Monday, September 30, 2013

Are Putin and China Blackmailing Obama Because of US Debt Needs?

A conservative European website asked a very troubling question last week - is Putin playing the debt card over Syria? Here's the quote used to support this opinion : "They are living beyond their means and shifting a part of the weight of their problems to the world economy. They are living like parasites off the global economy and their monopoly of the dollar. If [in America] there is a systemic malfunction, this will affect everyone. Countries like Russia and China hold a significant part of their reserves in American securities. There should be other reserve currencies." ___Vladimir Putin, 2011. ~~~~~ Dear readers, the answer may turn out to be that very possibly both Russia and China are playing the debt card. This makes a lot more sense since China holds approximately 1.275 trillion dollars of US debt, compared to Russia's approximately 138 billion dollars. So, if Russian president Putin is playing point man in this proposed scenario, it is surely China that is writing the script and calling the shots. We don't know what actually happened on Friday, 30 August 2013. What motivated the sudden bomb-drop of Obama's change of tactic, seemingly only hours away from a military strike on al-Assad? The US President's advisors and the military certainly appeared to be caught totally by surprise. Did Putin let it be known to Obama that China would not be happy continuing to buy the debt of an America on the ground in Syria? It is clear that a US attack would have escalated, leading to US troops on the ground. Sunni allies of America in the region, led by Saudi Arabia, would have supported a US ground war in Syria, not so much looking for a victory there, but more likely because their real goal is not al-Assad but his shiite bosses in Iran. Machiavelli said, "he who overcomes his enemies by stratagem is as much to be praised as he who overcomes them by force." And Russia, China and Putin would have lost big-time if the US had been forced by the situation on the ground to occupy Syria -- (1). Iran would have been exposed to a US land invasion through northern Iraq, which is under US-friendly Kurdish control; (2). The Kurds also would have welcomed a US ground attack to help expand and create a Kurdistan state, not something Russia would appreciate in its southern border region; (3). A Kurd state would also put American military forces on the border of the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Armenia, posing a threat to an already weakening Russian influence in the area; (4). The Russian naval base in Tartus, Syria, would have been lost, denying Russia its only remaining foreign naval base and weakening Russian and Chinese efforts to gain influence to counter the American control of Middle East oil and gas resources. That is the Russia-China-Putin worst-case scenario. But, why would Obama not want to win that power play? Because if China especially, and Russia, refuse to buy American debt, who will? And if America were caught in this choking off of Chinese, and Russian, credit, why wouldn't other countries turn on the US and the Dollar? The doomsday scenario would be upon America and the world. In Sun Tzu's ancient Chinese military treatise, The Art of War, he said : "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.....Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across." If China is trying to do just that - make America's supremacy collapse under overspending supported by Chinese credit that makes America, in effect, a Chinese client state - then every American should be foursquare behind US House Speaker John Boehner, the Republican Party and the tea partiers, who understand that Obama and the Democrat Party are selling America to China. Obama's contention that there is no problem because the annual deficit has been halved is a lie. His $700 billion annual deficit is obscene. And it automatically raises the national debt, which was $1 trillion in 2008 and is $1.67 trillion now,making it necessary to borrow even more operating funds from China. Barack Obama is either stupid or an evil agent sent by God to test America's will to survive. Do not believe him. Do not attack the tea party or the GOP. They are America's last hope. I am telling you the hard, cold truth. We either get our debt under control or we become a Chinese outpost directed by Vladimir Putin. That should not be such a difficult decision. Think long and hard about it and talk to all your friends. This time, it is for real.


  1. I for a long time that the demonstrated ineptitude of Obama in foreign affairs and ecomonic that there must have been an individual pulling the strings in behalf of others not the USA. Someone like a George Soros.

    I'll have to be honest that a country could be the power behind the king.

    You have given me something to think about. But my initial reaction is your right, and when one would consider Obama's actions ... Your 100% right

  2. Casey Pops you have taken off the gloves with this one. An excellent, factual, very timely, needed posting. It's about time that the world starts to disclose the facts concerning the TRUTH about the inner working going on in the Middle East. "We the people are being manipulated, and lied today by what seems to be everyone.

    Why do are leaders perceive us to be so gullible and stupid. We listen to them as candidates, we support them, we vote for the, we put our lives in their hands ...and the lie to us. It must stop.

    Had Obama "invaded" in Syria when he made the threat we would have certainly had troops on the ground -would have had to. It's as assured as 2 follows 1 no matter what?

    Our inaction as far as Iran is so questionable. We are allowing - and now friendly with them based on what? Or better yet based on WHOM!

    At someone's suggestion the Labor Department has been playing all sorts of games with weekly employment/unemployment numbers. This has been allowed to go on almost from day 1 of this administration

    What a perfect way to collapse a country than to collapse it's economy. As Nikita Khrushchev said as he pounded his shoe on the podium at The United Nations one fall day years ago ..." we will bury you economically".

    "Words Have Meanings" no matter how long ago they we spoken Dear Readers

  3. To me this all seems so visible and up front. We seem to have trouble calling this Duck a Duck although all the prevalent sign are there... his double talk, his evasion of any association with the other ducks trying their best, and his methods of walking away from his responsibilities. Three stikes and your a DUCK.

  4. Sometimes we can't (or don't want to see) the obvious that is right in front of our faces.

    We made a BAD choice in 2008 with a titaly unknown politician from Chicago. One who had no national or international experience.

    We then did a very foolish move by reelecting this light weight to another 4 year term. The problem is the second time around we knew him - we just didn't want to appear to be a racists nation to the rest of the world.

    Today we still do not know much about Obama. Where he was actually born, where he grew up, his religion(if any), his desires for this country (if any outside his own advancement and wealth grasping) , his relationship to his his fathers strong Islamic background.

    WE KNOW NOTHING ABOUT OBAMA in comparison to any other our presidents before they took office. We "vette" a lot of people before we hand over the keys to the front door. maybe we should "vette" the final 2 candidates before we elect one of them.
