Thursday, November 8, 2012

America's Crisis Continues

Each of the four Evangilists tells of an encounter between Jesus and a group of Pharisees who were trying to trap Him. His rejoinder has become a favorite of politicians : "a kingdom divided against itself will be destroyed." For Americans, this will instantly bring to mind one of Abraham Lincoln's most famous speeches. It was when he was running for the Senate and "popular sovereignty" was the proposed solution to the slavery question. Stephen Douglas supported it - that is, he was willing to let each new territory vote on allowing slavery within its borders. Lincoln refused this abdication of duty, delivering the lines that have become the name of the speech itself : "A nation divided against itself cannot stand." Lincoln said that inexorably, the nation would agree together to outlaw slavery (his position) or the nation would permit slavery everwhere in the United States. He could not fathom a country part slave and part free because the tension would destroy the Union. Why write about this in 2012, fully 150 years after Lincoln abolished slavery? Because America is facing a similar division today. The issue is not slavery but the Constitution - the foundation of the Republic. The two questions that are at the heart of the division are tightly bound together : (1) are there limits on the power of the federal government to engage the "full faith and credit" of the United States' borrowing capacity beyond the reasonable means of its citizens to repay, thus threatening the value of their Dollar and the future of their country; and (2) what is the extent to which the federal government can "disenfranchise" half its citizens by enacting social programs and enforcing social morals that the disenfranchised half oppose fundamentally. These two issues represent the 2012 version of the 1858 "house divided against itself" argument. America faces a fiscal crisis that must be resolved. The crisis pits a Republican House of Representatives, constitutionally charged to control budgetary matters, which wants to resolve the crisis by cutting back social program spending against a Democrat President and Senate which desire to resolve the crisis without cutting social programs. This may seem on the surface to be easily resolved through compromise. But the reality is that the crisis goes to the heart of America's Constitution and the two above questions. And if there is no compromise possible, one of two things will happen - either America will lose much of its ability to borrow the funds it needs to operate or, to prevent this, the President will try to decree a solution by executive order. Either will provoke a constitutional crisis unlike any America has ever faced. Dear readers, this is the true result of rge November 6 election. The United States is split down the middle -- and the possibility of compromise is as far away as it was before the election. Perhaps farther away because the two halfs have spent the last three months hurling insults at each other in the name of politics. Something must give if America is to survive as we know her.


  1. Right now I think we have all the elected agents in place to absolutely guarantee that sometime in the next 2 years we will meet at the site of a catastrophic constitutional crisis. This meeting place will be in the Supreme Court.

    This will have to occur because the agents that are in the House of Representative and the Senate are not Statesman to the high level that use to reside there. In fact I don't think we have a single "Statesman" quality person in those two bodies presently. We have Republicans and Democrats, a few Independents that can't even make up their mind who they are politically. Statesmen though - NONE.

    But they will be smart enough to see political opportunity in the debate and they will splatter us all with their meaningless rhetoric

    But do we have the great legal scholars on the court to decide the future of the United States. As a non-legal scholar I think not.Certainly Antonin Scalia is no ones equal in the law. Then Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito are very close behind Scalia in ability. But after that we have 3 good lawyers and 2 pure political appointee who are not Supreme Court quality. Then We have John Roberts, the Chief Justice who entered the court praised for hi legal capacity, but he disproved that over the Obama Care hearings.

    So what is left to do. ALL OF US GET INVOLVED. Communicate weekly with your Congressmen an Senator. Write letters to your newspaper editorial board.Visit their local "home offices" when they are on break or vacation from DC. This has to start now. Our agents in Washington DC must understand that this is our country, we are the government, not them. they work for us. Tell them what you want then to do. they are in the hallow hall of congress to do your wishes.

    The only thing that can stop this assault on our freedoms, our way of life, our Constitution is for us - WE THE PEOPLE- to do what our founding fathers gave us the right to do.

    Casey Pops Favorite Quote:
    "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."
    ____Thomas Jefferson
