Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Republican Party Post-2012

The results are in and President Obama has been re-elected. We cannot be sure what his agenda will be because he never articulated one. But we can be fairly certain that it will include a smaller military, less presence in the Middle East, higher taxes for upper end taxpayers, and the finishing touches to be put on Obamacare. The only wall against any of this is the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Speaker John Boehner. They will be badly treated by the President, the Democratic Senate leadership and the media. It behooves all thoughtful Americans to support Speaker Boehner and his House. We will also have Senator John McCain to keep us informed about all things military. And there are the Benghazi investigation and Attorney General Holder's impeachment procedures to finish. Through it all, we should remember that we are Americans...that we have a job to do for the United States so that it recovers from the fiscal and economic messes it is in...and that we have a job to do in leading the world, like it or not. Finally, a thank-you is in order to Mr. Romney. He did the Republican Party proud. He was honest, polite, serious and held up to America her problems. We cannot now say that we were not warned. Let us also remember that America got through the JFK Bay of Pigs and the LBJ Great Society and the hounding out of office of Nixon and Clinton's Lewinsky. So we will undoubtedly survive 4 more years. But the GOP must come to terms with demographics if it wants to continue to be relevant. Rubio...Rubio...Rubio. And Jindal and Jeb Bush, who may now assume the leadership position in the GOP that is waiting for him. ~~~~ Why did Romney lose in practical political terms : 1. Picked the wrong VP. 2. Had too many strikes against him because of too many GOP debates. 3. Was too moderate for the hardcore conservatives and too conservative for the liberals. 4. Had the demographics stacked against him and they were organized by Obama. 5. Maybe too practicality-oriented and not philosophical enough in the sense of rallying people around his flag. Finally, maybe Mitt Romney is just too nice for politics...it takes a hard skin with few qualms about attacking personally or telling a few lies along the way....Too bad because there are few who would have been a better president, and goodness knows we need one. I don't think Obama has a clue about what he needs to or should or can do.


  1. Fiscal and Foreign Affairs irresponsibility for four more years.

  2. I could not agree with you more on every point. maybe a few names that you mentioned , but this is certainly not the time or place for that discussion.

    Our demographics, our base, our appeal to voters, our ability to forceably conduct hard, winning campaigns instead of being nice and not exposing our conservative principals and values that so drastically differ from the Progressive Socialists wing of the democratic party.

    We must look at recent elections and see where conservative stayed true to their principals they win most of the time. Once they start to "wobble" to appeal to what the main stream news thinks is correct is when the advantage slips away.

    Hind sight being 120% correct all the time - we should have seen this coming as Peggy Noonon said on Fox news last night.

  3. I came across this Casey Pops as i was working on a paper. I thought there was some connection:

    Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
    Winston Churchill
