Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Remember Benghazi

A House Oversight Committee report to be released next week concludes that the State Department investigation into the 11 September 2012 attack on the US diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, was not conducted independently and did not hold top officials accountable. Media outlets obtained embargoed copies of the report this weekend. The Administrative Review Board (ARB) appointed by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed four mid-level State Department officials for the mismanagement of security in Benghazi, but ignored the roles of officials at the highest level of the department. The four mid-level assistant secretary employees placed on paid leave were never told why and were later given new departmental job assignments. The House report states that "the ARB blamed systemic failures and leadership and management deficiencies within two bureaus, but it downplayed the importance of decisions made at senior levels of the Department." Witnesses were uncertain how much these decisions impacted the inadequate security position in Benghazi. The House committee's report states that “The ARB’s decision to cite certain officials as accountable for what happened in Benghazi appears to have been based on factors that had little or no connection to the security posture at U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya.” The House report questions why Under Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy, who was instrumental in naming the members of the ARB, was never blamed or disciplined even though he admitted to having a role in denying repeated requests for added security at the post before it was attacked on 11 September 2012. As security conditions degraded in the summer of 2012, with documented attacks on western facilities, a State Department officer who served on the Libya desk said Kennedy was asked about the mission's future, and Kennedy said he would first have to check with Secretary Clinton. Based on a conversation between Ambassador Chris Stevens - killed in the September 11 attack - and Clinton, Stevens’ deputy Greg Hicks testified it was the former Secretary of State's personal goal to have a permanent operation in Benghazi. And further implicating Clinton is the report conclusion that “The haphazard decision to place the four officials cited by the ARB on paid administrative leave," created the appearance that "former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s decision to announce action against the individuals named in the ARB report was more of a public relations strategy than a measured response to a tragedy." This, concludes the House report is the real reason why one year after the Benghazi attacks, no one at the State Department has been fired for their role leading up to the Benghazi attacks. It appears increasingly likely the Department’s primary objective was to create the public appearance of accountability." The report also questions Clinton's own awareness of her possible role in the department's missteps that contributed to attack. The Committee said the probe was rushed, taking only 10 weeks. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs Douglas Franz told The Daily Beast on Sunday that the Committee, chaired by GOP Representative Darrell Issa, was playing politics with Benghazi, and that the ARB had cooperated fully with Issa's investigation. "In fact, it set a new standard for transparency measured by tens of thousands of pages of documents turned over to Congress, testimony in public and closed hearings and a declassified report for the public." The idea that anything has been hidden or that accountability has been averted requires willful ignorance of these facts." Representative Elijah Cummings, the senior Democrat on the committee, also defended the ARB report, telling CBS News the ARB conducted "one of the most comprehensive reviews in history." ~~~~~ Dear readers, tens of thousands of pages are more likely to hide the truth than to display it. We are still immersed in the muddy waters of yesterday's bloody attack at the Washington Naval Yard, but that must not make us forget about US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other US diplomats assassinated in Benghazi one year ago. They were abandoned by borh the State Department and the presidential security that they deserved and were entitled to. And, from 11 September 2012 until today, neither President Obama nor former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has deigned to explain either exactly what happened on that fatal night in Benghazi, or why it happened. Remember Benghazi. It, along with IRS illegal political activities and illegally authorized NSA spying on American citizens, is the real footprint of Barack Obama's presidency.


  1. I have listened now over some 32 hours of reports on the Washington Naval Yard incident and for a year on and off about Benghazi and who caused it, why it happened, who was at fault, etc.

    Mrs. Clinton whose husband President Bill Clinton 1993 took the GIANT STEP to via a presidential order to outlaw all weapons to be carried on any & all US military installations in the United States.

    I am sick and tired of hearing exactly why Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is not responsible for Benghazi. But isn't she? Directly or through neglect of her sworn duties she most certainly is. And so is her husband in line line of responsibility for what happen yesterday at the Naval Yard where 13 people died because NO WEAPONS were allowed to be carried on base.

    So for 36 hours we have heard ONLY about the whys and wherefores of the shooter with mental problems.Doesn't anyone that is that Murderous have a mental problem or 2 or 5 or 6.

    Tell me about the victims of yesterdays killings. I don't give a Damn about the shooter. he's dead (thank goodness) and there will be others that the press, TV and pundits all will indirectly glorify.

    Mrs. Clinton will probably run for the presidential nomination in 2016 (and unless someone hangs Benghazi around her neck with a indisputable red ribbon bow) she could end up our next president - God forbid.

    But again tell me about the acts of uncommon bravery that occurred between the Ambassador and his 3 "body guards" that evening in Benghazi. Not about why the obvious guilty are heroes sitting in the Situation Room in the White House watching all their mistakes take the lives of 4 REAL HEROES.

    The terrifying fear that never leaves one after suffering a day like yesterday of that evening a year ago in Benghazi is unexplainable to anyone who has not been there ... not in front of a large screen TV with a direct feed from the action.

    If we want more heroes for our children and grandchildren to look up to and emulate let's try promoting those that demonstrate those skills and actions of heroic deeds.

    Sorry Casey Pops this may have had little to do with your fine posting today.

  2. We can remember all we want to and it will do us some good but it will not move the envelope anywhere closer to the solution.

    Those in positions of authority can forget all they want to and we will continue to see the same problems recurring over and over again.

    If no one in this administration understands what happened at Benghazi last year or yesterday at the Naval Yard in Washington DC, or in the suburbs of Damascus in Syria a few weeks ago - and is still happening, or the occurrences in Egypt as we speak, or the problems that Russia has created in the Middle East with it's divide and conquer plan

    If no one understands the problem, then certainly they will not understand the solution once it's presented to them.

    Readers, it really is that simple. Every problem and every solution are not rocket science for the most part. To over think a problem is to over think the solution and then you'll still have the problem with a failed solution.

  3. The voices in some people's head may not be real, but they do have some seriously bad ideas.

    Now I am not making fun of, or light of people that have some form of Schizophrenia. it's serious and can be deadly. Yesterday seems to taking on the legs of a seriously disturbed person. Time will have to prove or disprove that wrinkle.

    But IF mental illness is the problem here, it is like what "Common Sense" said earlier about problems and solutions.

    Mental illness problems can not be rectified with a daily dose of pharmaceutical concoctions over a short span. A missed dose and we have a possible time bomb out there to wheel their anger at society. Like yesterday.

    Society has a right and responsibility to protect itself from the bad elements among it.

    "All Men Are CREATED Equal ... and then sometimes things go wrong"

  4. "Hagel wants military facility safety study as Pentagon audit finds Navy penny-pinched on clearances"

    Thanks to the Obama administration that's all they have to spend are pennies.

  5. (We Dare) Nous DefionsSeptember 17, 2013 at 5:16 PM

    I learned a lesson from both my Grandfathers and while in the military ... "Take care of your equipment and it will take care of you"

    Well this may also be true ...Take care of your defenders and they will take care of you"

    We are not doing right by our military or our career foreign service people who are out on the front lines of this war on terrorism each and every hour of the day.

    Our military expects to run a foul of the bad guys and quit possibly die in the confrontation with them. But Diplomats. No, they ware suites and eat off glass dishes at night.

    We need to protect them and defend them just as our government promised to do.

    Unlike people in Congress they have actual responsibilities.
