Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Democrats and Media Falsely Blame Trump for a Leftist Riot in Albuquerque

The anti-Trump protesters were out in force Tuesday in Albuquerque, determined to be violent. They started by trying to shame Trump supporters going to his rally. Later, they created a riot, pushing through a police barricade and forcing riot-geared officers to protect the entrance to the building and use smoke canisters and pepper spray on them. NBC said the anti-Trump protesters threw rocks and bottles at officers before the police responded. Inside the Albuquerque Convention Center, 4,000 peaceful Trump supporters listened to their candidate. An Albuquerque attorney at the rally told AP rocks were flying through convention center windows as he was leaving. Glass was breaking and landing near his feet. "This was not a protest, this was a riot. These are hate groups," he said of the demonstrators. Later, rioters burned Trump flags and signs and threw rocks and bottles during a tense confrontation after Trump had left the area. No officers were seriously injured, and Albuquerque police spokesman Officer Tanner Tixier said police showed “an amazing amount of restraint." CNN reported only one arrest. ~~~~~ What was truly nauseating was the mainstream media coverage and commentary. No Trump supporters hurled rocks at police and their horses or burned Trump banners or set fires or damaged police cars. But the media routinely blamed Trump for "the violence" because of his "racism and violent language." Charles Blow -- erstwhile New York Times commentator -- gesticulated wildly and shouted down Kayleigh McEnany, who was the only Trump representative on the CNN Don Lemon show, ranting about how Trump's racism and violent behavior encourage riots. She looked stunned, and probably dared not mention that the only violence in the 2016 campaign has been carried out by the Soros-funded ~~~~~ What was downright disgusting was the effort of the leftist media, Democrats and Progressive commentators to blame their own exclusive use of violent political protest on Republicans and Donald Trump. Not one of them asked the hooligans to go home. Not one of them was willing to admit that from Chicago 1968 to Chicago and Albuquerque 2016, every violent political protest has been organized by leftist Democrats and their hangers-on. Hillary Clinton said nothing. Bernie Sanders said nothing. Neither Obama nor Biden nor their White House spoke up for peaceful First Amendment protest as the American norm. Democrat National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was silent. ~~~~~ The Albuquerque riot was not the work of the peaceful protesters who obeyed the police and left. The riot was the work of a small, semi-professional gang of goons, who, we could guess, were paid by MoveOn to create last night's violence, hoping Trump would be blamed. These rioters and the Progressive one-world enablers -- whose money keeps Obama in power, many in Congress quiet and the media compliant -- are the defining characteristic of the Obama era. The riots are not protests run amok. They are the intentional centerpiece, whose goal is to degrade American exceptionalism, reject constitutional morality and defeat the American will to survive. ~~~~~ George Washington was a very moral person, tracking his own faults in a diary and noting where he fell short of his own ideals. It was not an unusual habit among the Founders. They understood political and moral corruption because they saw it in France and England. They knew why the Roman Empire fell. They were historians, politicians and philosophers. They recognized the weaknesses in human nature. But in spite of it all, they believed in an exceptional New World, and they created America. ~~~~~ Dear readers, while America has been deeply damaged, Donald Trump is fighting to save the America of the Founders. Support him. Don't be misled by Progressive lies about him. Don't be afraid of his forceful honesty. We need every ounce of fight, every frontal attack on 'politics as usual' Trump can muster because our enemies are destroying America. Look evil in the eye, feel its corrupt tentacles. Stand with Donald Trump.


  1. It’s the not so nonviolent ‘Equal Rights Marches’ of the 1960’s & 70’s, it’s the ‘Anti-War Demonstrations’ of the late 60’s and 70’s that always turned violent, it’s the mid 1970’s democratic Convention in Chicago that festered until they became brutal confrontations between Police and dissidents. It’s anti Barry Goldwater deeds.

    All paid (by some faction of or loyal to the Democratic Party) demonstrators that are willing to take the Freedom of Speech and the Right to Peaceful Demonstration to limits unimaginable.

    These demonstrations/demonstrators against Trump are against the rights of all, it’s election influence by the few over the many.

    The point of elections and voting is all about nonviolent, citizen interference in the ebb and tide of which way the government is moving. And it doesn’t happen only every 4 years, no, it happens in primary elections and then general election every year directed at some level of government.

    This is how and when citizens demonstrate against governments and elected individuals – not by taking to the streets disrupting lives, not violence on school campus, not by blocking law abiding citizens from their place of employment, or their ability to conduct personal business.

    Our republic is set up that voting is how we hire, fire, and change the level of infringement of government in our lives.

  2. It’s not the false blame game, nor is it Albuquerque, or NYC, or Miami, or even Podunk, Idaho. It’s the nature of the leftist attacks and what they are based on.

    Politics firstly need to have upstanding people, that’s a given I believe. And maybe if you don’t have a squeaky clean background then maybe you should consider another profession other than living off the taxpayers money and passing laws that are un-needed and un-wanted. If one background is really dirty then there is always the car wash over on Main Street.

    And, secondly politic isn’t about personalities, it’s about policy and vision and honor. It’s about wanting to serve your country but not in uniform of a soldier. That’s messy getting shot at, maybe dying, up early, and work, work, work.

    But the Left wants to win by attacking the private lives, and personalities of all that oppose their own gutter politics. But if you’d slide quietly into the left’s gutter you’d be surprised to find all those who practice name calling down there wallowing in the mud that they claim they are trying to clean up.

  3. With MoveOn money already flowing like an open faucet what can we look forward to to in the General Election?

    Is the 2016 already been bought and paid for by George Soros and many other foreign countries be holding to the Clinton Foundation?

    How about capping presidential elections at $2.00 per vote from the previous election?

    Have the fictions votes already been cast and will the real Vites be dumped in some land fill someplace?

    A thousand questions and no answers
