Monday, March 14, 2016

MoveOn and Soros Goons Are Stalking Trump and the GOP : Part 2

MoveOn is reportedly a front for wealthy Democrats who channel Progressive political funding through it. In addition to George Soros, Linda Pritzker of the Hyatt hotel family gave MoveOn a start-up push of $4 million. But, many of the Democrat and Progressive candidates supported by MoveOn have failed to be elected, so it seems that because of its ballot box failures, MoveOn is turning to violence, beginning with the violent demonstration at the Chicago Trump rally on Friday, where many of the protesters shouted “Bernie!” and held placards announcing their support for the socialist Democrat. MoveOn is trying to “shut down” its political enemies with violence and elect Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. ~~~~~ The left has always used violence and the threat of violence to maintain itself in power. The academically-indoctrinated post-Vietnam generations of American establishment elites -- politicians, judges, lawyers, journalists, teachers, bureaucrats, entertainers, and social-justice groupies -- say they seek “universal egalitarianism” but in reality they are plundering traditional America to benefit themselves, those dependent on welfare who vote for them, and the Wall-Street wolves and crony capitalists who fund them. Economic Marxism is dead - killed by Reagan, Thatcher and Pope John-Paul II. "Universal egalitarianism” is simply the new Marxist fight for supremacy using social, religious and cultural means, and it has infiltrated American academia, politics and churches by appealing to Americans' belief in equality and fair play. The Marxists, led by Soros and his army, mean to destroy America. And they are being helped by millions of Americans who have no idea for whom they are working. ~~~~~ This is what makes last weekend's attacks by other GOP presidential candidates on Donald Trump, blaming him for the rally violence, so utterly wrong. **Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said Sunday rival Donald Trump has created a "toxic environment....This is not making us proud....We are Americans before we are Republicans and Democrats.” **Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz said Sunday the protesters at rival Donald Trump's rallies are behaving "abusively and wrong," but added that "it doesn't help when the GOP front-runner encourages violence....At the end of the day in any campaign, responsibility starts at the top....We ought to have a President who brings us together, who doesn't seek to divide us." **Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio on Sunday accused Trump of drastically changing national discourse for the worse : "All the gates of civility have been blown apart....We don’t know what’s going to happen next...He has turned the most important election in a generation into a circus. It’s a carnival." They are spouting Progressive propaganda. ~~~~~ Dear readers, we know that neither Ted Cruz nor John Kasich nor Marco Rubio are Progressives or Marxists. But they are Wrong. Like most Americans, they have been browbeaten into submitting to political correctness -- PC -- which is nothing less than the Marxist threat of political and social disgrace used to make us and our GOP leaders publicly agree with ideas we profoundly reject privately. We have become the workers universally surveilled to prevent our saying anything that is not Newspeak. We have become the starving farm animals looking through the dining room window to watch our pig elite dine sumptuously. 1984 and Animal Farm are upon us. Only Donald Trump is fearless enough to call it what it is -- self-serving Progressive Marxist lies meant to destroy our democratic constitutional system. Trump is undoubtedly America's last best hope. We must shut out the PC Progressive Marxist Soros-funded bombardment on our common sense and vote for Donald Trump.


  1. Not many people know or remember that back in 1992, the Swiss Federal Council held a secret meeting where 4 out of 7 members approved to officially apply to join the EU.

    Last Wednesday, the Swiss National Council voted to withdraw the country’s dormant application to join the European Union (EU). A clear majority of Swiss voters are not interested in joining the EU. And no democratically sanctioned application was ever submitted. However, it has been “in the drawer” for some time. Over the past few years, we have witnessed a noticeable shift in the Swiss political sentiment regarding the EU. The Swiss public has repeatedly refused anything that could compromise Swiss sovereignty and independent decision-making. It refuses to adhere to another entity’s rules, the EU included.

    The SVP message is clear: the more centralization and the more federal government influence, the more the confederate system of Switzerland will be dismantled and infringements on personal freedoms will increase.

    More and more people are questioning their governments; the resistance is growing. You can’t stop an idea whose time has come. With only a few months to go, it would be remarkable to see.

    Likewise, the Republican and political establishment in the U.S. are resisting the movement that Donald Trump represents, which is a call to arms against increased state interference. All the while, the state reaches out to the media and resorts to promoting a false image to the masses aimed at destroying the image and reputation of those brave resisting individuals, we need to spread the word and reveal the reality of what is at stake – freedom or slavery!

    This is the message from Switzerland to the United States as one of the world’s last bastions of liberty.

  2. The GOP, the ‘political” experts, and the media pundits are all making a mistake about Donald Trump and ted Cruz. They are not the cause, nor have they really initiated their own ground swell of popularity.

    This This surge is against what has been happening in our government now since the last day of President Reagan in office. It is the people speaking out that they have had enough invasions into their liberties and rights.

    Donald Trump and Ted Cruz simply saying what the voters are thinking among themselves. Finally these two came onto center stage and in very plain English (not politicalize speech) agreed with them and reinforced that they were the “instruments” of their wishes – not their sole salvation.

    Out of the canyons of the streets and avenues of New York City came a voice supporting the people’s desires. And out of Texas came most possibly the most articulate Constitutional expert we have had for a while who was not a sitting Supreme Court Justice.

    Cause and effect … because the people are at their breaking point and because these two individuals are willing to speak out we have today the remaking of a political party here in America that is once again representing the wishes & thoughts of the people. And by the peoples voting on November 8, 2016 one or possibly both will be elected President and possibly Vice-President.

  3. There are daily outside forces aggressively working against democracies and freedoms. George Soris is certainly (only because of his vast wealth) a preeminent member of this radicle socialist movement.

    Americans must guard against Soris and those he underwrites like Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Barrack Obama. Be assured these progressive social is do not represent you at all. They represent your demise. They represent evil in the worst forms. They are your downfall, your worst nightmare.

    If promises such as what fell for from Obana, and the grander than grand promises from Hillary and Bernie sound too good to be true-then they are too good to be true.

    Politics has been invaded by self serving interests. These people that are part of the same belief as Move must be eradicated from the political system by way of the ballot box.

    Forget about party indentifjcation labels and simply vote to right this tilting ship of government of the people and by the people -not if and by Geirge Siris and his band of imposters.
