Friday, February 5, 2016

Saturday Politics : Presidents and Religion - Obama and Reagan

Saturday politics is sometimes about Presidents and religion. President Obama visited a Baltimore mosque this week, showing the Moslem world he is with them and trying again to sell America the myth that any connection made between Islam and violence is deliberately or ignorantly hateful, bigoted and entirely un-American. Obama is so blinded by his love of Islam that he protects Moslems from alleged offenses in America instead of facing the reality of daily events in the Middle East. His short checklist of affronts to Moslem-Americans -- "We've seen children bullied, we've seen mosques vandalized" -- ignores the fact that Americans have faced jihadist killings of soldiers on a US military base, recruiting center, and gathering of coworkers — all on Obama's watch. ~~~~~ Obama's first visit to a US mosque -- one with what he called an "all-American story" -- was not just any mosque. He spoke to the Islamic Society of Baltimore, reportedly part of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). In 2007, federal prosecutors named ISNA as an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator in a plot to send $12 million to Hamas suicide bombers. It has also been under FBI surveillance. Investor's Business Daily reports that the mosque's Imam Mohamad Adam el-Sheikh told the Washington Post in 2004 that suicide bombings are "acceptable (as a way for Moslems) to defend themselves." ~~~~~ Obama piously said now is a "time of fear" for Moslem-Americans, being "targeted or blamed for the violent acts of the very few." His false lecture to America : "That's not who we are. We are one American family, and when any part of our family starts to feel separate or second-class or targeted, it tears at the fabric of our nation." As always, Obama did not list the beheadings, rapes, enslavement, and children being brainwashed to become jihadist suicide bombers in the name of Islam. Ignoring the facts, he cynically said : "When any religious group is targeted, we all have a responsibility to speak up." While Obama has yet to defend Christianity by criticizing Moslem fanatics currently exterminating ancient Middle East Christian communities, at last year's National Prayer Breakfast he criticized Christians for attacking Moslems -- in the Crusades. ~~~~~ If there is an Obama doctrine, it seems to be the defense of Islam. At the mosque he said : "You've seen too often people conflating the horrific acts of terrorism with the beliefs of an entire faith," claiming that groups like ISIS "twist" the Koran : "I refuse to give them legitimacy. We should never give them that legitimacy. We shouldn't play into terrorist propaganda." With this declaration, Obama consigned much to the dustbin : radical Islamic attacks on the World Trade Center (1993 and 9/11); the assault on the USS Cole; the attack on the military recruiting office in Little Rock; the Fort Hood rampage; the Boston Marathon bombing; the Garland, Texas attack; the Chattanooga and San Bernardino murders; the Charlie Hebdo attacks; the Paris massacre, the Cologne sexual assaults. ~~~~~ It is not the job of the American President to defend Islam. It is the job of Islam's religious and political leaders to defend Islam. Their silence is deafening. We await the Moslem outcry, spoken without caveat, that denounces terrorist acts perpetrated in the name of Islam. ~~~~~ Dear readers, this brings us to Ronald Reagan. He was born on February 6, 1911. President Obama would do well to study President Reagan's remarks in his last Christmas message to America : "As we come home to family and friends this Christmas, let us all remember our neighbors who cannot go home themselves. Our compassion and concern will mean much to the hospitalized, the homeless, the convalescent, the orphaned” and will lead us to the joy and peace of Bethlehem. Citing all the problems and challenges in America and the world, Ronald Reagan offered his final Christmas words: “For it is only in finding and living the eternal meaning of the Nativity that we can be truly happy, truly at peace, truly home.” That is Christianity. No caveat needed.


  1. It seems almost impossible that President Reagan left us almost 16 years ago. But he was last on the public scene 10 years prior to that when in 1994 Reagan disclosed his diagnosis with Alzheimer's. An icon among Republicans, he ranks favorably in public and critical opinion of U.S. Presidents, and his tenure constituted realignment toward conservative policies in the United States.

    A most decent, honest and trustworthy man, unlike Obama. With every world’s crisis I wonder WWRD – What Would Reagan Do.

  2. For nearly 8 very long years Obama has been scolding the American public (and somewhat the world) on its defiance about Islam. And his speech this past week at the Islamic Society of Baltimore was no difference. He (Obama) left no room an honest, unbiased dialog about what is an ideology vs what is faith.

