Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Emanuel's Democrat Coverup Mocks Chicago African Americans

Where are President Obama and Hillary Clinton's outraged demands for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s head? If the mayor had been Republican - in reality, impossible in Chicago - Democrats would be howling about GOP "sins" against African Americans. Yet, the party that rep­res­ents a vast ma­jor­ity of African American voters is silent. Mayor Emanuel is a long-time Clin­ton family insider and former Obama White House chief of staff. That undoubtedly explains why only African American Chicagoans and Spike Lee are calling for Emanuel to resign. ~~~~~ Chica­go, his­tor­ic­ally cor­rupt, with a po­lice de­part­ment known for hid­ing mis­con­duct and bru­tal­ity, was the scene on October 20, 2014, of the shooting of teenager Laquan McDonald by po­lice of­ficer Jason Van Dyke, who fired 16 times, killing the teenager as he ran away waving a knife. The next day, a po­lice state­ment said the teenager was shot while ap­proach­ing po­lice of­ficers - a lie. A dashcam video au­thor­it­ies had ac­cess to with­in hours of the shoot­ing shows Mc­Don­ald angl­ing away from of­ficers when he was shot. Why did the po­lice de­part­ment lie and withhold the video for a year? Why didn’t the city in­vest­ig­ate the fact that 86 minutes of oth­er crime scene video foot­age was "miss­ing"? The lo­gic­al con­clu­sion is that po­lice wanted to avoid ac­count­ab­il­ity and Emanuel wanted to avoid los­ing a tight February 24, 2015 re-elec­tion bid. The may­or nar­rowly won a second term in an April 7 run­off. A week later, Chicago made pub­lic a $5 mil­lion set­tle­ment with the Mc­Don­ald fam­ily, quietly agreed weeks pri­or to the election, in­cluding a clause that kept the video con­fid­en­tial. In a journ­al­ist’s law­suit for release of the video, Emanuel ar­gued that re­leas­e might taint a fed­er­al in­vest­ig­a­tion - a lie. The Justice De­part­ment has said it did not ask the city to with­hold the video. A year after the shoot­ing, a county judge ordered Chicago to re­lease the video, and of­ficer Van Dkye was charged with first-degree murder of a minor. ~~~~~ That's the fact timeline as of today. A New York Times editorial said : “That makes this whole epis­ode look like an at­tempt by the city, the po­lice and pro­sec­utors to keep the video un­der wraps, know­ing the polit­ic­al prob­lems it would most likely cre­ate,” ac­cusing Emanuel of “will­ful ig­nor­ance” in “the cov­er-up.” His response yesterday was to fire po­lice su­per­in­tend­ent Garry Mc­Carthy -- not be­cause an of­ficer shot a teenager 16 times as he walked away, not be­cause his de­part­ment covered it up. Emanuel fired Mc­Carthy be­cause he was “a dis­trac­tion,” and then prom­ised to equip­ of­ficers with body cam­er­as and ap­point a task force to in­vest­ig­ate the po­lice de­part­ment. ~~~~~ Chicago is the epitome of Democratic machine politics. For a century, Chicago Democrats have corruptly misused massive support -- first of Irish and Polish immigrants, then of the Hispanic community and African American voters, who traditionally voted Republican until coaxed into the Democrat fold in the 1930s. For years, African Americans and their leaders have been openly angry with Chicago Democratic politicians, but the Chicago machine doesn't think reliable Democratic African American voters will bolt and run. Rahm Emanuel may have made this a possibility. ~~~~~ Dear readers, Columbia University Professor Bernard Harcourt wrote in the NYT that there's ample reason for an independent investigation because Chicago's political establishment cannot be trusted to perform a thorough audit of facts that led to burying evidence at a time of maximum political convenience for Chicago’s mayor. Emanuel police coverup 2014, Obama Benghazi coverup 2012 -- both men are products of the Chicago Democrat machine. Is it time for African American voters, who vote straight tickets, to ask why they are taken for granted by the Democrat party? Why Democrat lip service never produces results? Why they don't come home to the party of Lincoln...where they would be welcome and treated with respect.


  1. Why don't they come home to the party of Lincoln? The president that freed them and conducted a great war of death and destruction upon the nation that nearly lead to it's division?

    Why? because the perks are far to great for the African-American community along with most minority communities in metropolitan ares within the United States.

    I'm sure most of you may disagree with me! If you do you must then disagree that the voting community as it is said "votes it's pocketbooks"

    The tax paying American voters since the "Civil Rights Act" passage in 1965 Congress has year after year chosen to take honest American's tax dollar to the tune of $19 TRILLION dollars and passed it out to what they considered worthy and reachable people. Well nothing has really changed. Unemployment in that group is still nearly double the national average in bad economic times and never reaches single digits in good times.

    And for this 19 trillion dollars the tax payers have not received 1 solitary, sincere thank you from any receiving individual or group.

    Chicago simply happens to be one of a few predominate metro areas where the democrats live well, keep getting reelected all on the backs of these robotic citizens come election day.

  2. Mayor Emanuel and his corrupt and immoral Chicago Democratic administration is the same as every Chicago democratic machine administration previously – it’s all about their welfare state political philosophy that encourages women to marry the government (via food stamps, abortions, endless rent subsidies, and welfare checks) — and men to abandon their financial and moral responsibilities (via the above reasons women marry the government)

    If the United States was a hive of bees (with workers, Queen Bees, etc) I am not sure where the African-American Bee populations would fit in? The Bees have a community that requires all to be productive for the longevity of the hive.

    In Chicago a murder is only news worthy when it’s a white Chicago Policeman that kills a African-American youth rightfully or wrongfully.

    As the slogan should say as far as Emanuel and his fellow democrats are concerned …” Black Lives matter MORE”
