Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Progressive Democrats Are a Herd of Crazed Bulls Charging at Anything 'Trump' or 'Republican'

President Trump is doing a lot of good things -- reducing regulations that stifle business and job creation; making a trade deal with China that will benefit both countries and reduce the US side of the US-China trade deficit; kick starting the US energy production sector; arresting illegal immigrant criminals and patrolling the Mexican border with more and better supported ICE and Border Patrol personnel; eliminating anti-Christian religious regulations; seeking rapprochement with China and Russia in order to build a safer and more stable world by creating a joint confrontation of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear threats; supporting Israel at the United Nations; directing key federal agencies (Energy, DHS and DNI) and state and local governments to assess preparations for a prolonged power outage resulting from cyber attacks designed to disrupt the power grid and examine US readiness to manage a shutdown of the power grid and to effectuate the restoration of power -- there are many more items we could list and talk about at length. • BUT, that isn't happening in America or elsewhere in the world because a Progressive Democrat cabal has decided that Trump is a deadly threat to their globalist anti-American anti-democratic agenda and are filling every corner of the mainsteam media with garbage about him that is neither true nor honest political debate. I watched NBC Nightly News on Tuesday night -- it's the only US major evening newscast available in Europe, but last night's sickening episode has led me to say good-bye forever to NBC. The venom spewed by Lester Holt and his "reporters" actually made my stomach queasy. I had to stop watching as they lied their way through 15 minutes of vicious Trump hatred. • • • DEMOCRATS SHOULD BE ASHAMED. Ashamed that even Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out in defense of President Trump. Putin, and I admit his unsavory baggage, had the common decency to take a microphone in a press briefing with Italy's prime minister and say what many Americans know but never hear from their own media -- the Democrats are "schizophrenic." Putin offered Wednesday to help settle the controversy over claims President Trump shared classified intel with Russian diplomats. Calling them “dangerous” US politicians whipping up “anti-Russian sentiment,” the Russian president dismissed the Democrat claim that Trump disclosed any classified information to Kremlin officials and offered to hand over records of an Oval Office meeting to Congress. Putin said those attacking Trump for allegedly being too cozy with Russian politicians were guilty of “political schizophrenia.” Then Putin added -- if the White House agreed -- that he would share his records of a meeting Trump had last week with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and ambassador Sergei Kislyak in which it was reported by the Washington Post, quoting illegal leaks, that Trump blurted out sensitive information given to the White House by Israeli intelligence. Making light of the situation, Putin said he would have to reprimand Lavrov since the alleged intelligence was never passed along to him : “He hasn’t shared those secrets with us.” Concerning Russia's alleged meddling in the US presidential election, Putin said he initially found the claim "funny" but said Moscow is now "concerned because it's hard to imagine what the people who produce such nonsense can come up with next." • So, America, it has come down to President Trump getting unsolicited support from the Russian president while his own GOP waffles in front of their cozy congressional offices, blabbering platitudes about wanting to get at the entire "truth." • • • THE PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT COLLPASE INTO INSANITY. The truth is that Progressive Democrats are a herd of crazed bulls charging at anything 'Trump' or 'Republican' that moves. And, as Putin put it so succinctly -- "it's hard to imagine what the people who produce such nonsense can come up with next." • Unfortunately, Americans know what they can come up with next -- the destruction and attempted impeachment of President Trump and the elimination of the Republican Party. Putin called the Democrat nonsense "funny" but what is not funny is the stupidity of the Republican elites who think they will be safe if the Progressive Democrats eliminate Trump, silence his followers, and win the 2018 House and Senate and the 2020 presidency. The Progressive agenda does not call for taking prisoners or making room for a loyal opposition -- a quick check on what's going on in Venezuela will prove that truth, where Madura the Progressive tyrant has killed 42 Venezuelans in the last 6 weeks because the people dare to disagree with his agenda and are demanding free elections. • Republican elites who would initially survive a ProgDem takeover of America could expect to lose their offices, their pensions, their right to criticize, and their right to belong to an opposiition GOP. That is Progressivism. And it is Chuck Schumer's and Nancy Pelosi's dream, led as they are by their already-demanding ideological masters Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and their paymaster, George Soros. • • • THE REPUBLIC IS IN DANGER. William Sullivan wrote on Wednesday in American Thinker : "President Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey has been pretty big news, and there will be no dearth of continued commentary about what it means. But what rings hollowest in all the commentary surrounding it have been the nearly uniform claims among the left that his firing represents a “constitutional crisis. Does the left now care about the United States Constitution? Because that would certainly be newsworthy. This is the same left which, as David Harsanyi of The Federalist reminds us, didn’t utter a peep of disapproval about President Obama’s efforts to “unilaterally legalize millions of people without Congress.” What about the constitutionality of the federal government forcing people to purchase health insurance, forcing private health insurance companies to cap prices for higher-risk clients, setting school lunch