Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Is Probably Finished...Will It Be Biden or Another Democrat Progressive?

Hillary Clinton's collapse on Sunday at the Ground Zero 9/11 ceremony was frightening. Despite her team's and media attempts to call it a "stumble," Hillary simply collapsed. The video that has gone viral on You Tube and Twitter shows her bracing herself on a cement barrier post while waiting for her van to pull up. She did not "stumble" -- as soon as she tried to leave the post's support and walk on her own, her knees gave way twice, while aides tried to hold her upright. She was unable to walk, rather, she immediately fell forward, collapsing into the arms of Secret Service agents who lifted her bodily into the van. Clinton had reportedly earlier disappeared from her place in the crowd listening to speeches and music. After an hour-and-a-half or so, she emerged waiting for the van that took her to her daughter Chelsea's nearby apartment to rest. After Hillary rested at Chelsea's, she emerged, smiling and waving before she got into her van for the trip to her home at Chappaqua. Several hours later, her doctor announced that Hillary had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday. Dr. Lisa R. Bardack released a statement via the campaign revealing the pneumonia diagnosis on Sunday evening, hours after Hillary was seen collapsing on video. Bardack said Clinton had an examination at her home in Chappaqua after the incident. The doctor said the incident Sunday was a result of dehydration and overheating and that the candidate is "re-hydrated and recovering nicely," and advised antibiotics and rest. Clinton has been coughing, said to be related to allergies. Last Monday, she had a coughing fit at the start of a campaign event and later that day had to leave her Q&A with journalists on her campaign plane because of a coughing spell. There has still been no detailed medical report to say whether Hillary has viral or bacterial pneumonia, which antibiotics she is taking, or whether she has a fever. We don't even know if the supposed pneumonia was a stand-alone illness or the secondary symptom of a more fundamental disease; such as MS or COPD or Parkinson's Disease. But, her fundraising and speaking trip to California scheduled for Monday was cancelled. ~~~~~~ President Obama’s former physician said he believes Hillary Clinton should have a neurological examination because of her history of brain injury. During an interview on CNN, Dr. David Scheiner argued that Clinton’s note from her doctor isn’t enough. The letter explains that Clinton had follow-up testing in 2013 that showed a full recovery from a concussion and that she tested negative for clotting disorders, but Dr. Scheiner says : "I think she should have had a neurological examination, a thorough neurological examination in 2016. We know what happens to football players who have had concussions, how they begin to lose some of their cognitive ability.” Newsmax has pointed out that coughing can be a symptom of various ailments, including smoking, asthma, sinus problems, acid reflux, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), upper respiratory infections, high blood pressure drugs, and Parkinson's Disease, which can cause coughing because people with Parkinson's Disease have difficulty clearing their throat. Social media is full of medical doctors and others suggesting that the underlying cause of Hillary's cough is exactly that -- Parkinsin's Disease. French media has reported that couturier Sonia Rykiel, who died recently at 86 after a 12-year battle with Parkinson's disease that few people ever knew about because Rykiel took serious medication, rested often, and was under strict medical control -- just so the public would not learn about her disease. So, it is possible to hide Parkinson's for many years. An indication of how serious the concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are is that 71% of 250 physicians responding to an informal internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons said her health "could be disqualifying for the position of President of the US." About 20% said concerns were "likely overblown, but should be addressed as by full release of medical records." Only 2.7% said that they were 'just a political attack' : "I have confidence in the letter from her physician and see no cause for concern." ~~~~~~ Terry Moran, chief ABC European correspondent, told BBC Monday afternoon : "She needs to come clean about her health...and level with the American people." But, at least before Hillary's Sunday collapse that was caught on video, those around the Clinton campaign insisted Clinton and her team weren’t worried that the health stories will damage her White House bid, though the video comes as polls of the race have tightened. A former aide said before Sunday's collapse : “The fact of the matter is there is no truth or factual evidence to debunk. She is perfectly healthy. The only way is to challenge him [Trump] to a push-up contest at the first debate.” Questions about Clinton's health have been an issue in the campaign for months, and Trump team challenges about her health are based on her December 2012 concussion and ensuing blood clot during the closing days of her