Friday, January 24, 2014

The Obamacare Trainwreck Rolls On

A new Gallup poll report shows that America's uninsured rate dropped modestly this month as coverage expansion under President Barack Obama's health care law got underway, according to the closely watched survey released several days ago. in January, uninsured Americans dropped from 18% to 16.1%. The biggest change was for unemployed people, with a drop of 6.7%. The next largest drop was a 2.6% decline for nonwhites. Traditionally both groups are far more likely to be uninsured than the population as a whole. Americans in these low-cost potential Obamacare sign-up groups have been ambivalent about signing up so far. The uninsured rate dropped by 1.8% for women, well above the 0.6% drop for men. Uninsured rates also fell all along the income ladder, with those making $36,000-$89,999 seeing the greatest drop at 1.8%. Based on interviews with more than 9,000 people, the Gallup numbers could be the first evidence that core provisions of Obama's much-debated law have started to deliver health care access for vulnerable American groups. Virtually all Americans are now required to get coverage or risk fines. Insurers can no longer turn away people with health problems. New state-based markets are offering taxpayer-subsidized insurance to middle-class households. Medicaid sign-ups are also rising, partly because of a program expansion accepted by half the states and partly as a consequence of previously eligible but unenrolled people now forced to comply with the law's individual coverage mandate. Explaining the drop in the uninsured rate, Frank Newport, Gallup's editor-in-chief, said the drop was probably due to the new health care law : "That would be the most reasonable hypothesis." Nonetheless, Newport said it could take a calendar quarter to see a full trend. Other factors could also be behind the shift, including an improving economy. Newport explained : "The glass is half full for proponents of the Affordable Care Act because things are moving in the right direction. But the glass is half empty because things haven't moved much." The drop in uninsured unemployed people "comports with what the Affordable Care Act was intended to do," he added. But the Gallop findings of 2-3 million now covered under Obamacare are far below estimates of the Obama administration, which ranged as high as 9 million people benefiting by buying coverage in the new insurance exchanges. Gallup explained this wide discrepancy by the fact that administration figures include not only people buying coverage in the new insurance exchanges, but also Medicaid enrollees and young adults who can stay on a parent's plan until age 26. Some of those people may have been insured previously and either had to switch coverage because of the law or they joined a new plan because it turned out to be a better deal. The Obama administration has not clarified this. Glenn Kessler, author of the influential Fact Checker blog in The Washington Post warns us not to believe President Obama's claim that 6 million (9 million according to Gallup) people have signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act. Kessler told Newsmax TV that the figure is based on combining a figure of 2.1 million for people who have selected plans on state and federal exchanges, and 3.9 million for Medicaid. "The 3.9 million from Medicaid - that's essentially everyone who signed up for Medicaid in October and November,...But it turns out its two months of numbers have to do with everyone who ever signed up for Medicaid. It really doesn't tell you anything about how well the Affordable Care Act is doing. [It's] somewhat similar to saying you put something in your shopping cart at Amazon and that's what they're counting, all of the things that are in the shopping cart. They don't know how many people actually pushed the button and ordered the item." Another major problem Americans are facing under Obamacare is its provision that employers can opt out of Obamacare for part-time employees. While Obama said this would not happen, there is mounting evidence that Obamacare is stripping health care away from part-time employees. Target, a major retailer, has now Joined Home Depot, Walmart, and others in cutting health care for part-timers, citing Obamacare as the reason. Thus, Target has become the latest high-profile retailer to cut health benefits for part-time workers, citing both low employee participation and “health care reform” in a letter posted on its website. The Minnesota-based discount chain joins Home Depot, Trader Joe’s, Forever 21 and other large retailers in ending health insurance coverage for part-time staff as Obamacare comes into effect. Other companies like Walmart started cutting health care benefits for part-timers long before Obamacare’s January 1st start date. Walmart, the Arkansas-based low-price giant stopped health coverage for those working fewer than 24 hours a week in 2011. Walmart has replaced its health care coverage for all staff with coverage starting after certain periods of service Target explained early this week that fewer than 10% of the chain’s workers are currently enrolled in the company’s part-time health plan, which is available for employees working under 30 hours weekly : “The launch of Health Insurance Marketplaces provides new options for health care coverage that we believe our part-time team members may prefer,” according to Target, which said that each part-timer will be eligible for a $500 cash payment from Target. “In fact, by offering them insurance, we could actually disqualify many of them from being eligible for newly available subsidies that could reduce their overall health insurance expense.” However, workers’ rights advocates are taking issue with Target’s framing of its healthcare changes as an altruistic act : “Major employers like Target should not be looking to taxpayers to subsidize an employee benefit they can more than afford to pay,” said Carrie Gleason, executive director of the Retail Action Project, an activist group that has protested labor practices at Walmart among other companies. “Moreover, Target’s plan is part of an ongoing trend in the retail industry of capping workers’ hours to avoid the employer mandate for insurance,” she said. “The real issue at play here is that employers consistently don’t offer part-time employees health insurance.” Target assured employees there is no plan to cap workers’ hours, writing : “At any time, our team members can talk to their manager about their interest and availability to work more hours. In fact, during the holiday season we offered our year-round part time and full time team members the opportunity to take on additional hours or cross-train to work in other areas. ~~~~~ Dear readers, one thing we do know about Obamacare is that the federal enrollment website serving 26 states went down when it was launched October 1, and it took two months to make needed, but not all behind-the-screen, fixes. We also know that the company in which a friend of Michelle Obama is an executive vice president created the catastrophic website at costs estimated to be near $1 billion. And we know that this company has been fired and replaced by another company with no federal IT contract experience. And we know that both these contracts were entered into in non-bid procedures. Meanwhile, we know that at least 4.7 million people had their existing individual policies canceled because those plans, although preferred by those insured, didn't meet Obamacare's requirements. And, we know that insurers are still reporting glitches in the interfaces between the online enrollment data and insurance company IT systems, leaving many tbousands of Americans with no evidence that they are insured. This has led to individuals having to pay for doctor visits, procedures and prescription drugs. And we know that Americans familiarizing themselves with their new Obamacare health insurance plans are finding that some tightly restrict their choices of doctors and hospitals. And we also know that the bill for American taxpayers will far exceed any figure the Obama administration has nentioned. OBAMACARE - the word that stands for the destruction of the private American health care system. If the next Congress does not repeal it and handle uninsured and underinsured Americans separately, America will soon have government-controlled single-payer nationalized health care. And the best medical care system in the world will have disappeared forever.