menus, peculiarly targeting conservative groups for tax audits, or executive directives to ignore federal immigration law? The left didn’t care about “constitutionality” when all of those things happened during Obama’s presidency, but now are shouting from the pulpit that Donald Trump’s firing of the current FBI director, whose direct role is to “serve at the pleasure of the President,” is somehow some incredible affront to the liberty guaranteed by the Constitution?" • We see the hypocrisy. But, we sit back saying "This too shall pass." No. It will not pass unless and until Americans force it to end by rejecting in every legal way possible the open-for-all-to-see Progressive conspiracy that is sweeping over America. Why are Americans of good faith allowing Soros-funded marches while they stay home? Where are the Million Bikers and the Million Truckers and the Million Tea Partiers and the Millions of Americans who do not want to be taken over by a Progressive globalist elite that will destroy the Republic and put an end to the Constitution and its protection of individual liberties and rights? • • • SOME ARE SPEAKING OUT. And the voices now defending the President are often those who are not particular friends of Donald Trump, but friends of the Republic nevertheless. • Richard Perle, 75, who served as Assistant Secretary of Defense and chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, told Newsmax that the Washington Post report on President Trump disclosing classified information to Russian officials last week is "outrageously overblown" : "I was not at all concerned about that and I spent 50 years consuming and working on highly classified information. I don't think any significant information has been compromised." Perle said the WP article proves that the media is "out to destroy this presidency"....There was no indication in the article -- and this is now confirmed by the national security advisor that any classified information that was not either known or obvious was revealed in that conversation. This seems to me another example of parts of the mainstream press clearly unambiguously out to destroy this presidency." • James Rosen, Fox News correspondent, asked : "If James Comey was so fastidious about updating the Congress every time there was a major break in the investigations that he had confirmed the FBI was involved with, it seems curious why this memo would only be surfacing now after he's been fired?" Rosen knows about the dangers of Progressive elites. In 2013, Rosen was named a 'criminal co-conspirator' and 'flight risk' by Obama's then Attoney General Eric Holder -- which led to a series of events that made Holder later regret doing it. With Holder's explicit direction, the DOJ secretly accessed all of Rosen's gmails, contacts, and surveilled more than 20 phone lines connected to him, including his mother's phone in Staten Island, NY. The Washington Post's Dana Milbank wrote a piece on the ordeal at the time, saying : "The Rosen affair is as flagrant an assault on civil liberties as anything done by George W. Bush’s administration, and it uses technology to silence critics in a way Richard Nixon could only have dreamed of. To treat a reporter as a criminal for doing his job -- seeking out information the government doesn’t want made public -- deprives Americans of the First Amendment freedom on which all other constitutional rights are based." • Where are the Washingotn Post and Dana Millbank now that it is a Republican President being surveilled and harassed by Progressive Democrats seeking to "silence critics"??? • Even Karl Rove stepped up to defend President Trump against Comey's assertion that Trump tried to coerce him vis-à-vis the Genral Flynn investigation. Rove told Fox News : "What about President Obama publicly saying that Hillary Clinton had not done anything wrong, while the FBI is investigating whether or not she does something improper? I think you have to apply that same standard to say it was inappropriate for the former President, while he was in office, while the [FBI] investigation was underway...It would seem that if the President [Trump] said that, and Comey thought it was incorrect or improper, he should have said to the President, 'With all due respect, I don't think that is a kind of question you should be asking.' So, if it was in the gray area, he had an obligation to say something to the President. If it was not in the gray area, and it had crossed his line...he had an obligation to say something inside the Justice Department, to raise it to his superiors in the chain of command." • • • DEAR READERS, anyone who has crossed paths with totalitarian regimes and their terrorizing tactics never forgets the experience. I have had my passport taken in Soviet eastern Europe and in one Middle East country. It was frightening because I knew that I was in the hands of police states who could take "me" just as easily as they took my passport. James Rosen must have had that feeling when the Obama Thought Police took over and surveilled his means of communication and his legitimate journalistic resources. Rosen must have felt true anguish in seeing his mother dragged into the scandalous Obama DOJ behavior. • Yet, that is what Progressivism is all about. It re-educates your children -- it takes over the media -- it attacks and destroys political opposition -- and then it seizes control of the courts and the military -- and "we the people" are left out in the cold as the slaves of the regime. • There is now a Popshot about George Orwell posted beside the blog space. Please read it, if you haven't yet. And, if you never read another book in your life, read "Animal Farm." The last scene where the little farm animals who followed the totalitarian pig leaders because they were promised "workers' rights" still chokes me up every time, at least once a year, that I read it. Those defeated, starving little worker animals peeking into the big house where the pig elite are eating a feast, while the little animals' friend, the worker horse too old to work any longer, is being hauled off to be butchered, is the very essence of the Progressive endgame. • Speak up for your rights and liberties. Stand up for your rights and liberties. March for your rights and liberties. "Never, ever give up."


