Monday, February 6, 2012

Russia and China Increasingly Responsible for al-Assad's Syrian Civilian Cleansing

Seventy-four people were killed in Syria today, half of them in Homs where al-Assad forces are continuing their "civilian cleansing" of one of the strongholds of the Syrian freedom movement.
Doctors in makeshift hospitals in Homs were almost hysteric as they shouted at smartphone cameras to help, showing children as young as four dead or missing limbs and eyes. The Syrians out in the streets demanded action, saying there have been enough words from the world, words which have meant nothing to the al-Assad regime.
Russia defends its actions by saying that it wanted to visit Damascus before voting in the UN Security is forced to ask if the visit would have resulted in yet more arms sales to the al-Assad murderers.
China says there should have been more talk before the vote...undoubtedly giving al-Assad more time to finish his butchery so that China could continue on its successful commercial path in Syria and Iran.
It is time for the world to act. This is not a matter of east vs west or north vs south. It is a matter of a continuing mass of crimes against humanity which no human being can watch without wanting to intervene.
The world does not need either Russia or China so badly that they should be allowed to participate in the massacre of an entire population, carried out in public while we stand by, helpless to act because of two Security Council vetoes.
The greatest good would come from staring down these two unprincipled giants so that they will finally understand that the world is not prepared to kowtow to their self-serving and immoral actions in their search for world power and leverage.
Thomas Paine, the great American Revolutionary patriot, said "I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace."
The children of Syria are now dying for the cause of freedom.
Are we virtuous enough...are we honorable enough to help them?

1 comment:

  1. Mr Obama and the entire free world, please, for the sake of God do something.