  1. Yesterday (Thursday) the 3rd largest Health Care Insurance company -Atena announced that it was withdrawing from patisipation in Ibamacare simply because the poll of potential applicants was not factual as presented by the proponents and spokespersons from the Obama Administration and HHS.

    This is a real setback for Obamacare and could be the opening of the floodgates for other Insurers to follow suit.

    If (and there are) there are monumental lies that are contained in the original Obamacare Act and/or in the act as it now reads after all of Obama's alterations and extensions that he has granted in violation of his authority do
    so - then we can expect more exiting Insurers from the program.

    The methodology for the Obamacare Act to work is for younger people to enroll in the program (in much greater numbers than elderly) and receive very little care, thereby creating an excess if monies to pay for the elderly participants. And simply creating a "zero" deficit program.

    It's not complicate at all ..." The non-users pays for the users" much like Social Security, Unemployment, etc. - dollars in vs equal dollars out

    1. You omitted the cream off the top for the creation if a new department in Washington DC that will cost taxpayers more than the actual program does

    2. The answer is to repeal the law, but will anyone?

  2. Our elected officials passed a 2700 page Obamacare bill - and look at what got us! And look what has been found so far hidden in Obamacare.

    Then nearly the same group if elected officials passed a 1700 page budget bill without reading it. And though we don't know for sure I think we all know what we'll find hidden in the budget bill when full examination takes place.

    What is it - can't our elected officials read or do the leaders not want them to read bills just vote the way the are told by their leadership. Maybe bills should be on audio tapes so that the Representatives and Senators can listen to them while they are in traffic headed home.

    Maybe we need new elected officials in Washington DC!

  3. My problem is with the assertion that the American public is not negligent and will see through the failures of Obamacare. What evidence do we have for this? The American public has resolutely not seen through the creation of the mythic figure of Obama. It has not seen through the catastrophic failure of his economic policy, his policy, if there can even be said to be such policies. They have elected and reelected him based on what they were told by media, the entertainment industry and the celebrity and pop culture.

    At the end of the day, neither Obama nor the media are the biggest problem. The biggest problem is the gullibility of passive compliance with media narratives of the American public. The most recent examples are the poll numbers blaming the GOP for the government shut down. They haven't learned a single simple thing about Obama and how these Chicago politicians work.

  4. There us absolutely NO doubt that as inacted, as it stands today, and as it will be a year or more from now Obamacare is huge disaster. We have been lied to by the president as to what his administrations signature law is all about. We have NO idea what the end game of Obamacare is planned to be by Obama.

    Was our the medical healthcare systems that Americans were satisfied with and was the envy of every nation in such bad of condition that it required a "transplant" of a socialized delivery system unique to the rest if the world.

    Certainly our healthcare system needed a tweaking to make it more available to low income citizens & legal residents. Did we need to throw out the baby with the bath water - no. But we didn't or don't need this giant leap into socialized healthcare.

  5. It is more than marginally obvious today that contrary to all the denials from Obama and all his talking heads that Obamacare was never meant to be the lasting new delivery system for individual healthcare in the United States.

    The failure is/was meant to be all inclusive for the insured, insurance companies, doctors, and healthcare facilities of every imaginable description. The destruction via the Obamacare/Affordable Care Act poison pill was simply the act of starting the dying process (killing it and all healthy functions) for what was the finest healthcare system in the world; thereby creating emptiness in healthcare at every level… leaving an undesirable, unworkable alternative in its place. Remember it has been the progressive's socialists dream since 1912 to introduce national healthcare and control one-sixth of the nation's economy. Now that they are so close to the finish line, they needed one final push to send it home.

    We have a very progressive socialist administration/government negotiating with free market insurance companies and various healthcare providers. If you are on the government’s side of this converting process what is the fastest way to get the entire progression to yourself … simply bury the other side of the negotiations (i.e.: doctors, etc.) in a pile mandates, regulations, and rules that make it nye on to impossible to make a 3% profit.

    Remember, President Obama has said what will make his system work is that millions of healthy uninsured Americans will buy coverage and offset the gigantic expense of the unhealthy. And by the latest enrollment numbers to be broadcast this is far from happening – as predicted before Obamacare was even voted on.

    The old saying that covers any political scandal is … “Follow the money” or in this case the loss of the money.

    Thomas Wolfe said – “You can’t go back home again.” Can we even now go back to what we had as little as 4 years ago or is that underpinning gone forever?
