Friday, March 4, 2016

Saturday Politics : Trump and Cruz Should Form a Ticket Now to Stop the GOP Civil War

Saturday politics is sometimes a mix of long-held thoughts and deeply-felt beliefs set against a present day that jumbles both. ~~~~~ My DNA is Republican. It was validated by my great grandmother's biblical explanations of its values before I ever set foot in a kindergarden classroom. And since she was born on July 3, 1863, the day the Union forces won the Battle of Gettysburg, and she became a sought-after preacher many decades before I was born, still wearing her long high-collared white dress while speaking to me of that great War and of Mr. Lincoln as if he were the last Disciple, I was formed by her unbending love of political liberty, justice and equality under God. That was for me the Republican Party. It still is. ~~~~~ Why is this important now? Because American conservatives are facing a belief-wrenching decision about the future of their Republican Party. Should they embrace Donald Trump's amateurish but winning presidential bid, or resort to every political sleight-of-hand to try to prevent him from seizing the nomination, and the Grand Old Party with it -- because that will be the result. I think it's the brash, honestly personal expression of Trump's political beliefs and goals that panics GOP leaders and operatives when they consider a Nominee or President Trump. The ugly Republican insider effort to halt Trump in reality threatens to rupture the GOP more than Trump himself does. Republican 2012 nominee Mitt Romney brought the ugliness to a boiling point Thursday when he said : "Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud....playing the American public for suckers." ~~~~~ At the annual Conservative Political Action Committee convention near Washington this week, there are many enthusiastic Trump supporters, as well as those who have decided to vote for him because they think he's a winner. Former Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum told the crowd not to launch all-out war on Trump : "My experience with the anti-efforts is that they aren't particularly effective." Republican analyst Alex Castellanos told the Washington Post : "There is a fantasy effort to stop Trump, like a fantasy campaign to stop yesterday, but it exists only as the denial stage of grief." Yet, party leaders are busy at the convention scheming how to keep Trump from winning by somehow block-voting against him in primaries and then ganging up on him at the GOP Convention in Cleveland. ~~~~~ And that is the "political liberty, justice and equality" dilemma facing the Republican Party. If Trump is blocked from becoming the nominee, it will be seen as a cynical disregard for Republican voters and democratic principles. While anti-Trump efforts range from a new super-PAC to draft Speaker Paul Ryan to Romney not saying firmly that he will not become a blocking candidate, other Republicans urge party leaders to respect the will of the voters. Trump spokesman Sam Clovis told CNN it's dangerous for GOP leaders to call Trump voters stupid : "You have record turnout in every state....[Trump is] tapping into what is going on in this country like no one else has in a long, long time. I haven't seen anything like this since Ronald Reagan." But, columnist Peggy Noonan, the gifted Reagan speechwriter, expressed a different view in her Wall Street Journal column Friday : "I think we are seeing a great political party shatter before our eyes...we are witnessing history. Something important is ending....No one knows where this goes. The top of the party and the bottom have split." ~~~~~ Dear readers, the Republican Party is not dead. But, it needs help. Its leaders need to come to their senses. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump should combine now as a President-Vice President ticket. Cruz is young enough to yield and back up Trump, lending his political know-how and conservative depth to Trump's ability to enlarge the GOP base and energize voters. Now is the time for these two good men to save their party -- Lincoln's Republican Party -- Our Grand Old Party.


  1. “Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right, a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world”.—Abraham Lincoln,1847

    Notice the date 1847. Our Civil war stated in 1860, but the talk and thought was around some 13-15 years prior with the Great Emancipator suggesting it was OK if the majority had both the will and the way to replace or drastically repair their existing government.

    We have been 8 long years in the grasp of the most disastrous, deceitful, deceiving, and devious Federal government in our history. We gave an unknown quality in Barrack Obama a chance, and turned around knowing what he was all about and re-elected him for another 4 years – enter the fair play of the American citizens.

    Now friends it is time, no it is well past time to reclaim that which is ours and only ours. This great country’s central government is not the property of any one party, or any one facilitator of one very minorities belief what America should be.

    We should be, and we are at our core what we have always been. And when we are that no longer we have no right to exists in any resemblance of it. We owe that to all who came before and all who are still coming.

    1. “Whenever any form of government is destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government in such form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”
      Declaration of Independence, 1776

      This passage is part of the Declaration of Independence, but was omitted from the Constitution by our Founding Fathers. Perhaps their only real mistake in the drafting of the documents that set up our very unique government.

  2. The American political system is at its most dire crossroad since the debates during the formation of this wonderfully unique form of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” given to us by our 57 Founding Fathers and defended in blood and sweat since then by the American citizenry.