  1. There are also some so called 'anti-Trump' elected Republican officials in side the Washington Beltway that are falling over each others to get in front of a MSM camera to assault the President.

    These si-called republicans (which they are not) are tools if the Deep State, and the DS is fearful of Donald Trump's foreign policy actions; not his domestic program at all.

    The Deep State lives or dies in the advancement of their Internationalist, their One World Government, their ability to create wars, to destroy countries, their carte branch control of economies, their socialistic MO. They (Deep State) play a game based in their assuming great wealth at any cost.

    Are no mistake that all elected Congressmen/Senators are on America side.

  2. Concerned CitizenMay 17, 2017 at 5:49 PM

    If the vipers in Congress currently defending him believe their own jobs are in jeopardy because of him, they will see to it that he loses first. That is the reality of our age. But we should not kid ourselves. If President Trump were to resign, the future President Pence would face just as much outrage and resistance from the left.

  3. THE COMEY MEMO... If it turns out that this memo doesn’t exist, doesn’t say what the NYT wrote it says, or is offered in a different context (i.e. maybe Comey didn’t write it, but someone else summarized remarks Comey made verbally about the meeting), then the NYT has destroyed its journalistic integrity.

    If this story is true, Trump is in trouble, with Congress, with the American people, and with an increasingly rabid press. But if the story is false, the NYT, along with much of the rest of the MSM that has bought into the story, will hang their heads in shame for many years. This will make Dan Rather’s Bush memo look like a Brian Williams bar story.

    If true, this is one of the worst scandals of abuse of presidential power since Nixon. If false, it’s one of the worst betrayals of journalistic ethics in modern history.

    Either the memo exists and is everything the NYT claims it is, or it isn’t. It us that simple.

    America, led by Congress, must see the memo - It’s time for the truth.” Amen, brother, and the truth shall set us all free.

  4. Both books are necessary reading for today's citizen
