Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Obama's Failure with the Chamber of Commerce

President Obama spoke to the national Chamber of Commerce yesterday. The American Chamber represents more than a million American businesses and  has been the largest organized voice of United States business for many years.
The speech was hyped by the White House as a major address. Okay. But, if we put the fruitcake jokes aside, maybe Mr. Obama and his staff ought to have done a little more work before sending him off to become the "Queen for a Day" savior of American business.
American business knows what is needed to get its members back on track and hiring again. Obama's efforts feel on unimpressed ears because he still does not seem to understand that telling them to do his bidding will not work until the government steps aside and lets them do what they do best - create products, markets and the resulting jobs.
What the Chamber did not hear yesterday included the following :
   -  No mention of permitting American corporations to bring back to the US profits made internationally, without paying taxes a second time.
   -  No mention of getting the Obamacare nightmare off the backs of American employers.
   -  No mention of details about how Obama would reform federal regulations and their onerous reporting requirements to free up corporate funds for productive purposes. 
   -  No mention of what, specifically, he will suggest as a major overhaul of the tax code.
Mr. Obama instead chose to tell American business to step up to the plate and follow Obama's own preferred method of spending without purpose just to be seen to be "in the game."
He also reminded the Chamber that 1941 was one of the best years on record for them and it was during a Democratic administration...does Obama really think we need another World War II, or was he just waxing poetic, without any comprehension of the historical facts behind his comment?
Obama quoted JFK, using his timeless "Ask not..." challenge to tell America business to ask what they can do today to help the economy recover. It was a shabby ruse because the Kennedy lines did not deal with business or even with the economy but with a challenge to compete with and beat the Soviet Union.
We won the Second World War. We beat the Soviet Union. And American business played a big part in both. Missions accomplished.
But, it is difficult to see how we can begin to win what the President seems to see as today's war. If there is a war, it is against his reckless spending and deliberate attempt to make the federal government the most important component of the American economy.
This is not what Americans or American business want and it appears more and more likely that to change Obama's policy line we will have to change presidents in 2012.

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