Monday, November 8, 2010

Am I Missing Something ??

When I listen to President Obama talk about his plans for the next two years, when I hear Nancy Pelosi say she's staying on as minority leader, when I see political analysts on NBC or BBC or Bloomberg discuss the election results as if the GOP had just barely eeked out a fragile victory, I think I must have been hallucinating on November 2nd. Just to give my hallucinations some flesh -

1. the GOP took 61 House seats and probably more when the last few stragglers are decided.
2. the GOP now holds more state legislatures than at any time since 1928.
3. the GOP won six Senate seats and Murkowski will probably win in Alaska, making it seven.
4. the GOP now has a large majority of sitting governors.

To hear the network media tell the story, it was "the mid-term curse" of sitting presidents - do they really believe O'Donnell is a witch, or what??
The only curse I can find is that Obama, the White House, Mrs. Pelosi, Harry Reid and their adoring media followers were "cursed" into listening only to each other for two years. It led to a debacle that I haven't witnessed before in my lifetime.
So, the GOP and all Americans who wanted to throw the rascals out, and who did so as often as they could on November 2nd, are in for two more years of listening to why the GOP victory was meaningless, why it was possible only because Obama forgot to explain his policies clearly enough (as if we're too dumb to understand his Newspeak), why it will have no impact on the 2012 presidential election, and why it was simply the product of tea partiers whose only joy comes from carrying large signs at rallies meant to destroy the American democratic model.
Ho-hum. It just proves how out of step they really are. The 2010 election stood for getting the Washington mess into some kind of manageable order. It stood for taking back the country from a government hell bent on telling the American public what is good for it even when the public is screaming "STOP". It stood for saving America from the clutches of a faceless leftist-leaning elite that wouldn't recognize a real American if one walked up and bit him.
If you don't believe that, just watch the spin that's about to be put on President Bush's new book and his publicity tour to promote it.
Is Jay Leno the only guy on TV who actually understood the election results. Seems so.

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