Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Russia Moves Toward the UN Position on Syria

The Russian Foreign Secretary announced this afternoon that Russia will probably vote in favor of the UN Security Council non-binding resolution that supports UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan's efforts to gain a ceasefire and UN monitoring control in Syria.
While Russia has not yet condemned the al-Assad regime's attacks on its own people, it seems to have agreed to supporting the resolution because it and China will get another non-binding resolution that condemns all violence in Syria and specifically mentions the attacks on Damascus these past days, which have been attributed to the insurgents.
So, with Saudi Arabia supplying arms, and now Russia coming on board concerning UN activities, it may be that events in Syria are reaching an important point. It could mean that al-Assad, who now has only China fully on his side, will realize that his days are numbered, that his regime is defeated, and that he needs to take whatever deal he can get from the UN and international community before it is too late. While al-Assad's actions do not lend support to the idea that he is behaving rationally, perhaps he can understand that by rejecting the possibility of a deal, Ben Ali (Tunisia), Hosni Mubarak (Egypt), and Colonel Qadhafi (Libya) were either arrested, jailed and tried or hunted down and killed.
Even Bashar al-Assad ought to be able to muster the brain power needed to see that he should try to do better for himself, while he still can.
The Security Council vote on the new non-binding resolution may come as early as tomorrow morning. It is still not known how China will vote.
And, a word of thanks to Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, for finally breaking the impasse and moving things toward a resolution for the Syrian people.

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