Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How Dare the GOP Leadership Override Republican Voters

In silent-era Hollywood movies, whenever a character, often a Boy Scout, wanted to be good -- or appear to be good -- he would resort to public acts of kindness toward strangers. The favorite silent movie scene was to show a frail little old lady standing on the side of the road. The "hero" would help her get to the other side, usually without asking if she wanted help. Often, he would pick the poor granny up and just carry her across, in a show of strength. The scene usually ended with the little old lady complaining that she never wanted to cross the street in the first place, but our "hero" had already rushed off to do some other good deed. If the little old lady was particularly feisty, she would give her helper a whack with her walking stick or handbag. ~~~~~ MEMO TO : the Republican National Committee, Chairman Reince Priebus, GOP congressional leadership, Mitt Romney, Niki Haley, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, New Jersey newspapers, Fox News, and CNN with its gleeful predictions of a GOP implosion : This will come as a great shock to you, but you are not the Republican Party -- voters are the Republican Party. And Republican voters are ignoring you because they understand something you appear to have swept under the Washington carpet -- that it is still one-person-one-vote as usual in 2016. They know that the Republican voter turnout on Super Tuesday was between 25% and 107% above the last few elections -- they came to vote for their two candidates, not yours -- while Democrat voter turnout was down by an average of 30%. Republican voters also know that you have laughed in their collective face by ignoring them while cosying up to insider Washington politics-as-usual. They know this has led to Obamacare and Planned Parenthood being funded, the hollowing out of the US military and a $19 trillion debt used to further Barack Obama's socialist-progressive agenda. And they have concluded that your own cushy political careers are more important to you than the US Constitution. So, think about this -- Republican voters do not need or want your help in crossing the street. They are perfectly capable of crossing the street by themselves, where, on the other side, they will find what they want and what America needs -- a balanced budget, an energized economy that creates jobs, a strong military, control of the borders, international respect, a replacement for Obamacare, a defunding of Planned Parenthood, a Supreme Court Justice who will follow in Justice Scalia's footsteps -- in short, constitutional American government. And Republican voters have found their Crossing Guard. His name is Donald Trump. If you are unhappy that the Grand Old Party has finally recovered its traditional conservative voice, fine. You have choices. Join your own voters in making the White House Republican come November. Or try to find sufficient one-person-one-votes to defeat your own Party. Or -- campaign and vote for the Democrat -- probably Hillary -- taking with you your elitist class-and-race-and-ethnic-based false charges aimed at your own GOP member-voters. But, before you push any voting machine lever that keeps the Republican candidate chosen by GOP voters out of the White House, pause to consider the damage that socialist-progressive Democrats have done to America since 2008 -- Libya, Iraq, Syria, ISIS, Benghazi, Iran, IRS targeting of GOP supporters, Fast & Furious, determined efforts to erase the Second Amendment, lawless rule by executive orders, stifing anti-business regulations, anemic recovery with no real wage gains, vendettas against police led by the Attorney General -- oh yes, and that $19 trillion noose around your voters' necks. Need I go on? END OF MEMO. 🐘🐘🐘


  1. When Lord Acton said ... "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" I think he was speaking of every aspect of life where structure inherently has some form of power structure.

    Politics has power available for elected officials to abuse. But politicians are the children of political organizations, political bosses, political money men, etc.

    So if absolute power is the reward, then the cost is individual participation in the system and corruption flourishes unrestricted

  2. The only shot the GOP hierarchy has at derailing The Donald is to unite behind Cruz – develop an unstoppable “Dream Team.” To do so would mean offering them each a position in a Cruz administration. This would not be difficult as many ex-candidates have a lot to offer. Tap Rubio as V.P, Rand Paul would make an excellent Treasury Secretary. Carson should be promoted to become the new Florida Senator, taking Rubio’s seat or that of Surgeon General and heading up the healthcare transition back to the private sector. Heck. Mike Lee becomes the next Supreme Court Justice and so on.

    As Ted Cruz has said since Iowa – he is the only one who has and can defeat Donald Trump – Rubio’s paltry Minnesota win notwithstanding. No one else has even a remote shot. But Cruz can’t do it alone.

    There’s too much money and power concentrated in Washington and these guys are not going to give that up for God or Country or anything. Cruz would say to them: “Get out. Get out. All of this is unconstitutional, get out. Let’s listen to the people.” The beltway leaches would never stand for that. They will support anyone but Cruz and clearly Trump.

    So what is wrong with a Trump-Cruz ticket? After all politics is the art of compromise, isn’t it?

  3. Exactly right - "How dare the leadership pf the Republican Party think they can just override the wishes of the rank & file of the GOP".

    And furthermore what would be wrong with a Trump-Cruz ticket to represent their wishes. Donald Trump represents clearly what the registered Republican voters want as their next President. Donald Trump the "outsider", the brand new face, the individual who is not look upon as just another politician. In fact he is look at as not being a politician at all.

    And Ted Cruz the strong lawyer who is a supporter of the Constitution,the Rule of Law, the balanced budget proponent. The "Conservative" who scares hell out of the Republican establishment.

    Just look at the option if we don't elect Trump - Hillary Clinton...

    W O W !!! what a nightmare that would be

  4. The headlines this morning … “ROMNEY, TRUMP FEUD ERUPTS
    Mitt says Donald 'a phony, a fraud' and voters being taken for 'suckers'; Trump: Romney's a 'failed candidate'.

    Trump is not a fraud; he’s also not a politician. But a fraud -NO.

    And if Mitt Romney had such great concern for both the Republican Party and the United States of American why wasn’t he active from 2008 on while Barrack Obama was decimating the reputation and financial health of this country. While Obama was busy driving us into 19 Trillion Dollars of debt, while Obama was busy destroying our International relationship, while Obama was busy helping advance the cause of the Muslin Terrorist, while Obama’s ‘leadership from behind policy’ was being set in motion Mr. Mitt Romney (private citizen Mitt Romney) was someplace more to his likings than investing times and energies into the act of preserving the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our economy.

    A man I until today had great respect for – Mitt Romney – may be the fraud here and not Donald Trump. Mitt Romney ran 2 pathetic presidential campaigns, he doesn’t deserve an opportunity for a third.

  5. Now that Old Guard of the GOP seems to be taking a page from the “Marco Rubio Methodology Guide to Presidential Campaigning” we hear that Donald Trump is said to be considering an Independent run for the presidency if he is denied that which he will have earned in the Republican Party.

    In 239 years there has NEVER been a serious, threating 3rd political party in any Presidential Election. If Donald Trump is denied and takes to that 3rd party route only 2 things can happen:
    1. Trump wins on November 8, 2016 and the Republican Party instantly becomes the 3rd political party in the United States.
    2. Hillary Clinton wins the election and the United States becomes a Socialist Welfare State

    Either outcome blame cane and should be placed on the heads of the GOP leadership
