Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The 19,000 at Phoenix Were Proud Trump Supporters -- He Is Winning and He's Just Getting Started

THE REAL NEWS TODAY IS PRESIDENT TRUMP'S PHOENIX RALLY SPEECH. It was 80 minutes full of the real Trump -- the pure conservative populist who loves America and who is adored by his growing army of supporters. • • • TRUMP UNLOADED ON THE MSM AND REVISITED CHARLOTTESVILLE. TheHill reported that President Trump "brought Charlottesville back." While TheHill called Trump's decision to revisit Charlottesville "peculiar," it was clear that he was defending himself from the character assassination that rained down on him from mainstream media -- and Progressive Democrat politicians -- who call him "racist," "white supremacist," and who are now also labeling him "unstable" and "unfit to be President." • The President produced a sheet of paper and re-read several of his comments about the clashes between white supremacists and protestors that left 32-year-old Heather Heyer dead. Trump told the crowd that he had been misrepresented by the media, and that he had in fact condemned the far-right clearly. All that is true, as anyone who chooses to read what the President actually said during and after the Charlottesville violence will agree. He omitted his phrase "there was violence on many sides" for an obvious reason -- he was excoriated by the media and ProgDems who used the President's statement of an evident fact to label Trump a racist fomenting alt-right violence. That didn't stop the same MSM and ProgDems from using Tuesday's omission of the line to again call him a "racist." • The President used the Tuesday rally to remind Arizonans that both their US Senators are behaving like Republicans in Name Only -- RINOs. President Trump, without mentioning him by name, laid the failure of the Senate to repeal Obamacare directly at the feet of Senator John McCain. Trump repeatedly mentioned the fact that Senate legislation aimed at repealing and replacing Obamacare had failed by one vote. Every American knows that the "one vote" was cast by John McCain. Trump then added : “Nobody wants me to talk about your other Senator” -- Flake -- “who is weak on [the] border, weak on crime.” Trump has tweeted praise for Kelli Ward, a Republican who is challenging Flake from the right in the GOP Senate primary. • Perhaps the most startling remark of President Trump was his comment about the border wall : “Believe me, if we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall.” Will Trump let Democrat refusals to vote for funding for the wall lead to a government shutdown at the September 30 deadline. It seems unlikely, but Trump made a strong stand in Phoenix and Congress must be factoring that into their budget strategies. • The President also expressed his support for Phoenix -- Maricopa County -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was recently convicted of criminal contempt of court for refusing to stop his conservative stance on illegal immigration. Arpaio is reviled as an anti-Latino bigot by detractors, but Fox News and the rest of the media said that Trump's Phoenix comments were a signal that he will pardon Arpaio. Trump said that Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be “just fine” and then asked the crowd if Arpaio was “convicted for doing his job?” The crowd cheered. Trump continued : “He should have had a jury, but I’ll make a prediction: He’ll be just fine. But I won’t do it tonight, because I don’t want to cause any controversy.” • During the rally speech, President Trump accused CNN of creating "fake news' and said CNN's ratings continue to fall. The President also said that TV camera red "on" lights were turning off while he was accusing the MSM and their journalists of "fake news." Fox News said that CNN said did not do so. • • • TRUMP HAS A POWERFUL CONNECTION WITH HIS SUPPORTERS. He is mesmerizing when he talks to them as if they were all sitting in a living room together talking politics. Fox News warmed Trump’s detractors that they are underestimaing "at their peril the strength of his connection to his supporters." Trump's resounding support for law enforcement, veterans, the military, American security, traditional culture and unabashed patriotism that reveres the American flag and the Constitution resonate deeply with Republicans and conservatives. Fox called them "a large swathe of the population even as they are viewed skeptically by many upscale urbanites." • • • PHOENIX PROTESTS. Two Facebook events -- “Protest Trump Downtown Phoenix” and “White Supremacy Will Not Be Pardoned” -- had the MSM salivating at the prospect of thousands of protesters disrupting and diffusing President Trump's Phoenix rally. The Phoenix New Times reported that the “Arizona Cobras” chapter of bikers who support Trump said they would be at the venue to “protect event-goers.” • The protests never really happened. Even the Progressive Los Angeles Times reported : "After hours of largely peaceful protests, clashes broke out Tuesday night between police and protesters at a rally held by President Trump in downtown Phoenix. Once the President's speech was done, some protesters attempted to move barricades that were holding back the anti-Trump crowds. Police issued a warning, then fired tear-gas canisters. Thick plumes of smoke filled the air. 