Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mother Earth Inching toward a New Year

The gifts are all opened, the turkey's in the oven, and Christmas is winding down. But, the good will and friendship around the world can continue if we remember that we are all brothers.
For some reason I was thinking this morning about the world we live in. During the holiday season, the earth seems to be left out of the celebrations. But, it's very important to keep it in our thoughts.
For every human being, there is some sense that the earth and its bounty are unique and should be protected. That's true and it takes every one of us to make the work effective.
The Creator, however you see him or her, has given us an abundance of beauty and utility that should make our lives happier and fuller. Think about the Rocky Mountains, the Alps, the Himalayas. Think about the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Antarctic and Arctic Oceans. Think about the cows, the bears, the chickens, the lobsters, the coral, the sheep, the earth worms, the eagles and sparrows. Think about the daffodils, the spruce and sequoia, the grass, the wheat and corn and rice and manioc. Think about all of this and be thankful in your fashion.
Be grateful enough to try to do something to help preserve it and make it flourish for the next generations to live on and enjoy. It doesn't have to be great things, just little gestures as we go about our daily lives. We all know what those gestures are - no need to list them.
It's that easy to give the good earth a Christmas gift and a boost for the new year.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to our Blue Planet, and thank you, Creator, for providing it every moment of our lives.

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