Monday, January 25, 2016

The Townhall : What If Hillary Were Elected and then Faced Impeachment

"Wicked smart" -- that's how President Obama described Hillary Clinton to Politico yesterday. If Obama had just said "wicked," many would agree. When he was asked if Sanders’s underdog campaign reminds him of his own, Obama said, “I don’t think that’s true.” He said : “Bernie came in with the luxury of being a complete long shot and just letting loose. I think Hillary came in with the both privilege - and burden - of being perceived as the frontrunner… You’re always looking at the bright, shiny object that people haven’t seen before - that’s a disadvantage to her.” Obama contrasted Clinton's pragmatism and experience with Sanders' idealism and liberalism. He said Clinton's experience taught her to "campaign more in prose than poetry." In one week, we'll have the Iowa caucus results and know whether Obama helped Hillary in her desperate effort to stop the Bernie Sanders freight train. ~~~~~ Clinton squared off on Sanders Monday in an Iowa Townhall put together hastily by CNN and the Democratic National Committee in what some called DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' effort to boost Hillary's sagging poll numbers. An indication of how serious a threat Clinton faces from Sanders was her Townhall attack on him about foreign policy and healthcare -- and questioning his ability to carry out his proposals. The ghost of her 2008 Iowa primary loss against then-Senator Barack Obama haunts her -- he wounded her campaign and she never recovered. This week, Clintonland will go all-in to damage Sanders, who now has a real chance of winning in Iowa and beyond. Because Sanders is almost certain to win in New Hampshire, an Iowa victory would give Sanders a 2-0 lead over Clinton, a scenario that would shake up the Democratic Party's world. To win in Iowa, Sanders needs new caucus-goers, especially young millenium voters, and a big turnout from all liberal Democrats. And he needs to keep on talking in real language to real people about real issues. As for former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, because the Iowa Democrat caucus rules require votes for candidates getting less than 15% in the first round to be given to another candidate who hit the 15% threshhold -- he polls at 5% and will not reach the threshold -- his supporters will either join one of the two major candidates or go home -- as O’Malley himself might do after Iowa or New Hampshire. ~~~~~ Now...Let's imagine. Imagine Hillary Clinton is elected and has been President for a year when growing scandal finally envelops her presidency and prompts a constitutional crisis that ends in impeachment. White House aides and Cabinet officers are compromised. It becomes clear that Clinton has misled them personally, as well as the country, when she angrily denied hiding classified emails on her private server as Secretary of State, lied to the FBI about it, lied to Congress about her Benghazi cover-up, and used her position as Secretary of State to give favorable treatment to foreign governments in return for their contributions to the Clinton Foundation. What would happen? America would be gripped in a tug of war between wanting to preserve the first woman's presidency and being appalled by that President's pattern of unethical conduct. The country would for the second time freeze up under a Clinton presidency. The angry partisanship of 1998 would re-emerge. The nation's business, reputation and world leadership would be put on hold. Whether Hillary Clinton survived or not, great damage would have been done to America once more. ~~~~~ Dear readers, think about that as you evaluate the Iowa Townhall. Iowans, think about that as you caucus on February 1st. American Democrats, think about that as you choose your 2016 presidential standard bearer. Is one person -- who is half of a fading political dynasty -- worth more than the honor of America ??


  1. Start with a basic political fact: Many voters believe Wall Street got off too painlessly for its role in the financial collapse of 2008. Many Democrats blame big banks. So if you know you are going to run for president in the Democratic primary, you probably don’t want financial giants paying you five times the American median household income for one speech. It makes you look beholden to fat cats, because — earth to Hillary — most human beings are grateful when someone gives them six figures for a talk.

    “You don’t think they expect anything in return?” “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd asked Clinton on Sunday. “Absolutely not,” Clinton answered. She said she took on the big banks as a U.S. senator.

    George W. Bush reportedly fetches $100,000 to $175,000 for a speech. Clinton, however, breaks the mold by cashing in before winning the Oval Office. Check writers are looking ahead, not behind, with a reasonable expectation of friendly treatment.

    Clinton also charged a University of Nevada at Las Vegas endowment $225,000 for a 2014 speech. I keep wondering whether she thought of speaking at public universities free of charge — maybe because she believes in higher education, and because she wants to fight income inequality. But first, she takes care of No. 1

  2. Hillary Clinton should at this moment be fighting not for the democratic party nomination, but for her freedom.

    She is certainly innocent until proven guilty. But since her days as a second rate lawyer with the Rose law Firm and simultaneously the first lady in Arkansas with husband Bill as Governor, Hillary has slithered from one illegal action to another. Just like children playing Hop Scotch.

    Her trail should be far away from the influence of the United State Senate and their ‘Senator’s Only Club’ that guard each other’s no matter the politics.

    If Hillary is as innocent as she declares she is why doesn’t she seek a trail as actively as she runs from one. She should want her day in court to prove her innocents.

    Let a jury of her peers decided if she is so misjudged or is actually ready for serving time for all her crimes.

  3. If Obama doesn't want Hillary indicted, this mounting pile of evidence that is reported to be in the hands of the FBI on her E-Mail Scandal won't matter at all. No Obama’s approval to the Justice Department to go after her via an indictment, there will be no indictment and Hillary will once again go free and may well end up sitting in the Oval Office at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

    The story now is that the FBI has proof positive that Hillary instructed her staff to “cut & paste” classified documents and even peel-off the classification headers. Reason – to cover her already made up story of not knowing or that the documents were not marked with any classification.

    Friends Hillary Clinton has committed treason at such a high level that she has directly put in life threatening danger some Intelligence Operatives that work for the United States. She has also laid the ground work for the loss of American Intel officer’s lives.

    This lady needs to answer all these charges in a court of law not in the belly of the United States Senate where she will be handled with kid gloves as a former member of the Senate.
