Friday, May 15, 2015

Obama's Progressive Vision for America and the Constituency He Has Created to Make It Succeed

Karl Rove, well-known GOP political advisor and analyst, wrote an essay that appeared in the Wall Street Journal yesterday. It was titled "The Democrats’ Baffling Behavior." In it, Rove talks about President Obama's "lashing out" at Democrats in the way he used to attack Republicans. ~~~~~ Concerning President Obama, Rove says : "I’m baffled by his attack on Senator Elizabeth Warren in a Yahoo interview last weekend over her opposition to granting him trade-promotion authority [TPA]. Mr. Obama claimed 'her arguments don’t stand the test of fact and scrutiny,' rejected her logic by snapping he would 'have to be pretty stupid' to do what she alleges, and then dismissed her by saying, 'the truth of the matter is that Elizabeth is, you know, a politician like everybody else.' By having her intelligence, judgment and motives questioned, Warren is getting a taste of what it has been like to be a Republican in the Obama era." Karl Rove has a point in saying that the President’s attack on Warren "made no strategic sense," although 'tactical sense' might describe it better. Obama's attack undoubtedly helped Senate Democrats find the votes on Tuesday to temporarily block bringing the TPA out of committee for debate, although Obama has since brought his Democrat Senators back into line and the TPA debate will begin. ~~~~~ The President later said his feud with Warren was not "personal." But, if you ask Speaker John Boehner and other congressional Republicans who have felt the malice in Obama attacks, they surely would say it felt personal. Obama meant to weaken them by belittling their intelligence and making them and the GOP look silly. Obama's goal before last November when the GOP took control of the Senate - the GOP has controlled the House since 2010 - was to keep the House from forcing his hand on Obamacare, tax policy, the budget and debt ceiling, his withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, and his reducing the military budget and firing military general officers who disagreed with him. Those tactical goals, although not those any conservative would agree with, were recognizable as supporting the Obama strategic agenda. But, he is now applying the same tactic to congressional Democrats, especially Senator Warren, who has emerged as the leader of the far left progressive wing of the Democratic Party. ~~~~~ Why? Rove asks. My answer is that Barack Obama does not accept that the end of his presidential term will also be the end of his political dominance. He and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi represent the post-Clinton Democratic leadership. They have spent America into near-oblivion fiscally in order to buy and hold what they see as their voter base -- young, black, hispanic, LGBT, women, even illegal immigrants - the Obama Constituency. By giving governmental preference to their social and religious views and by parceling out to them sufficient benefits to keep them in social, ethnic and racial 'ghettos,' Obama is making them slaves to his view of the future. Reid and Pelosi, both in their 70s, are coming to the end of their useful political lives. Only Obama is left to carry on. And he does not want an ascendant Elizabeth Warren to scoop up and benefit from the fruits of his labors. That's why there are no young Democratic governors, senators, mayors or representatives geared up to run against Clinton. Only Vice President Joe Biden, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and former Virginia Senator Jim Webb - all over 70 except O'Malley - represent the Democratic Party’s puny effort to challenge Hillary. Obama's tactics have eliminated challengers and, according to most Democratic analysts they have left the state and local pre-Obama Democrat apparatus in a shambles so that the pipeline that leads to national prominence is almost empty. Only the computerized Obama Constituency list remains. And he refuses to share it with the Democratic Party or Hillary. Obama's tactical actions fit his strategy perfectly -- clear the Democratic field so that only he remains. Obama knows that Hillary will likely be beaten - she is old, mistrusted, and tied to his failures. Failures that don't weaken him as they do Hillary because the Obama Constituency doesn't care about them. Obama is willing to trade a few years of a Republican presidency and Congress while he prepares to intervene with his Obama Constituency. If that happens, Barack Obama will use his Constituency to lead America to a progressive place it has never been and from which return will be all but impossible. ~~~~~ Dear readers, if all this sounds too fantastic to be true, consider where America is today after six years of an Obama presidency. More than 2/3 of Americans think the future is bleak. Jobs are not coming back as they have after other recessions. The military labors under an Obama budget that has reduced the Army to World War II levels and the Navy to World War I levels. Partnership with Iran has become the goal of America's Middle East policy. China threatens America not to interfere with its aggressive South China Sea presence. Russian President Putin menaces eastern Europe and the NATO alliance. But, then ask yourself -- does the Obama Constituency care about any of this? Very little, if at all. And, Obama's belittling tactics toward the cable media networks he cannot control as he does mainstream media, Fox News in particular, are meant to keep his Constituency uninformed and solidly with him. Baffling? I think Obama's strategy and tactics are perfectly clear. He has created a Democratic Party in which a black President, whom no one can criticize without being called racist, is forging his own nightmarish vision of the American future.


  1. Obama's dream for America is one of stagnation of any progress for any social group - especially those poor unfortunate souls who believed his lies and deceit all aimed at his fractured dreams of welfare for all.

  2. Obama's Progressive Vision for America and the Constituency He Has Created to Make It Succeed

  3. De Oppressor LiberMay 16, 2015 at 8:36 AM

    Marco Rubio’s campaign webpage prominently features this assertion: “nothing matters if we aren’t safe.” Nothing?

    Maybe I’m being oversensitive to this kind of appeal, and I realize it’s just election-time sloganeering, but placing the goal of “safety” – either domestically or abroad – above all things is one of the most vacuous promises of American political life. The fundamental problem, a person might argue, is that everyone is trying to make sure we’re always feeling unsafe as a means of disregarding what actually is fundamentally important.

    Every freedom that we Americans have that is not shared 100% by any other nation. Freedoms that we as “One Nation under God” have been fight for almost continuously since 1774.

    Now, I get that Rubio is probably arguing that there needs to be a level of security for a citizenry to flourish. This is, indeed, one of the fundamental jobs of any nation.

    The Obama administration’s has long argued that, if Americans didn’t subscribe to its prescriptions, an economic collapse was imminent; if we didn’t vote for Democrats, that women would once again be second-class citizens; and if we didn’t support Obamacare, even those of you who could somehow traverse our crumbling infrastructure and reach a doctor would soon be dying in the streets without medical insurance. And all Obama declarations of fear and impending disaster have all been political. Because he has actually only assisted in the creation for this fear and lack of safety.

    Obama has a bad record of conducting policy driven by fear. Often it means unending projects that empower those in charge to do whatever they like whenever they like and push policies that make us less free but not all that much safe

    Obama's and his constituency would have us be in fear every day but also believing that he will deliver a "utopia" to our front door - TOMORROW!

  4. There used to be a joke that Bill Clinton would each morning wet the tip of his finger, hold his hand high to see the direction of the wind of public opinion was blowing and then follow that for the rest of the day. Saying he made policy based on public opinion. And that was thought to be terrible.

    But for the past 6 plus years Obama has been making policy based solely on his view of the world as he saw it – not as it existed. His aim was to assault the Constitution, the Rule of Law as he saw necessary to produce a United States in his welfare driven, progressive Socialist thinking.

    He has been on this nearly uninterrupted path now since January 20, 2009. And at every turn his non-existent foreign policy and economic policies have been one failure after another. All shored up and polished a bit to look better than they ever were by his continual lying and quickly slipping from failed plan into a newly created situation.

    He and his minions are all nothing more than chaff in the political arena of ideas and positive action.

    Obama has had a life of failures , while all the while convincing himself that he and he alone is the last great hope for American values. Values that he knows NOTHING about – never has and never will.
