Saturday, November 1, 2014

Americans Are Voting Republican to Save their Country

Sixty-two percent of Americans believe the Senate will return to the Republicans on Tuesday, diminishing any hopes the Democrats had of holding onto the Senate, never mind a miraculous retaking of the House, according to a new Rasmussen Reports survey released on Friday. The 62% result in the survey of 1,000 adults conducted on Wednesday and Thursday was well up from the 54% who felt the GOP would win the upper chamber in early July and from the 44% in early January. Texas Senator Ted Cruz has predicted an "historic election night" -- and, predictably, Democrats are questioning the credibility of the polls that forecast the Republican success. And, there is another poll result to support what America thinks : a new poll shows Senator McConnell taking a solid 5-point lead in Kentucky. ~~~~~ Why are Americans turning to the GOP to lead in Washington? It has a lot to do with their lack of confidence in President Obama to do anything useful domestically or around the world. And they are convinced that Obama is not telling them the truth about anything he is actually doing or why he is doing it. After Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the Fast and Furious gun debacle, Obamacare's "if you like it, you can keep it" lies about doctors and healthcare plans - it's no wonder Americans are leery of Obama and the Democratic Senate majority that supports and protects him. Every "likely voter" poll shows America's fear for its economic future and the chances for finding and keeping a good, or even a decent fulltime, job. ~~~~~ There is also the recent Department of Homeland Security purchase order request for enough paper to print 34 million green cards -- after Obama promised to take the illegal immigrant matter into his own hands by executive order right after Tuesday's election. How did the White House handle this? By laughing at a reporter who asked about an order for a “surge” of immigration IDs of up to 9 million in one year. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the move is no confirmation President Obama will issue a major executive amnesty after the election.“I think those who are trying to read into those specific orders about what the President may decide are a little too cleverly trying to divine what the President’s ultimate conclusion might be,” he said, laughing. ~~~~~ There's also the matter of rising taxes under Obama and his Democrat Senate. The top personal income tax bracket has gone from 35% to 43.4%. Capital gains tax rose from 15% to 23.8%. The dividend tax is up from 15% to 23.8%. And a new 3.8% Obamacare surtax on investment and earned income has been initiated. The estate tax has gone from 0% in 2010 to 40% now for those over the threshhold, which includes many fulltime family farmers. All stifling job growth.~~~~~ We also have the Ebola crisis. Obama and his CDC director began by ignoring it. Then they fumbled the guideline and protective gear balls when the virus appeared in Dallas after an infected man entered the US. This led to two Ebola cases among Dallas healthcare workers, two of whom ignored self-monitoring obligations to stay at home. So did a seasoned NBC doctor-journalist. Rather than imposing mandatory 21-day quarantines and ceasing to grant visas for Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, President Obama has pushed back against "overly restrictive measures," including proposals for travel bans or isolation measures adopted by some states. Obama said two days ago : "Yes, we are likely to see a possible case elsewhere outside of these countries, and that's true whether or not we adopt a travel ban, whether or not you adopt a quarantine. We have to keep in mind that if we're discouraging our health care workers, who are prepared to make these sacrifices, from traveling to these places in need, then we're not doing our job in terms of looking after our own public health and safety." Obama is also is fond of saying that "you can't catch Ebola on a bus." This comment is aleady being debated in the medical community, where there is growing concern that if a person infected with Ebola sneezes or coughs, the virus becomes airborne and can contaminate anyone within 3 feet - how long the airborne virus remains alive and active is not yet clear, although a study with infected pigs done several years ago showed the airborne virus contaminating monkeys who were beyond reach of the pigs' infected bodily fluids and were contaminated by the pigs' airborne virus. Kaci Hickox's quarantine in Maine - and in New Jersey upon her arrival back in the US - led humanitarian groups, including the White House and many scientists, to warn that automatically quarantining medical workers could discourage volunteers from going to West Africa. Here, we should remember that the CDC is an executive branch agency, subject to the President's directives. But, Hickox has been getting negative reactions from many of her own health care colleagues, who say that quarantine is the logical precaution for those returning from a high-risk area, while others are more critical, accusing her of giving nurses everywhere a bad name. Obama's refusal to lay down conservative national guidelines in the face of the deadly virus has forced Governors Chris Christie and Paul LePage to act, as Christie said "to protect [the] safety and health of our citizens.” The Governors of Illinois and Florida followed New York and New Jersey with stronger mandates to monitor returning airline passengers who have been in contact with Ebola patients in West African nations. Dr. Bruce Beutler, 2011 Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine for his work on immunity, says the point of quarantine is to make sure they [Ebola viruses] are not carried elsewhere....For some reason, there’s an imperative to maintain open borders no matter what - to err on the side of total individual freedom rather than on the side of public health,” he said, adding, “If you really want to isolate a disease, then you have to isolate the people who carry it.” ~~~~~ And while Obama and his merry band of White House gurus - and an Ebola czar who has simply vaporized - continue to double down on personal freedom for a tiny minority no matter what the cost to the rest of America, who was it who actually had the foresight to see the dangers of Ebola and do something to neutralize them? President George W. Bush. "Project BioShield” became law on July 21, 2004. The $5.6 billion effort provided “new tools to improve medical countermeasures protecting Americans against a chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear attack,” according to White House historic records. The Ebola virus was among those threats. President Bush had originally proposed the initiative in his 2003 State of the Union address. And the often-vilified Vice President Dick Cheney championed the law. “Cheney feared assaults by bioterrorists could be far more devastating than what happened that day [9/11], and he became an advocate for the appropriation of billions of dollars to stop deadly pathogens. Congress agreed,” says Bloomberg reporter Shannon Pettypiece. “At least seven drugs now being tested - including some used to treat Ebola victims in the US - grew from biodefense measures first approved after September 11.” Slate correspondent Filipa Ioannou says : “Yes, we have Dick Cheney to thank for Ebola drugs.” ~~~~~ Dear readers, with Ebola we see clearly the difference between Republicans and Democrats. While Obama and the Democrat Party believe Americans are sheep to be fed with social subsidies to keep them quiet about their gradual loss of freedom, Republicans know that Americans are a very special set of human beings who love America for its freedoms, personal liberties and unique chance to succeed, and who understand that these freedoms come at a price -- individual responsibility. Not the selfishness of a nurse who sees her bike rides as more important than the health of her fellow citizens. Americans know when it's time to look out for others - as in demanding Ebola quarantines. And they know when it's time to protect their constitutional liberties - as in halting the loss of liberties under Obama and his Democratic Senate. And that's why, after all the analyses, Americans from Colorado to Kansas to Louisiana to Arkansas to Kentucky to Georgia to West Virginia to North Carolina to New Hampshire are voting Republican Red on Tuesday. Don't listen to Democrat political pitchmen. They don't have a clue what America really is all about. Vote Republican. It is a vote for America, that "shining city on the hill."