tenure at the State Department. In August, Clinton's camp released a statement from Dr. Bardack, proclaiming Clinton's "excellent health" while re-circulating a year-old letter describing her health in greater detail : "To reiterate what I said in my previous statement, Secretary Clinton is in excellent health and fit to serve as President of the United States." When asked, prior to Sunday, about the circulating health rumors, Hillary's campaign called the speculation in the conservative media "deranged conspiracy theories." OH, YES. And the health rumors that led to collapse in full public view is clearly a "vast right-wing conspiracy." But, there is no denying that Hillary herself poured fuel on the question of her health by telling the FBI she could not recall every briefing she received because of her concussion. Hillary's 2012 injury occurred after the then-Secretary of State, "suffered a stomach virus after traveling, became dehydrated, fainted and sustained a concussion." This was the report released by Dr. Bardack at the time, and it sounds very much like the report Dr. Bardack released Sunday to explain away Hillary's latest collapse. ~~~~~~ Dear readers, none of us wish Hillary bad health or a debilitating medical condition. But, she is asking to be elected US President -- generally agreed to be the hardest, most physically aging job in the world. Americans often joke about how quickly every President gets grey hair and wrinkles. But, it is no joking matter. Hillary Clinton has made the bed she now lies in -- her 25-year history of lies and cover-ups has taught America not to trust anything she says. Sunday was the latest example of Hillary and her staff telling the truth only as the last resort, after lies and cover-ups failed to calm the storm. More lies were added today when Hillary's staff declared they all had had pulmonary problems in the last week -- another story put out to support the lies already told about why Hillary collapsed on Sunday. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta said Sunday that the symptoms Clinton has been exhibiting, including coughing and the dehydration reported on Sunday, could be related to "the push of the campaign schedule," as well as to any underlying health issues : "It all seems to fit. We're getting information sort of piecemeal here. And I think because of this episode today is probably the only reason we're getting some of that information. A medical evaluation to get a pneumonia diagnosis would usually involve X-rays and blood work. It's a totally treatable thing, no question about it. But it is a serious thing, and should not be taken lightly." Hillary Clinton's health may be good. She may not have Parkinson's Disease or COPD or any other medical condition making her unfit to be US President, although Sunday's collapse in a non-stressful setting makes one wonder how well she could cope with real-world earth-shaking problems that are dumped on the President's desk every day. In the lead up to Sunday, she lied and had others cover up for her, any medical evaluation coming from her own doctor(s) must be suspect. A complete medical examination at Bethesda Naval Hospital where all US Presidents go for their annual medical check-up might be credible. AND, what if Hillary is elected President, and then we learn that she has Parkinson's Disease or is otherwise very ill. Which unelected Democrat will be running the United States? Bill Clinton? Chelsea Clinton? Huma Abedin? Tim Kaine? Barack Obama? We might never know -- the truth might be covered up and lied about in the Clinton tradition. Or could we, at the very last minute, get an anouncement that Hillary must withdraw from the contest -- that Joe Biden or some other unvetted Democrat political hack will step in. There could then be a wave of sympathy that sweeps the Democrats into the White House. If Hillary Clinton is in poor health, we need to know -- and we need to know now. If we are to run against Uncle Joe, we must have the opportunity to make our case. What America absolutely does not need is an invalid President, or a staged last-minute withdrawal meant to guarantee a Democrat win. America is sick and tired of the Clintons and their lies and double-dealings. It is sick and tired of the policy lies of Barack Obama. If Joe Biden is to be the next chapter in the Democrat Party's political hikacking of an unwilling America by Progressives One-Worlders, then bring him on. America is ready.

1 comment:

  1. They (the Handlers of Hillary Clinton, seem to have a very difficult time in convincing her to drop out of the presidential race due to (serious) health problem.

    Donald Trump has her beaten, and she knows it. But does Trump has whomever her replacement socialist is also beaten. Not so sure friends.

    It behooves the start of saving this country, in the preservation of our Constitution, the aging of our Rule of Law for 4 more years, our Freedoms & Rights extension that Hillary continues her trip with destiny loosing one more chance at sitting in the Oval office at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave; that old Hillary stays the course and keeps in the race.

    If she does stay then WE ALL win, she and her progressive socialists takes a bath on November 8, 2016.
