Monday, July 22, 2013

Reader "1776forever" Hits a Home Rum

Dear readers, this is a first for Casey-pops, but one of the comments to last Saturday's blog about the need for an American Middle East policy is so true, sad and comic in a deathwatch way that I want to reprint it here so no one will miss it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Casey Pops you are certainly right - the US needs a Unified Strategic Middle East Policy. What a God send that would be. And while we are creating our Christmas wish list how about, a Domestic policy, a Jobs Creation policy, an Economic Recovery Policy that is not based on the Fed's intervention,maybe an Immigration Policy, how about a policy that keeps the Federal Government out of our private affairs, a NO Spying Policy, etc. A Return to America Standards Policy. That would simplify it. The Middle East is a good place to start but it is far from the end of the wish list. An America Standards Policy. That would simplify it. The Middle East is a good place to start but it is far from the end of the wish list." ~~~~~~~ Thank you for taking time to remind us just how thoroughly dysfunctional the US government has become.


  1. Casey Pops

    Thank you for the honor.It's a pleasure to comment on that which you do ... the difficult part, the creation day after day of an outstanding variety of knowledgeable article that are spot on correctness.

    Do keep whet the good work. I am sure there are many people who look forward to work work.