  1. I applaud your reasoning to vote Republican and let's hope it influences a lot of fence sitters...

    1. Six weeks prior to the first mid-term election (1994) of President Clinton Administration the Republican Party via the leadership of Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich presented to the public the revolutionary “Contract With America” describing in detail the precise plan of the Congressional Representatives in the new session of Congress in January 1995.

      This contract was signed by all but 2 of the Republican House members and ALL of the Republican Congressional candidates.

      To offer specific planned legislation for a house vote was revolutionary. The 1994 elections resulted in Republicans winning 54 House and 9 U.S. Senate seats. When the Republicans gained this majority of seats in the 104th Congress, the Contract was seen as a triumph by party leaders.

      What was really revolutionary with the Contract was that it set forth a specific agenda that the people could evaluate the work of the House of Representatives by.

      When the republicans commit “wholesale slaughter” of the democrats this coming Tuesday such a contract could be presented before the start of business in January 2015???

  2. I want to think that when the chips are all down the way it is now that Americans would always vote their country and Constitution rather than a political party.

    As the coach of my High School football team always said (about football and everything else) ... "When the Going Gets Tough - The Tough Gets Going." A prolific man of words he was. But he was a leader of young men and women, so maybe he had a point

    1. A Stanch ConservativeNovember 3, 2014 at 6:22 AM

      A vote for anyone other than the Republican, no matter who that Republican is, is a vote for Harry Reid and Barack Obama.

      You want to purge the party? Do it from a position of strength. I’m all for a battle royale for the soul of the Republican Party, but not until AFTER the Democrats are vanquished.

      Tuesday, go vote. Vote for the Republicans. Send a message that you are not a moody, unreliable person who will take your ball and go home if you don’t get your way, but that you accept your party’s primary decision. It’s a decision you don’t like. It’s a decision you’ll fight in the next primary if necessary. But for the good of the country, you’ll live in “now” and work for the future.

  3. Britain’s Sir Winston Churchill famously said: “Never have so few, been asked to do so much, for so many, with so little.” If he were around today, he could use those same words to describe this Tuesday’s mid-term election.

    Or as President Reagan said … "You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children's children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done."

    We as citizens have the duty and responsibility to do all we can do to preserve this country. And right now, this coming Tuesday, November 4th, 2014 ALL we can do, All we can be asked to do, ALL that is expected of us is to exercise the right of our free vote and go to the polls early (and if you live in Chicago often) and vote.

  4. John Locke (1632-1704) arguably the most influential political philosophers of the modern period said - "(Tyranny is) ... when the governor, however entitled, makes not the law, but his will, the rule; and his commands and actions are not directed to the preservation of the properties of his people, but the satisfaction of his own ambition, revenge, covetousness, or any other irregular passion". (Second Treatise, Chapter 18).

