Friday, December 20, 2013

Did America Get into its Current Mess All by Itself?

It's Friday. Let's play a game called "What if." (1). What if the drivers in small towns in Pennsylvania and in Texas were forced off a street and into a parking lot so a federal contractor - aided by local police - could quiz them about their road habits and ask for a cheek swab containing his or her DNA because the US federal government is using the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which was hired by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, as a trial run leading to collecting data on every American for a central data bank that would make it impossible for US citizens ever again to be protected by their constitutional right to personal liberty and freedom from governmental intrusion in their lives. (2). What if all the Obamacare website catastrophes and resulting disturbances and confusion in the American health care industry were really intended to force a collapse of the US private health insurance industry so that the federal government could take over the entire sector, forcing all Americans to buy health insurance from the federal government, giving it total control over the American health care system. (3). What if the federal assault on the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the Department of Homeland Security purchase of large amounts of ammunition, as well as the firing of a large number of US military general officers, are all related and the goal is to disarm Americans and cripple the military so that their constitutional right to protest and revolt would be missing when a federal dismantling of the Constitution and a takeover of dictatorial power occurred. (4). What if the absence of a clear and forceful US foreign policy and the nonsensically swift withdrawal of US military forces from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, as well as the mismanaged nuclear negotiations with Iran, were not simple incompetence but a plan aimed at undermining America as a world power so that other forces could fill the power vacuum with their own non-democratic non-western regimes. (5). What if the collapse of American financial institutions and the following Great Recession were not bubbles caused by American greed and innovative but dangerous financial products and practices but were a concerted effort to gut the American financial industry in order to devalue the US Dollar into irrelevance and make it possible for a non-American financial system to replace it. ~~~~~ In short, dear readers, one might wonder if the political, financial and diplomatic turmoil in Washington is really a plan to weaken America and strengthen its enemies. I can't find any period in the history of the United States that had a more potent mix of major negative events and circumstances burst upon the country at one time. Why? That is the unanswered question. Some blame George Soros. Some blame President Obama. But could it be that they are as much victims as Americans are. Could the real culprits be agents of America's enemies? Agents imbedded in American institutions, whose goal is to defeat America from within. Why? That seems easier to answer. Every enemy or philosophical critic of America would be interested in such a plan. But would they need a domestic American ally? Perhaps not - if their agents were already well-placed. And could it be that with the election of a completely inept US President who prefers isolated White House cronyism to real leadership, they saw their chance and took it. Putin? China? Iran and its radical Islam? Separately or together, they have the motives and the resources. Could they be playing on the naive leadership of Barack Obama while their imbedded agents continue to wound America? I hasten to say that I have no inside information or sources. But it is hard to believe that today's America got itself into such a mess all by itself.


  1. I don't want to play this game...

  2. Qui ose gagne (Who Dares Wins)December 20, 2013 at 3:42 PM

    Casey Pops you have never been so right. And the "what if's" possibilities could include so many more incidents that are funny and smell fishy that this administration has desperately tried to sweep under the rug, explain away, or as in Benghazi just bury the 4 bodies.

    I love your game ... maybe Hasbro would make a Monopoly game out of it.But one where you don't go directly to jail or have a get out Jail card ... BUT ONE WHERE YOU GET IMPEACHED AND GO (ecuse me) DIRECTLY TO HELL.


    But seriously you speak a lot of truth that goes unmentioned eleswhere. All theses "potholes" that has suddenly appeared on the high road that we use to travel can not and are not sheer happen stance, now are they.

    There are forces at work here that are recognizable, certainly understandable, but not 100% assignable for fault..

  4. By someone(s) design or by accidental incidences all happening at precisely the detailed time to bring about such problematic occurrence’s? Without a smidgeon of doubt this has been by design.

    Quite possibly the interaction of the planned implosion brought about unplanned or unsought of supplementary implosions that were ancillary and aided the main objective - enhancing the devastation and disturbance of the planner(s). So it occurred and the problems were severe and nearly crippling. Our responses were problematical at best.

    But the genuine question that still lingers and nearly ignored is by W H O M. Who started this series of events and why. And why has it gone on for nearly 6 years now without interruption? Why has the Obama administration been complicate at every turn? I believe that the coordinator of this betrayal of the American system resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC – none other than barrack Obama. Now he is not the originator, that is way above his pay scale, but he is running the show and carrying out his orders.

    Obama is nearly the perfect “Manchurian Candidate” – No traceable past, Periods of his youth that are in direct conflict with each other, Nothing that bonds his life to his to his dispensed accomplishments, A family with nearly as little traceability as his own, “Raised’ by a father that was a devote Muslim terrorists and among others of like thinking, Lies about and contradictions at every turn in his life, etc.

    This is a man who rose to the presidency in the undeviating “public life” imaginable. But still who is this seemingly destructor(s) of America that choose Obama as the front man? I believe it’s none other than George Soros and his band of merry men that find the devastation of countries economic systems to be great fun and games …, along with being very personally profitable.

    Short of Impeachment procedures of Obama we may never know the ‘kingpins name.” But in January 2017 when he is again a private citizen let’s all observer his wealthy life style and know where such sudden wealth came from. Just as his sudden political success came from.

  5. Could it all be blamed on one man - Obama- and as the author Sir Walter Scott said ..

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave,
    When first we practise to deceive!"

    Did a simple small game of extreme politics, knowledgeable in economics and foreign affairs just get away from a Chicago prankster?

    Not only NO, but HELL NO.

    This has been in the works for years I believe. Accidents just happen ... Catastrophes require planning.

    1. Stupid (not knowledgeable) SORRY

  6. “La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas."

  7. When L. Frank Baum wrote in the "Wizard of Oz" ... "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" he had no idea about Obama need to be watched via a microscope.