'Some people in the crowd began fighting and throwing rocks and bottles at police,' said Phoenix police spokesman Sergeant Jonathan Howard, who said officers 'reportedly dispersed gas into the area.' In an earlier tweet, the Police Department said officers were 'addressing criminal behavior near 2nd St. & Monroe,' which is the northwest corner of the convention center where Trump spoke. American Civil Liberties Union lawyers offered to aid those who felt their rights had been violated....Some demonstrators donned gas masks as the air thickened with smoke. After the initial round of tear gas, most protesters dispersed from the convention center area. However, several dozen remained and congregated in the street a few blocks away. A police helicopter circled overhead, warning them at least half a dozen times to leave. Finally, after about 45 minutes, the scene was clear. Police said later there were four arrests." • • • THE CNN AND CLAPPER RAMPAGE. Of course, CNN spent hours looping video of the tear gas plumes of smoke, while the CNN panel of rabidly anti-Trump "experts" rambled on about Trump being "a national security threat." • American Thinker's Peter Barry Chowka wrote : "CNN hit a new low -- and that‘s saying a lot -- Tuesday night in its coverage of President Trump’s speech in Phoenix. The former news channel is now little more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the Deep State. On Tuesday, it used a half dozen anti-Trump panelists, with no one representing a counter view, to introduce a new fake news meme : Not only is the 45th POTUS a racist and a Nazi-sympathizer but an imminent national security threat to the United States. To reinforce this spin, CNN’s Don Lemon, who outed himself as a Trump hater in an out of control alcohol fueled on camera appearance last New Year’s Eve, trotted out CNN’s new contributor, former Obama regime Director of National Intelligence James Clapper." • James Clapper, whom we remember as the Obama DNI who lied to Congress under oath about surveilling and unmasking Americans illegally, offered what Chowka called : "incendiary comments about Trump’s speech, which immediately went to the top of CNN’s Web site, and led many other mainstream news reports as well. Clapper’s and the other CNN commentators’ tirades eclipsed any coverage of what Trump actually said in his 80 minute speech to an enthusiastic crowd of over 19,000 at the Phoenix Convention Center." Clapper said : "I really question his ability, his fitness to be in this office and I also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it. Maybe he is looking for a way out." Clapper said he found the President's rally “downright scary and disturbing,” and he denounced Trump’s “behavior and divisiveness and complete intellectual, moral and ethical void. How much longer does the country have to, to borrow a phrase, endure this nightmare?” Clapper also said he is worried about the President’s access to the nuclear codes : “If in a fit of pique he decides to do something about Kim Jong-un, there’s actually very little to stop him. The whole system is built to ensure rapid response if necessary. So there's very little in the way of controls over exercising a nuclear option, which is pretty damn scary.” Lemon said : "[Trump] is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country...If he was on my team in this newsroom and said those things [apparently referring to but not directly quoting what Trump said in Phoenix], he would be escorted out of the building." • Meanwhile, over at Fox News, anchor Bret Baier convened a much more fair and balanced panel after Trump’s speech ended. Correspondent John Roberts had the opening comment : "BAIER: Alright, John. You hear these speeches. That was a stem winder! ROBERTS: That was as good as anything I ever heard [from Donald Trump] on the campaign trail." • Chowka reported that : "At 7:46 PM PDT, Fox News had a caption on the screen as President Trump spoke, paraphrasing what he had just said. 'Pres Trump On the Media : These Are Sick People.' In light of how CNN and much of the rest of the mainstream media presented the news about the evening, truer words were never spoken." • • • THE TRUTH IS TRUMP IS WINNING. Mainstream media, local news, major newspapers, and popular websites such as Yahoo, Facebook, and more recently Drudge will tell you that America is imploding, all due to the chaos of the Trump administration. Their propagandist goal is to wear you down and wear you out until you agree that Trump must go. • But, American Thinker on Sunday published an article titled "Donald Trump is winning...bigly." In it, Stephen Bowden writes : "The stakes rise with each new Trump achievement, commensurate with the rising decibel level of those who express outrage at whatever he says. That's what happens when your cherished assumptions are disproven day after day. It's comical and also understandable. No one likes to admit that he is wrong. Or that they are wrong on a regular basis. It's embarrassing and humiliating -- especially if you are touted as an expert journalist or commentator, at least by virtue of being on TV." Bowden then lists Trump achievements that Amerca hears little or nothing about : "the current NAFTA negotiations / Kim Jong-un blinking / China threatening a trade war and then blinking / the US becoming a net energy exporter / our diminishing trade imbalance / the amazing rise to nearly 4% GDP growth in the 2017 third quarter / forecasters suggesting that GDP could grow to 5 or 6% annualized / a rise in manufacturing investments in the US / more full-time jobs among the middle class / the continuing fall of ISIS in the Middle East / Wall Street's record highs as they turn to embrace Main Street / the public's opposition to the destruction of historic statues and memorials / an abhorrence of radical and violent activists on all sides, most all of whom abide on the left fringe / the Awan brothers / Debbie Wasserman Schultz / Hillary and the Clinton Foundation entities / the wall / immigration..." Bowden says of Trump's win : "It's almost too easy. He's focused on results, period. The rest is just distraction, much of it orchestrated by anti-Trumpers who insist that you really can get a different result if you repeat the same experiment enough times. They still don't get it because they don't want to get it. They have dug in their heels. That's why I find it funny. Trump is playing them every step of the way. The people who get it are the American workers -- the ones who watch Dirty Jobs, follow Mike Rowe on Facebook, and are happy to find an extra two hundred dollars at the end of the month. Soon enough, others will, too. It just takes time. Trump is making it happen before our very eyes. • • • DEAR READERS, here are a few more examples of Trump's wins. • The Washington Free Beacon reported last weekend