Monday, November 5, 2012

If You Care about America, Vote Romney Tomorrow

Tonight at midnight the noise and hyperbole and lies, yes even the lies, will be over and the time will have come for the American people to make their choice. Who will be elected President of the United States in 2012? Most experts say President Obama has the inside track and will win in a squeaker. A few polling groups - including Gallup - don't agree, giving Romney the edge. Some conservative analysts are even predicting that Romney will garner 300 or more electoral college votes. There you have it, the puzzling campaign of 2012. No clear pre-vote winner and professional opinions all over the map. This time, the reason has less to do with the candidates themselves and more to do with their fundamentally different visions of the American Republic created by the Founders and cast in the Constitution. There has not been as important an election in the United States since Franklin Roosevelt's victory. FDR understood that federal largess could be powerful and he put in place the social welfare programs and special interest perks that tied a large block of voters to him personally and to his Democratic Party from 1932 until today. Only one President seriously tried to turn the nanny welfare state ship around - Ronald Reagan. He won landslide victories but times were not bad enough for him to be able to do the job he wanted to do, put America back on a constititional footing of individial responsibility with a safety net only for the truly needy, whether the need be short or long term. What is different today is that times are BAD. Everyone knows it and, while not everyone is willing to acknowledge the consequences of 80 years of welfare spending above the national capacity to pay for it, everyone is more or less frightened about continuing down the path of spending far in excess of the national means to pay -- which is the path FDR put America on. That is what makes this presidential election so enormously important. President Obama represents a continuation of FDR's spend and tax vision of America (add to that today's need to borrow 40% of America'expenditures because even enormously high taxes could not pay for the 2012 version of the American nanny welfare state). Mr. Obama does not say where the money will come from to pay for his huge social welfare programs, because if he told American voters the truth, he would have to say, 'China and other foreign lenders' and by deeply cutting the military budget. Mitt Romney represents the constitutional view of spending within the nation's means. This is the only way to preserve America's position in the world and it is the only hope for keeping America's standard of living even at its already lowered current level. Romney understands the problem and the solution. Obama does not. It is not easy to say 'no' to federal handouts - and all Americans receive them in one form or another. But, individually we have all said 'no' to immediate spending -- to save for college, to get married, to buy a house. The time has come to do this on a national level. Mitt Romney will lead the way. He will make it as painless as possible, but he knows, as do all Americans deep down inside, that the time is now. Tomorrow...2016...will be too late. Vote Romney. Not because you are a Republican or because you are a conservative or because you are a libertarian or because you are disappointed in Obama. Vote for Mitt Romney because you are an American and you love your country and you do not want it to be destroyed.


  1. E X C E L L E N T. Simply the best summation of what tomorrow is all about. In a few short hours we will see what course America chooses to travel.

    The road of Freedom and Independence of a Romney presidency or that of the "cradle to grave" nanny state that Obama represents.

    Thank you for such a good article.

  2. I must go out and wave a flag...
