Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's Time for the Republican Party Elders to Act

It seems clear now that Mitt Romney has the support he needs to be a viable GOP candidate. Yesterday he took moderate Michigan, but including half the social conservative and one-third of the blue collar vote. At the same time, he won in conservative Arizona by a wide margin and took the Wyoming caucuses.
The talk about a brokered convention has become the dream world of the leaders of the GOP's right wing, who would prefer to lose the presidency rather than to see a moderate Republican elected. And these ideologues are even out of step with their own constituency. In Michigan, many conservative Republicans interviewed yesterday said they voted for Romney rather than for Santorum for two reasons: Santorum is playing the religion card too hard and only Romney can beat Obama in November.
So, Grand Old Party, let's get your act together. There are still GOP party leaders, the people who can muster money, convention support, and statewide action for one candidate or another, and who could, if the want to, make order out of the mess that the Republican primary season has become.
It is time for these leaders to convince Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to drop out of the race and let Mitt Romney carry the GOP colors into the convention and beyond into November.
Gingrich and Santourm are not stupid men. They know they will not win the nomination because Romney continues to out-collect them in delegate votes, and if the contest becomes tight, they surely know that Ron Paul will throw his delegate support to Romney, not to either of them.
So, let's get in line, support Romney, and stop tearing each other apart in a vicious game that will only weaken the GOP's chances in November.
The goal, as we all agree, is not to destroy the GOP. The goal is to defeat Barak Obama and bring back some sanity and American sense to the White House.
Let's get started before it's too late.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, but remember you are talking about the hardcore right wing faction of the GOP. It is their way or the highway. Sad to think they would re-elect Barack Obama rather than do what is right by supporting Mitt Romney.
