Friday, November 11, 2011

Consider Mitt Romney's Positions before Jumping on his Bandwagon

We all know by now, and some of us are tired of hearing, that the media says Mitt Romney is the person who will be nominated to represent the GOP in the 2012 presidential election.
But, just before everyone jumps on the bandwagon, let’s do a little review.

1. RomneyCare was the formula for Obamacare. Neither has worked, both have raised health care insurance and costs (in Massachusetts by 52%), and both are versions of socialized medicine, under which every person must buy insurance or pay a fine. Does the GOP really want to hear Obama thanking Romney in every campaign speech for giving him the idea for Obamacare?
2. CBS News says that Romney raised business taxes by $300 Million while governor of Massachusetts. Is this the way to create jobs?
3. Government spending in Massachusetts increased by 7.6% in 2006 and 10.2% in 2007 under Romney. Is this the work of someone who says he’s for smaller government?  
4. While Romney was governor of Massachusetts, the legislature passed the first law in the US to regulate carbon omissions. Is this the way to make America energy-independent?
5. While governor of Massachusetts, Romney appointed more Democrat than Republican judges. Is this conservative action at work?
6. Romney, when running for governor, said, “We do have tough gun control laws in Massachusetts - I support them…I believe they help protect us, and provide for our safety.” Are these the words of someone who would support the Second Amendment?
7. Romney once said that he is more pro-life than Ted Kennedy. What more is there to say?

So, let’s try to be thoughtful, and look for a Republican candidate who actually represents the GOP, and is not a weak-sister version of Barak Obama.

1 comment:

  1. I don't play a musical instrument, so how can I jump on a bandwagon especially with someone that slick...give me my Hermie anyday