    We have it all in this 2016 presidential selection process. We have representatives of the destructive Socialist Progressive movement of Bernie Sanders. The “all for me” and laws don’t pertain to democratic politicians Hillary Clinton.

    We had on the Republican side for a while some of the finest representative of the Inside the beltway club of RINO (republican in name only) Republican Good Old Boys Club (they have all dropped out thinking they will still be in power no matter the election results)

    And we also have the new, free thinking, say what’s really on their mind, call a spade a spade Constitution and Rule of Law defenders that no one except the voting public seems to like and flock out to see them at rallies in huge numbers.

    If we make the wrong decision on November 8th our system dies. It dies because Hillary is allowed to continue walking the streets instead of being in jail where she belongs and if the GOP pulls off their planned ambush of Donald Trump bid for the nomination – what’s that leave the GOP with? PLUS Sanders has said right along that if he doesn’t get the Democratic nomination he may very well go the 3rd party route. And now Trump has recently said if he is snubbed by the GOP via tricks at the convention he may look seriously at a 3rd party run.

    So come Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 there may well be 4 candidates running for the presidency all with reasonable but very differing bases of support.


  3. Concerened CitizenMarch 5, 2016 at 4:30 PM

    Every serious student of public administration knows the federal government is unmanageable, a fact verified even by the progressive experts at the National Commission on the Public Service itself. The commission has proposed reforms for years—usually inadequate—but even they are routinely ignored by left and right. Its experts dare not question adding new ungovernable programs like Obamacare, but deep down they know the present system is already too bureaucratized, and adding large new programs must make things worse.

    All the candidates in this primary season are acting like some person on a bar stool getting his or her information from the evening news, rather than like a good take-charge president. There is a great lack of authenticity in almost all these candidates.

    Socialists Progressive Democrats try to make you believe that they have no control over the actions of their administration because of the sheer size of government. While conservatives as the question - If the president doesn’t run the government, then who does. Well they know who does – the lower level bureaucratic maze of some 2,000,000 of the various departments.

    But is it important to ethically to attempt to choose someone as President that can change this bureaucratic jungle? Yes it does – plain and simple. The longest journey towards better government starts with a single election

  4. The Founding Fathers, Lincoln, and a great many others since knew but had forgotten that …”the right of the people to alter or abolish” their government which appeared in the declaration of Independence but was dropped from the Constitution in direct words (which was a mistake)

    Maybe now if as never before SECESSION is a fit and legal subject for national discussion. Maybe we need to come at this question that is as valid as it was prior to the Civil War, from all side.

    Secession is not a popular subject, but is a legitimate one. While you’re considering why so many people, a majority of the nation as a matter of fact, at one point in our history, mindful that some people might not recognize its legitimacy, nevertheless found it to be worth putting into practice.

    Are we today one nation of 50 States all with the same principals and goals? Or have we again become 50 States bound together by our love of freedom(s), greatest opportunities on the planet, and a love of our Creator? If we are bound only by our single self-goals and not the good of all then Secession as a fundamental principal and right is worthy of at least discussion.

    Secession in 1860 was about States Rights. What about today with Terrorism? Will our federal government (as intrusive as it has become) soon decide that secession is nothing more than terrorism and root it from public dialogue - possible under a Hillary Clinton presidency as she continues Obama’s assaults on the Constitution and Rule of Law.

    Is this election of 2016 so embroiled with party power, party distrust for it’s members, blind party adherences that the truth that is out there is not searched for or acknowledge because it doesn’t fit into the republican or democratic leadership plan(s)?

    Are the despicable actions of the GOP (ala Romney, etc.) against the voiced wishes of the rank and file of the Republican Party the actions of the party of Lincoln or Reagan?

    The possibility of succession must always remain a possibility.

  5. “Newly published data from the U.S. Treasury shows that the federal government has amassed $76.4 trillion in debts, liabilities, and unfunded Social Security and Medicare obligations. This amounts to $614,000 for every household in the U.S., a burden that equals 90% of the nation’s private wealth, including the combined value of every American’s assets in real estate, corporate stocks, small businesses, bonds, savings accounts, cash, and personal goods like automobiles and furniture.”

    This is a glaring fact of the condition of our government. True numbers not unrealistic hopes of the Socialist Progressive Democrats and the unprincipled, conciliatory Republican.

    Those two groups that want us to choose between 2 Socialists and the willy-nilly RINO Republican they think better that Ted Cruz or Donald Trump.

    When will you be sending in your $614,000.00 dollar check ???
