Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Romney in a Landslide

It’d be easy to predict who’s going to be elected in the American presidential election on November 6. Just wait until the last week of October and read the polls.
But, before the conventions, before the September campaign gets into full swing, before the October debates, before the political ads spewing onto the TV screens turn into “I Robot vs. Transformer 3” -- I’m going to make my prediction.
Mitt Romney will be elected President by a margin wide enough to be called a landslide. I think it will be something like Romney 55% - Obama 45%.

Why am I so sure that I’m willing to be held accountable now? Here’s my reasoning :

- Mitt Romney, even when he’s angry, is a calm, confidence building person whom we want to believe because we trust him to tell us the truth -- Obama looks and uses sound bites that are so slick at times that it’s impossible to believe that he’s sincere or can be trusted.

- No matter what Obama says or how he tries to manipulate the numbers, he has failed miserably on the economic watch and the unemployment figures, sad and troublesome to be sure, will betray his failure -- Romney will provide the answers that Americans know will work to restore the economy and create jobs. There is simply no way Obama can avoid this hole in his presidency except by reverting to bigger and bigger lies, something that will finally disgust American voters and defeat him.

- Obama’s scare campaign about Medicare and Social Security and the budget and taxes will blow up in his face when VP candidate Paul Ryan gets his numbers and explanations out into the public eye -- and if Biden is dumb enough (and he is, make no mistake about that) to raise these issues during the October VP debate, he will be swamped by Ryan.

- If Obama tries to attack Romney and Ryan on foreign policy weakness, it will be tossed back at him, because he had “zero” foreign policy experience, and in fact little real world experience of any kind, when he was elected in 2008, and so in attacking the GOP team, he will be attacking himself. When Americans get into the voting booth, they are going to ask themselves, “Why did I ever vote for him?” The long silence in their hearts and heads will make them vote for Romney.

- The major spokespeople for Romney (Rubio, Jeb Bush, Christie, McCain, Pawlenty, de Mint, Trump, Gingrich) are all articulate and down-to-earth people who come across as being sincerely interested in their country -- Obama’s spokespeople (Axelrod, Reid, Pelosi, it’s hard to name others) are political pro’s with sharp huckster-like tongues whose word is not as sincerely delivered or credible. Of course, Obama has Bill Clinton, but the autumn will tell us just how far Bill is willing risk his own reputation to save the skin of a man who was very unkind to Hillary and who Bill disliked until he felt like getting back on the campaign trail, mostly in behalf of Hillary and his own stature.

Michelle Obama joined her husband on the campaign trail in Iowa today. She introduced him to one audience by saying:
“It all boils down to who you are and what you stand for...we all know who my husband is, don’t we? And we all know what he stands for.”

Although Michelle probably didn’t realize it, Mitt Romney had provided the answer before she asked the question. At a campaign appearance earlier in the day, Romney said
“President Barak Obama’s campaign is being driven by division, attack and hatred...he is running just to hang onto power and I think he would do anything in his power” to remain in office.

And, of course, there is the Biden card, which could be played again and again to the dismay of Obama and the pleasure of Romney. Vice President might even threaten, as he did yesterday to a racially mixed audience in Virginia, “to put y’all back in chains.”

Romney 55% - Obama 45%.

You heard it here first.


  1. I think you have taken dead aim on that nail head again Casey Pops and just hit another one out of the ball park.

    I believe that anything less than a 55/45% Romney win would by election day be considered by the main stream news as lucky and worthy of a recount in any swing states with very close results.

    There was once a Soap Opera on Tv that started with the line - "The sands of time..." Well the sands of time have already begun to shift to Romney-Ryan and for the good of this great country.

    Romney won't be able to repair all our ills in the first term. But success will grant him a second term. As Gov. Romney said just yesterday - We will have energy independence at the end of our second term". He will not tell the citizens of America a lie just to win their support. he will tell us how "bitter" the medicine will be for recovery, but he and Ryan will be standing there with a glass of water to help wash it down. And they will offer a lollypop after we've taken our medicine. Good doctors use to do that - remember!

    I have never doubted the ability of American to heal itself or others problems. But I have to admit that a few weeks ago Ireland was looking good for retirement.

    Not now. We are back on track and rolling down the rails to victory.

    Thank you for another good read.

  2. I can only hope you are absolutely right. That would be terrific. I'm afraid there will be much mud between now and the vote. It would be nice to just stand on the truth.

    You definitely make sense to me. It's so easy to get into debt, but it's tough getting out. There will be a cost to get us back on track, and we can do it.

    I like anonymous' idea about the lollypop after the medicine. I hope Romney, and Ryan, will take their share of the medicine too. It's always easier to do something when we are all doing the same thing.

    When I worked I liked to work for someone that worked too, I felt like I was part of a team. That's what we'll have to be to win a team.
