Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July, America...Best of Luck, Egypt

The Egyptian military has responded to the clear desires of at least half the Egyptian people by ousting President Mohammed Morsi and his Moslem Brotherhood supporters in a swift series of actions that cut through Cairo political centers. Morsi is now under the control of the Republican Guard, arrest warrants have been issued for 300 Brotherhood leaders, the president of the constitutional court has been named interim president, a plan for rewriting the new and detested constitution is being formulated, and new presidential elections will be held when the constitution is ready. One would have thought that the United States would be happy to have been given a second chance to come down quickly on the side of the Egyptian people in their quest for self-government. But no. In a firmly worded statement, US President Barack Obama called on the Egyptian military to relinquish power to a democratically elected civilian government and to resist arresting ousted President Mohammed Morsi and his supporters. He also said the US will review whether Egypt is still eligible for $1.5 billion that Washington gives in economic and military aid annually. In what seemed like an after-thought or a bone tossed to the Egyptian people, Obama added "that, ultimately the future of Egypt can only be determined by the Egyptian people." "It is up to the Egyptian people to ensure that Egypt's transition to democracy succeeds," Obama said. ~~~~~ Dear readers, here are some of my thoughts : *The Moslem Brotherhood are bad guys affiliated with Hamas and they are progressively strangling freedom in Egypt under the aegis of a very weak president who is simply an Islamist. *The president of the respected constitutional court is interim president and opposition leader and spokesman ElBaradei supports him and the military, as do tens of millions of Egyptians. *All else aside, Morsi was driving Egypt to bankruptcy and failed-state status because he is incompetent to lead. *The 2012 "election" was a farce...the courts threw out candidates until it was either a Mubarak cronie or Morsi and for this reason 50% of Egyptians boycotted the election and didn't vote. *The "constitution" is the document forced through by the Brotherhood to secure their hegemony and keep democratic government at bay. *Morsi and the Brotherhood have stonewalled all calls for dialogue or negotiation from any non-Brotherhood non-Islamist group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." ___The American Declaration of Independrnce. 4 July 1776. ~~~~~ We are with you in your struggle for freedom and self-government, Egypt, and we wish you swift and sure success.


  1. Concerned CitizenJuly 4, 2013 at 9:40 PM

    Casey Pops I wholeheartedly agree with you on this.

    It is now time for the Egyptian people to ride themselves of Morsi and the brotherhood once and for all.

    It's too bad that Obama wants to blackmail Egypt in their hour of need and financial support.

  2. Across the boards I have a problem with 99% of what Obama does and doesn't do.

    But I am perplexed by his actions in Egypt. The president of the US has come within a "cats whisker" of outright endorsing the radical, extremist,Sharia Law based administration of Morsi and the Muslin Brotherhood behind the scenes actions in Egypt.

    As Casey Pops so deftly pointed out this Morsi regime was destroying the fiber and monetary content of Egypt.

    And let's be precise about the importance of Egypt in the health and stability of the Middle East. Egypt represents a major importer of goods and services from the west. They represent a large percentage of the overall population in the Arab World. Their once middle of the road attitude and tolerance of Israel lead to the recent lack of numerous outbreaks of war with our great ally.

    If the Middle east had any "Moral Decency or Respectability" it was gone with Morsi election and the take over of Egypt by the Brotherhood. It has long been understood that if the Palestinian's every laid their arms there would be peace and prosperity throughout the Middle East. Whereas if Israel was to ever disarm there would be "GENOCIDE" of the Israel people that would belittle the actions towrds them by Hitler regime of terror and elimination.

    Now with the ouster of Morsi and the brotherhood just maybe they have taken a step back to the "tolerance and moral acceptability of Israel" that is mandatory for some form of prolonged quasi peace in the Middle East.

    Mr. President get on the right side of this explosive situation in Egypt and support what the people of Egypt want for themselves. NOT what you and your leftest leaning policies actually want for the region, let alone Egypt separately. This is your finally opportunity to turn around your dreadfully ineffective foreign policy of the past 5 years.

  3. A great commentary and connection on the importance of Egypt and the US being able to talk and reach some mutually important goals that con not remain dormant on the table forever.

    A free of fear of extermination, a country left to continue their advance on prosperity as Israel is ... Is the keyy to all of the Middle East region. ( at least those that want to take advantage) being able to follow, able to raise the standard of living for it's citizens, able to be party to the union of nations that practice freedoms and liberties. Not only for themselves but their comrades in equal believes of individual freedom of life, libert, and the per suit of happiness. Countries whose people's are free to decide for themselves, within the boundaries of law, their own destiny. Countries where all residents are free and equal partners in their experiment of democracy.

  4. at the close of the first day of rule by the military the score card reads:

    17 Dead
    Hundreds wounded.

    Who are they fighting with or who is frighting with them. i thought this was a done deal. Morsi is under house arrest. Hundreds of Brotherhood leaders are under siege with warrants out for their arrest.

    The truth is that this is not a done deal and great vigilance and dedication will be required by the new regime and supporters.

    This is a race and one must run to the finish line and not an inch shorter.