that the unemployment rate for young people aged 16 to 24 years old looking for summer work declined to a 17-year low, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS employment data for youth during the summer months from April to July showed that in July the unemployment rate for this group was 9.6%. The agency uses July as a benchmark to compare from year to year since it is typically the peak in youth employment. The BLS reports states : "During these months, large numbers of high school and college students search for or take summer jobs, and many graduates enter the labor market to look for or begin permanent employment. This summer, the youth labor force grew by 2.4 million, or 11.6%, to a total of 23.1 million in July. The rate of 9.6% seen in 2017 is the lowest level seen since 2000 -- a 17-year low. Youth unemployment peaked in years 2009, 2010, and 2011, when unemployment rates in July hit 18.5%, 19.1%, and 18.1%, respectively. The number of unemployed youth, at 2.2 million in July 2017, declined by 431,000 from a year earlier. Of the 2.2 million unemployed 16- to 24-year olds, 1.6 million were looking for full-time work in July 2017, down 305,000 from July 2016....The number of young individuals ages 16 to 24 that were employed totaled 20.9 million, which was an increase from the 20.5 million that were employed in July last year." Rising employment can, as the President said on Monday, go a long way to improving race relations. • Another example of Trump winning is that Democrat Senator from Missouri Claire McCaskill has finally admitted that Obamacare isn't working. American Thinker reported last week that Senator McCaskill called Obamacare a "mistake." Apparently, Senator McCaskill's votes to keep the Affordable Care Act has brought her untold problems with her Missouri voters. American Thinker says : "In desperation, she's now called Obamacare "a mistake," and explicitly disavowed the mess that has left her constituents poorer and angrier at her town hall meetings." • Angry?? Twenty-five counties in Missouri have no insurers on Obamacare exchanges. They've all pulled out of the Obamacare disaster due to 'sustainability' issues, as one insurer told The Hill. Two counties have just one insurer. Patrick Ishmael of the Show Me Institute, in a column for Forbes, writes : "The cost of health insurance in the Obamacare exchanges is set to rise significantly in 2017. Here in Missouri, premiums are rising by over twenty points on average. But for the Show-Me State, that average rate increase only tells part of the story. For one, the high cost of Obamacare-approved insurance plans isn't hitting customers uniformly across the state; indeed, rural customers are far more likely to be charged more for health insurance than their urban peers, even within an 'Affordable Care Act' marketplace." • So, McCaskill, who voted for the Obamacare horror and now owns it is trying to distance herself from the Democrat Party -- calling herself an independent now, although she remains a member of the Democrat Party. She says the solution must be bi-partisan, and that is a sign of weakness : "The good news is this is a moment when we can quit playing politics and come together in a bipartisan way to repair what we have." McCaskill should have thought of that when she voted for Obamacare in 2010 or when she voted against repealing Obamacare last month. • And, McCaskill is not alone in feeling the Obamacare weight on her re-election shoulders. Democrat Senators who are running for re-election in 2108 are feeling the Obamacare weight all over America. As American Thinker puts it : "It's increasingly hard to be a Democrat with the the millstone of Obamacare hung around the neck. Obamacare remains a bleeding ulcer for much of the American public which remains unconcerned about the campus-style statue-pulling dramas of the coastal cities and wants bread and butter issues addressed. Obamacare is failing, Democrats own it, and their insistence on propping it up or else ignoring the issue is whistling past the graveyard. Just look at the hot seat Claire McCaskill has gotten herself into. Like many Democrats, she is running scared. • While ProgDems and their propagandist media are trying to tell America about a country that exists only in their socialist fantasies, President Trump is telling America the truth. Americans know that. They trust him to tell them the truth because they know he has no personal "political career" reason to lie to them. They know he says what he means and does what he says. And what a breath of fresh air that is for Americans who for much too long were treated like cash cows whose taxes went to pay for a socialist vision of America as a welfare state whose people must vote Democrat to be "acceptable" to the Swamp. Donald Trump has changed all that in 8 months. He is draining the Swamp. He is making Americans proud and self-confident again. And, he is just getting started.

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully (or not), the man has over three more years to try to get something accomplished, but it is not looking good when his “first 100 days” plans have turned into a first 500 day plan and that 500 day plan looks likely to be a first 1000 day plan at which point his agenda looks to go the way of Anne Boleyn.

    The President’s few great accomplishments have been rolling back Obama era regulations and undoing some, but not all, of Obama’s damaging executive orders. The problem, though, is that much of this will be reversed by a future President. The big wins get scored with legislative victories and there are very few.

    It will be a greatly noticed bit of irony if, in voting for Trump to save the judiciary, the GOP actually loses it with a frozen court till a Democrat President in 2021. Some Justices that they dug in their heels and fought death for time to wait out Trump.

    The President and his party’s only saving grace right now is the Democrats cannot help but express their open contempt for working class voters and people of faith as that party lets the insane take over their asylum.
