Friday, April 29, 2016

Saturday Politics : Trump Can End the Democrat/Progressive 'Reign of Terror'

Saturday Politics is sometimes about American conservatives. We conservatives are a quiet lot. We have turned our other, often Christian, cheek so many times that we have become doormats. Leftist/Progressives call us right-wingers, backward, uneducated, racist, anti-women, dangerous gun toters, and Bible-waving fanatics. But, they never call us what we are -- the American Majority. ~~~~~ American Thinker website gave a polling summary this week that proves this. George Washington University announced on April 25 its latest Battleground Poll. The single most repeated result in the history of that poll has been the "persistent conservative majority." The responses show that 55% of Americans identify themselves as "Very Conservative" or "Somewhat Conservative," while 40% call themselves "Very Liberal" or "Somewhat Liberal." Excluding those who don't know or won't respond, conservatives constitute 58% of Americans. American Thinker reports : "Every GWU Battleground Poll over the last sixteen years has shown the same overwhelming conservative majority in America. The size of the conservative majority has varied a bit over the last sixteen years, but the existence of a strong conservative majority -- sufficient to provide a landslide in any national election -- has not changed at all." ~~~~~ The Battleground Poll agrees with Gallup polls. Every Gallup state-by-state poll has shown that the vast majority of states have more conservatives than liberals. In its last seven state-by-state surveys, Gallup found that conservatives outnumber liberals in at least 47 of the 50 states. ~~~~~ SurveyUSA in its February 50-state poll found that 40% of Americans consider themselves either "Very Conservative" or "Conservative," while only 21% of Americans consider themselves "Very Liberal" or "Liberal." ~~~~~ State polls, typically conducted by state media, agree. Presidential "swing states" show the same breakdown. In Nevada, 37% call themselves "Conservative" and 19% "Liberal." In Colorado, 32% call themselves "Conservative," and 21% call themselves "Liberal." In the 2015 Florida poll, 35% of Floridians called themselves "Conservative" and 20% called themselves "Liberal," and in 2016, the poll found that 42% called themselves either "Very Conservative" or "Conservative," while 23% called themselves "Very Liberal" or "Liberal." Purple states, which Republicans often view as out of reach, have conservative pluralities. In Michigan. 39% call themselves "Very Conservative" or "Conservative," while 30% call themselves "Very Liberal" or "Liberal." In Oregon, the 2014 poll showed 27% calling themselves "Conservative," while 21% called themselves "Liberal," and in the 2015 poll, 27% called themselves "Conservative," and 24% called themselves "Liberal." Minnesota, considered the most "Liberal" state, when polled four consecutive times by KSTP-TV in Minneapolis during 2014 to 2015, had the same results : "Conservatives" outnumber "Liberals" by amazing pluralities, starting from earlier polls to the most recent : 33% to 18%, 35% to 17%, 35% to 14%, and 33% to 17%. Perhaps most surprising is California, considered the breeding ground of Progressives. In two 2015 and 2016 polls sponsored by SurveyUSA, "Conservatives" slightly outnumbered "Liberals." This result agrees with polls in California over the last decade that show there are as many "Conservatives" as "Liberals," or even slightly more, in this state so essential to the success of the Left in American politics. ~~~~~ Dear readers, one reason Donald Trump appeals to American conservatives is his plain talk about a GOP timidity that first angered and then outraged them. GOP voters, donors and party volunteers see their national leadership, especially in Congress, as cowardly -- so afraid of the Leftist mainstream media, as well as of verbal and physical political correctness enforcers, that they let media-protected Democrat Progressives walk all over them. At last, they have a champion who they believe will end the Reign of Democrat-Progressive Terror -- and give their Washington leaders courage.


  1. These numbers also support the theory that when a true conservative runs on his or her beliefs, stays true to the conservative doctrine, and does not waver - these conservatives will and do win 85% of the time.

    1. Concerened CitizenApril 30, 2016 at 8:08 AM

      That's the real loss of the Tea Party movement. They originally put up good conservative candidates - who won 85% of the time. But then they tasted the limelight and the milk & honey rewards was too much for the inexperience of the various tea party leadership and 3rd party extinction had it's way with them.

  2. The political trend is typically "Leftward" and toward the further empowerment of the State and further enshrinement of so-called "social justice" and "people’s rights" -- rather than toward the Center or the Right where there is more emphasis on individual "rights of opportunity" and "free enterprise" and on the personal and private aspects of what America's Founders called "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

    Conservatives need to resolve to win this 2016 Presidential election and then go out and do it.

    It’s not an over simplification, but rather a simple statement of fact. Forget the numbers, forget the State you live in voting history, forget everything except doing the grunt work on the street where you live. Between now and November 8th, 2016 go out and get 5 other Americans excited about this election. And get 5 people that are either on the fence about who they will vote for or 5 who are planning no to vote for the Democratic Progressive Socialists (no matter who gets the nod, Hillary or Sanders – both the same) to declare they will vote for Trump.

    He or she who dares wins.

    1. The most common lie told is when a modern politician puts his hand on the Bible and swears to uphold and defend the United States Constitution.

      America was and should be a land of freedom and opportunity, with minimal government intrusion, a limited central government that would simply protect the people and maintain a safe environment for them to pursue happiness in any way they saw fit.

