Friday, September 9, 2016

9/11. Lest We Forget.

On Sunday, September 11, America will pause to commemmorate the fifteenth anniversary of the jihadist islamic terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001. We remember the victims who were trapped and died as the Towers burned and collapsed. We honor the New York police and firemen -- heros who responded to the calamity and risked their lives to try to save their fellow human beings. Some were injured. Some became invalids. Some died trying to help others. We recall the smoldering site where President Bush stood to rally America to the cause of freedom. We salute Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who held New York City together during the worst days it has ever known. We stand in awe of the valiant New Yorkers who would not be defeated, but brought their great city back from the brink of collapse to flourishing life. And, we thank God for giving America the strength to stand and fight barbarism and hatred. 9/11. Lest We Forget.


  1. A wonderful Tribute to what may have been our our worst moment ever.

    Thank you Casey Pops

      We have been pounding away at this perceived nail for 15 years now and still the nail is standing upright and fully above the board of logic. But pound away we will? Maybe the newest of the old favorite “cease fires” in the Middle East will not be short lived as all the other ventures has been.

  2. 15 Years ago today/tomorrow depending where you are is the anniversary of the most horrific crime committed against a nation that had given more of itself to people in need, oppressed people the world over, people literally prisoners in their own country; and the thanks given in return by 19 representatives of the radicle Islamic Muslim community was death and destruction.

    There is really only one way to stop this War on Terrorism, and that is to elect a President & Vice President that will act responsively and decisively in defense of our Homeland.

    On November 8th we will elect a new President. Either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump will be the new occupant of the office. That will not change. No champion will come riding in on a white horse - it's Clinton or Trump, period.

    Some still think the choices are all wrong, or there isn't a dime of difference between the pair.

    With Hillary another 9-11 disaster is bound to happen and happen quickly post November 8th. Foreign interests are not sure how to judge Trump, and therefore will act more slowly against him.

    But know for sure plans are being made for anther strike in the United States, but with the correct individual in the White House that can all be advert end.

    Exercise your Constitutional right and duty and VOTE. Donald Trump is the logical choice to start America but to its greatness and dignity.

  3. I have just completed my completely wasted Sunday morning channel hopping from one news programs to another. But this day is special as we all know and therefore I thought after 15 years of a so called War on Terror (the second longest War that the U.S. has participated in next to the War on Drugs – and we all know how unsuccessful that one has been) the “networks” would have inclinations to really talk about the ‘Who, What, and Why’s’ of 9-11.

    But as I have one more cup of my French Pressed coffee awaiting the start of NFL Football I admit they never will honestly discuss 9-11 mostly because 1. They don’t understand the ‘3 W’s’ of 9-11, and 2. To start such a discussion would destroy the legacy of their precious Democratic Party and most of its past and present leadership.

    With the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on their nation, they (news and/or politicians) still have not understood the true cause of these dreadful attacks.

    Our politicians and media have totally obscured the truth behind these and subsequent attacks that we call ‘terrorism.’ While we mourn 9/11, US B-52 heavy bombers are raining bombs on what’s left of Afghanistan in a futile attempt to crush tribal forces (aka Taliban) fighting the western occupation.

    We did the same thing in Laos in the 1970’s, as President Barack Obama properly noted during his visit there last week. Laos has never recovered and Afghanistan won’t either.

    9/11 was a revenge attack conducted by mostly Saudi nationals who claimed they wanted to punish the United States for supporting Israeli oppression of Palestine, and for what they claimed was the US ‘occupation’ of Saudi Arabia. That’s as much as we really know. We have never gotten the full story about 9/11. The best we can do is ask “qui bono,” who really benefitted from the attacks?

    The first Western attempted ‘regime change’ in the Mideast occurred in Syria in 1948. We’re still at it today. Ever since, the US, Britain, and France – the three musketeers – have been breaking and making regimes across the Mideast and Africa, and installing vicious dictators to do our bidding, earning enemies from West Africa to Tajikistan. Just yesterday John Kerry took to the microphones to announce we are propping up Assad again – another cease fire arranged by everyone except the Syrians. How long do you give this one to last – a week maybe? Hillary Clinton said this week that if elected president she would advance ‘American exceptionalism’ and assure the new world order. These are code terms for imperialism and hegemony. If Clinton wins, look forward to foreign and military policy directed by Goldman Sachs and the neoconservatives.

    Save your time and watch the football games today. It has been deemed that ‘We The People’ are not ready to handle the truth; as it has been deemed for years who is the best scoundrels to rule various nations in the Middle East.