    This is exactly what the people of the United States have been getting in large measured quantities from the Obama Administration.

    We the people can put an end to this Tyrannical administration by voting for what Obama promised us in 2008 & 2012 – Transparent government –and never intended on delivering it. We can do what the republicans, democrats, independents, libertarian elected official could not do because of what now seems to be nothing more than party affiliation.

  5. "The greatness of America doesn't begin in Washington; it begins with each of you—in the mighty spirit of free people under God, in the bedrock values you live by each day in your families, neighborhoods, and work-places. Each of you is an individual worthy of respect, unique and important to the success of America. And only by trusting you, giving you opportunities to climb high and reach for the stars, can we preserve the golden dream of America as the champion of peace and freedom among the nations of the world."

    President Ronald Reagan: Address to the Nation on the Eve of the Presidential Election
    November 5, 1984

  6. This upcoming November 2014 election is crucial for America and voting for a third party candidate will not achieve the victory. To end the Obama “Rule by Decree” power grab, we have to wrest control of the Senate from the Democrats. The only possible way to do that is for us all to unite and vote GOP.

    Thirty-six seats are up for grabs in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be contested. Of those 36 Senate seats, 15 are currently held by Republicans while 21 are held by Democrats. Clearly, the math is on the Republican side, as is the fact that the incumbent party typically loses seats in mid-term elections.

    What’s my point -- the point is! -- that one of the biggest obstacles to the Republicans regaining control of the Senate, and being able to stand off the Harry Reid/Nancy Pelosi cabal, are those who don’t understand the inescapable fact that the United States has a two-party system. That’s right; count ‘em - One – Republicans and two -- Democrats. There is no number three. Whether it be the Libertarians, the Green Party, the American Independents, or whomever (take your pick -- here’s a list of about 100 of them) -- the other parties are simply not meaningful choices in the equation. They can delude themselves into thinking that they offer a meaningful alternative, a reasonable choice to take a valiant step away from the mainstream political world and offer a wakeup call to America, but that’s all a fallacy. In all of the 230+ year history of the United States, third party candidates for the presidency have won a total of – are you ready? – zero elections.

  7. This November election could well change the course of history. It might even be so critical as to decide the eventual fate of the United States and whether we remain a bastion of freedom or slip into the oblivion of universal entitlement, “Big Brother” government, and rule by decree rather than by the law of our Constitution, only to eventually dissolve into obscurity.

    1. The insistence on a candidate who "inspires" is nonsensical, unless you want a right wing version of Obama. Leave inspiration in the realms of religion, art and culture where it belongs. Politicians whose charisma propels them into the presidency are to be viewed with deep suspicion. A candidate with experience, who has successfully made good decisions in an honest way, is what we need at this point.

  8. In some context most have probably heard the ancient proverb: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” That concept was first published in a Sanskrit treatise on statecraft dating from the 4th century BC. It’s been repeated thousands of times since, not least by Winston Churchill, who went so far as to say, “If Hitler were to invade Hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.”

    If there’s an election in which a liberal Democrat backed by Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, and/or Ms. Pelosi is running for a Senate office and he’s opposed by a Republican, then by definition, the Republican is his enemy! And if you’re opposed to the Democrat liberal, then he’s your enemy too. Hence, by the almost inescapable logic that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, that Republican is your friend -- so get out there and cast your vote for him.

    No matter whether he or she is a Reagan Republican, a Rand Paul Republican or (heaven forbid) a centrist, semi-liberal, barely-knows-how-to-spell-the-word-conservative Republican -- she or he is a better choice than another chip-off-the-horrible-block from whence Reid/Pelosi/Obama came- he/she has to be better! P E R I O D.

  9. It is important that voters of all backgrounds must now openly declare their intention to vote a straight Republican ticket in the next two elections. This is the time to follow that old American tradition: throw the rascals out! These Democratic rascals richly deserve that fate. Their actions while in power amount to a series of disasters for this country and its people — as well as for many people in other countries.

    Mr. Obama has again demonstrated his lack of interest in standing up for the great ideas of western history and policy. This is yet another surrender to the mythical belief that he and the Democratic Party can somehow seduce evil leaders into changing their behavior. They have consistently failed. In this case, they have once again betrayed an ally, Israel, and indeed all those allies who have a sense of realism and of history.

    Obama’s peace in our time may well produce once again a horrible war in our time.

    The continuing disaster of the Obama-Holder misbehavior in the likes of Martin-Zimmerman matter, their failure to deal with black crime and the knockout attacks, the New Black Panther failure, the Fast and Furious gun-running affair, the IRS actions against conservative tax payers, and many, many other scandals.

    I believe that the Obama’s and Holder’s and the Democratic Party are such brilliant and unethical politicians that despite these scandals the odds are that they will prevail at the voting booth again and again — unless the American people take to the voting booths in concerted and open outrage on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 and vote for meaningful change.