      As Thomas Jefferson wrote these words that sent a shick wave through the then political world … "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

      The Founding Fathers were a revolutionary group, diverse in their professions and yet unified in their goal: American Liberty for all citizens.

      Very limited rights should be given to the federal government by the people, not vice versa. The likes of barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are 180 degrees out of step.

      If American want the government they once had they must stop trading liberty for security, they must stop thinking the role of the government is to be involved in all aspects of their lives, they must take a good look at what the proper role of government is, they must understand that as government expands, liberty always contracts, and that government is best, which governs least.

  3. The real problem the GOP Establishment is having with Donald Trump is that Trump is simply saying what he believes. Not what a bunch of speech writers have concocted up as catchy political quips, all the while saying NOTHING.

    The GOP has no idea how to counter plain, honest talk. Trump doesn’t speak in ‘campaignese’. He doesn’t speak from a prepared speech; he doesn’t repeat the same speech at every stop along the campaign trail. He goes off point sometimes with hecklers and the returns to his train of thought.

    Donald Trump is simply Mr. Multi-Billionaire running for President of the United States, financing his campaign mostly from his own pocket (owing nothing to the so-called fat cats), and calling the shots as he sees them.

    If a major terrorists attack happened tomorrow, Donald Trump would voice HIS opinion, not a political opinion, but his opinion.

    Well you say that’s not right-REALLY? when a perspective individual is being considered to be say a federal Judge, an Ambassador, Secretary of defense, etc. The process of ‘vetting’ such an individual is to look into his past.

    Well what Trump says is what he believes, yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Like it or not but that is the real Donald Trump. Not a pretty wind up robot that the party sends out to campaign so they remain in power in Washington DC.

  4. Trump supporters simply don’t care anymore what they hear from the GOP establishment or anyone in that establishment. Trump’s supporters don’t trust the GOP or maybe anyone connected with the GOP establishment.

    Ted Cruz took the thought to be “conservative view” the other day on the social issue of transgender bathrooms thinking that the Right, the thought to be Conservative side would rush to his (Cruz) side.

    Didn’t happen, and it won’t. Transgender bathrooms are not a social issue. It’s a Transgender issue; it’s a simple construction issue. If at some point the American citizens feel that there is a need for “Public Transgender Bathrooms” the solution is simple build 3 bathrooms – male, female, and ALL others. The “social issue” is solved once and for all. ALL OTHERS means just that ALL OTHERS. No more subdivision of the bathroom issue. Citizens can use their born gender one, or their make believe world one.

    The GOP is suffering from a credibility gap with the world. But so is the Democratic Party friend. Organized political machines seem to just not be working well these days – but that is a multitude of space on the printed page as to why.

    Win, lose, or draw (impossible to happen) there is a new model of politics on Main Street, USA and neither major party seems to recognize it.

  5. There is an underserved movement growing among conservatives, in which fiscal responsibility, constitutional obedience, and controlled government spending remain crucial beliefs, but issues like gay marriage and drug control are approached with a libertarian bent.

    “Conservatarians” are provoked by GOP Republicans’ failure to cut the size and scope of Washington D.C., but they are critical of some libertarians for their unacceptable positions on abortion, national defense, and immigration. They applaud conservatives’ efforts to protect Second Amendment rights—efforts that have recently been wildly successful—but they see the War on Drugs as an unmitigated disaster that goes against everything conservatives ought to value.

    All movements run the risk of stagnation, and of losing touch with the principles and values that made them successful in the first place. These “Coinservatarians” might be the way back to a better and more honest conservatism that champions limited government, reality-based policy, and favor for the smallest minority of all: the individual.

    Donald Trump is far from a card carrying conservative (he may never have read a word of Burke, Locke, deTocqueville, Goldwater, or William F. Buckley), but he does seem reach these “Conservatarians” who are screaming to be recognized by someone. And if a critical look is taken at the 7 counties in the 7 states where they reside mostly (representing 2 million votes) a case can be made for their ability to swing this election one way or another.

  6. This Presidential election of 2016 may well be akin to the ‘American Revolution”, ‘Great Awaking’, or the ‘French Revolution’ - all great periods of history where the citizens rose up against everything that was against the wellbeing and a deterrent to their personal advancement. Government strangling the live out of its populace – the source of it’s very power and authority.

    I think that this phenomena we are seeing with the grassroots republicans and libertarians is exactly that … a silent, ballot box ‘coup de’tat’. Driven by nothing more than small community , medium size towns, and large metropolitan cities citizens feed up with what they have gotten over the past 50 years from the republicans that they elected to do their bidding for a defending government against invaders, not a shielding government from life’s individually solvable problems.

    I also believe that that is the same response in the unexplainable success of Sen. Bernie Sanders in the democratic primaries against Hillary Clinton (who appears to crashing and burning just as she did in 2008).

    All of which (if I’m right) will lead us to a very unpredictable (by the experts & pundits) of the conclusion of the General Election battle.

    Friends if you want to understand what’s at stake here in this election, if you don’t want to make the same mistake we did twice with Barrack Obama, you must come out from behind your prejudices and listen, really listen. And the same can be said for the upcoming European elections and life of the EU.
