Thursday, January 27, 2011

Casey Pops for President and Why We Chose Wrong with Obama in 2008

Thank you bunches, dear reader, for your comment. I'd love to be president. At least I'd have a clue what my job description is. If Mr. Obama only had a faint idea what he's supposed to be doing, America would be a lot better off today. But, let's face it. We made a BIG mistake in 2008.
The election of Barak Obama was wrong-headed and ill-advised.
Wrong-headed and ill-advised because we knew he wasn't saying anything specific, but merely mouthing platitudes about change and brotherhood. It used to be that every presidential candidate waxed poetic about "Mother, the flag and apple pie" but Obama switched to "Change and brotherhood."
Let me be clear, change happens, as the Swiss insurance commercial says, but it's not always for the better. Take the Edsel, or the American Basketball Association, or beehive hairdo's. Change for the better with Obama? I don't think so.
So, what exactly was Obama talking about? We now know, much to our sorrow and disgust, what he meant.
Spending our way into the oblivion of collapsed nations in order to give health care to 30 million people while ignoring the fact that 300 million people are happy with their present private health care. 
Riding roughshod on America by regulating every corporate effort to create jobs.
Playing fast and loose with our security by freeing Guantanamo Bay detainees to be tried in civil courts.
Refusing to inch even slightly to the middle to accommodate the will of the American people. And in case you missed it last Tuesday, he has not changed his stripes, he has only altered his words to try to cover his tracks for the future. Do not be fooled again.
Let me also be clear about brotherhood. America is built on it. We made it happen while the rest of the world was still trying to decide whether women and blacks could vote. We advanced the status of both these groups with the support of government, corporations and communities all over the country. Voters have elected female and black judges, mayors, congresspeople, governors and a president. Corporate America has named women and blacks to their boards of directors, chosen them as vice presidents and CEOs and thereby helped all of us turn the corner against prejudice once and for all.
Do not believe Americans are racist or chauvinist. Americans come from all corners of the planet and represent every religion, as well as no religion. We have built our country on their individual and collective efforts and we do not need to apologize to anyone. 
Where are the black or female national presidents or corporate CEOs in the rest of the world? India had Indira Ghandi, Liberia has Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Scandinavian countries now have equality in corporate boards and in government, but it took quotas to get there. Don't even bother looking in the rest of Europe, except for Switzerland where a majority of the national governing council is now female. Blacks? Forget it.
So, do not be fooled by Obama's preachy words about making America more "fair". We lived the word before he came along. If you're a "minority" there is only one place to be - America. And Barak Obama had nothing to do with making it that way. He only benefitted.
So, get out there and be active. Help candidates. Tell both the GOP and Democrat Party what you want. Hold their feet to the fire till they shape up because I'm afraid that politicians will be politicians, some tea partiers included.
And, for goodness sake, quit feeling guilty and powerless. America built the modern world. Let's not stop now. We've still got a big job to do pulling all of America up to its best, helping Africa become a full world member, finding ways to empower Arabs to take control of their lives and nations for good instead of dictatorship and terror, giving Asia the strong support it needs in order to live in the shadow of China with its as yet unspoken, and therefore menacing, agenda for the future. 

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