    America since day one has accepted outsiders – it’s a virtue we have over most other developed countries. But Obama believe that we also have to embrace/accept all “ideas” as well. Obama has and is confused about what is a tolerance of individuals and groups with tolerance of a select belief system — one that he demands be immune from criticism. We certainly don’t want people attacking peaceful Muslims, but it’s irresponsible and intellectually obtuse to act as if the pervasive violence, misogyny, homophobia, child abuse, tyranny, anti-Semitism, bigotry against Christians, etc. that exists in large parts of Islamic society abroad has absolutely nothing to do with faith.

    In Baltimore he spoke about the evils of Islamophobia to a group that featured women covered, subordinated and segregated from men. He’s open-minded about that sort of thing. Americans are free to practice their faith in any way they choose. But I’m not sure why all of us should feel obligated to celebrate this kind of narrow-mindedness. You will remember how offended liberals get when presidential candidates visit Bob Jones University or Mormons fund campaigns they find objectionable. Why is this different?

    Progressive liberals won’t even allow that terrorism and extremism have something to do with Islam. Obama hits this note quite often. But this week, John Kerry (the Imam of Beacon Hill), said this about ISIS: “And they are also above all apostates, people who have hijacked a great religion and lie about its real meaning and lie about its purpose and deceive people in order to fight for their purposes.”

    We need to call a spade a spade here friends – Islam is the religion of the Obama White House. And it comes all wrapped up in violence, homophobia, child abuse, tyranny, anti-Semitism, and absolute hatred against Christians.

  3. As I listened to the Hillary/Sanders debate I literally felt like I was a visitor from someplace other than planet Earth and was not at all living in the world Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were. These 2 people sounded like they were in a parallel Universe. It was that striking to me. It was just beyond anything that happens in my day-to-day world, listening to these two. I kept telling myself that they don’t really believe what they are saying – but they do believe it.

    They, and Obama, Kerry, etc. are all in lock step together preach that EVERYTHING from politics to terrorism to governing Law to has to be tolerated based on the extreme fringe represented by Islam, represented by the misinformed (misinformed by their likes), represented by everything that accounts for the non-majorities, the non-producers, the even non-voters, and certainly the non-law abiding public.

    Anarchy would be the Rule of Law in the advanced countries if Clinton, Sanders, Obama, Kerry, and all other progressive socialists had their way.

    Two things can stop them – 1. As elected official they run out of things to tax to raise money for their hair-brained ideas, or 2. We stop electing their type just because they are god-old Democrats. The truth is though they are not “good-old democrats” they are not your father’s democrats – they are socialists on the verge of driving us all back to Serfdom.

  4. Whoever wins the nominations and goes on to be elected president, the most successful campaigns of 2016 will provide us with a definitive representation of where the center of significance is today in both parties and, therefore, where America is going politically, economically, and world in total.

    Improbable as it may sound a win by either Hillary or Sanders will but the United Sates into political insignificance on the world stage. We under either leadership would not defend democracy, freedoms, Rule of Law, Human Rights, etc. anyplace because to do so would require military action of sorts.

    They would also tax and spend this nation into unsustainable debt problems where GNP’s would not warrant large occurring loans to stay afloat.

    On the GOP side of the ledger a win by a Jeb Bush type would put us into a world approach of …”the enemy of my enemy is my friend” mentality. And third world spending that would stifle our economy and raise both the ‘cost of living’ and tax brackets to sustain ill-advised spending.

    Do we move towards serfdom and bankruptcy or do we revert, clean up our house and assume our long held position of Number 1?

  5. History and actions have proven that we have had some presidents that had no real religious bend at all. Others that maybe brought an overload of religion to the Oval office. others still that made some major decisions based on their religious inclinations.

    But we have never, I don't believe, had a president that confessed to be something they are not simply for public image effect/value.

    President Obama says he is a Christian? yet to date we have never seen him and his family go to a Sunday service at any Church. He is quiet uncomfortable being reverent during a prayer of any sort.

    He is what we all have come to believe he is - a Muslim. A follower of Mohammad teachings. he is and was raised as a student os Islam.

    now that is no crime. The crime is that he has lied to us about what he is and did so long before he was elected. In fact as a state senator, and then as a U.S. Senator he developed and continued this facade of deception. And I think that he has always known that his path to the White House would have been block by being a practicing Muslim in American society.

    It hasn't been too long since President Kennedy struggled a wee bit by being "Catholic." And I don't think that falls into the realm of "PREJUDICE" at all. We are a Christian nation, just as the Middle east nations are Muslim. Just as many Asian nations are Buddhist.
