the American way of life. It's about doing what is right all around.

  4. A Believer in AmericaOctober 8, 2013 at 7:11 PM

    I understand and acknowledge that we must pay our debt payments. If for no other reason it's the only thing we can do.

    The interest payments on our debt to various smaller countries represents a important percentage of their operating monies.

    But we must acknowledge also that for China and a few other countries the indebtedness they owe of ours is the control factor that they really never want us to pay off or pay it off. Without that trump card our relationship is not like that of a parent and child. We deal Internationally in a very different position than if we we debt free.

    And being debt free was with President George W Bush was a very long shot. With the additional 7 Trillion Dollars of debt that Obama has burdened us with ... Well it may be a fact of our fungicidal life for generations.

    Our debt is an road block. But with patience and determination we can repair the road - remove the road block- and drive on.

    "The longest journey us started by a single step"

  5. Some of us "senior" types still think the USA is still the world. We have until Obama came along to do NOTHING for anyone that was in need of help.

    So old habits and feelings die hard here in America. And it would be weeks of discussion as to why ... but, I don't think that a lot of citizens of the US has come to the realization as to how far down the road Obama has pushed this nation to the Socialists Left economically, functionally, spiritually, and studiously.

    To steal a line from the civil rights marches with MLK at the head ... "WE SHALL OVERCOME". Our energies may be depleted but our core is still the same.

  6. To not understand or grasp the solution to a problem ... is to not understand the problem in the first place. And if you don't solve a problem, the problem will become unimportant and insignificant. Thereby making a solution unnecessary.

    I believe that this is the hurdle that Obama can't clear in his attempt to solve our debt-budgetary-borrowing problems. Obama and his counselors have NO IDEA what to do because they don't understand the problem and the relatively simple solution(s).
